Monday, March 28, 2005

Palm Tree Bathroom Theme

The addiction has been satisfied ...

... in other words, I now have internet in my room. ;) Pictures will come soon - no later than tonight. It's not like I had to do too much ...

Note to self: I need an avatar.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Usb Foot Webcam Driver


gave it a small earthquake on Sunday, but we have here in Kumamoto been hit much. Only for those who have made real concerns. ;)

There will be a correct entry (probably be even with pictures) very shortly, but for now it stays here.

Internet in my room I get the end of the month or mid-April, by then there will not be many entries here - I give to my paranoia and do not write while I'm sitting in a public computer room. ;))

Monday, March 21, 2005

Age Of Empires 2 No Cd 2.0a

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-21T22:13:00

move tomorrow.
today gave the phone on time.
last all night could sleep - cry, then she heard his voice and, as a child, she fell asleep ..
even today I found a fan.
how to explain to the young man that he did not shine? tact, but that he would understand ...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Blueprints On How To Build A Aviary

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-21T00:35:00

tomorrow couples ... get up ...
tomorrow will be a new life.

Tablets That Contain L498

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-21T00:33:00

How To Repair A Bumper Gash

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-21T00:29:00

as fold picture here?
tell me plz ...

Repo Vehicle Auctions In Ca

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-20T23:08:00

actually I have it (this song) did not hear even)))
but the chorus gay))

Somewhere beyond the seven seas there is a golden country,
year round summer, smiles, and bananas.
Tonight I will be visiting there,
If you still not over fenozepam.


I'm on the beach, on the far shore,
I still run out of this cage.
I'm not shore, never coast,
I'm losing they ran their pills.

Then say, harder to takeoff,
and smear on a wall,
Then say, was a man,
and run the sale.

Ho duty pharmacy night disco,
Bad movies, bad dreams.
live in this stupid scheme,
the morning fearing the dawn,
In the cold world we are all doomed ...

And somewhere beyond the seven seas there is a golden country,
year round summer, smiles, and bananas.
Last night I was there,
If you still not over fenozepam.

I 95 Tourist Attractions

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-20T22:42:00

Monday turn on oatmeal. Sir.

pain threshold for women is 8 times higher than among men.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Dountless Elite Cystern

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-19T00:15:00

you - a woman, you are - man, you - the young man and, indeed, - a girl.

you - the old man, waddling with a stick, you - (new) birth, rotating in a e side.

4. (You) - bluebird, green (the bird) with red eyes (cloud) with a zipper in (his) lap, seasons, sea.

you - without beginning, благодаря вездесущности; от (тебя) рождены все миры.


Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen In Bath Tub

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-18T22:44:00

Thomas Bannenberg

The philosophy of yoga is only a few thousand years old. has found in her body-oriented form, as the global
Hatha Yoga distribution, the goal of exercising in the body
is to get moving and free of tension and again to lead to such a state. Any physical
Attitude is always an expression of the inner being of the people. Conversely
act selectively applied external attitudes positive effect on our mood and our
feeling - and with regular repetition on our thinking.

Thus, the objective of which Hatha Yoga wants to achieve through the various exercises as summarized
: in a moving body is a free spirit.
It is not about the separation of body, mind or soul, but of the unit.
"Yoga" is a word from the Sanskrit (ancient Indian dialect), meaning "connection".

addition to a large number of very different postures, with simple stretching exercises begin
and lead to some very complex attitudes for advanced play, especially the respiratory
a large role in practice.

The basis of all practice is changing the principle of tension - relaxation.

children practice like yoga because it is their natural urge to move
offers new possibilities of physical self-awareness.
Even as early as preschool age from about three years, children can practice yoga with appropriate guidance.
in my group and in kindergartens, in which I teach are in addition to "inconspicuous" children
mostly those with problems such as insomnia, poor concentration, Stuttering, with
sensory-motor deficits and behavioral problems, but also children
with asthma, cystic fibrosis, or migraine.

Here I am building a yoga unit is always on so that I at first the children moving ice-breakers, but also to
"Abtoben" offering.
followed by the actual yoga postures that are concluded with exercises
breath awareness and relaxation.
The end of a unit with a brief meditation as a candle in the middle of our
round or a fairy tale or a fantasy trip.

act but when it postures of yoga on children with known problems or even
Learning disabilities?
Often these problems is an internal state of stress based on the children, which is based on their
person, but also in their social environment.

Since during a yoga moves unit of about 30 minutes in children of preschool age, the whole body
, stretched and stretched, will solve itself "almost alone" by the
outer (= physical) practice, the inner tension.
this I make sure that children do not stop the air when they will be strenuous, perhaps, learn
but with much joy and pleasure to see how her mood improves when they snort
make a right vigorously or wheeze can.
Already by the intense breathing out a great many psychological stress is relieved and discharged.
This is playful, by practicing as a strong wind can whistle through the hills.

First we make our gegräscht slightly back, stretch the arms to the ceiling and try to feel like a "mountain".
We feel our connection to Earth and have a "large and lofty as the Alps".
Then we let the wind come and breathe in through your nose and let the wind noise by a
breath on a long "PF" arise. This is
stimulated diaphragm activity and the children automatically breathe deeply and off.

has blown away the clouds, the wind, the sun shines again, we perform a large stretching movement of the arms, we
in a circle from the inside out pose.
radiates the same time, the sun and from our face, that we have the eyes wide open and
us laugh with each other.

Just below the mountain peaks, the mountain forest. The children represent trees here again
feel their connection to the earth and let the branches (= arms) gently swaying in the wind.

The "classic" tree posture of hatha yoga, where we stand on one leg, would the children are
overwhelming. Therefore, this "one leg" rather than "Stork" Therefore, with raised leg on the
lurks a frog or runs with staksendem step through the grass.
If the "stork" discovered a frog, he leans far forward and takes him down with a long beak
(= arms) and stretches back a long way up, so the frog hinuterrutschen the long neck
can. Of course the frogs do not eat simple, so
bounce all the "frogs" as fast and far it goes to safety.

A good hiding place is the reeds at the edge of water, we stand upright and push each other down the
hands up slowly, as the reeds now drives from a flower.
When in late summer, the wind through passes (with a slight "hu", which again stimulates the
exhalation and total respiration deepened) fly the seeds through the air:
with the fingers, we mimic the movement and slowly into the squat , until the fingers touch
/ seed the ground. Now we make very small, because now we are
the seeds in the soil and wait for winter to pass. We are slowly building again,
that we grow as new reeds in the spring until we meet again very long stretch to the ceiling.

From the observation of nature, plants and animals, the Hatha Yoga developed in India.
We find very many Exercises with evocative names like the lion, the mountain,
the crocodile that Kuhmaul and the tortoise.
Origin of Hatha Yoga is the child's perception is very close and similar, as well
children want what they see around them imitate.
By the conscious actions they do so very different.
The weak child feels himself to actually practice as a strong lion,
the fragile child is a mighty mountain.
The breathing exercises are reduced internal stresses and the fact that we are not in yoga
in each unit to introduce something completely new, but familiar to repeat and supplement
other exercises recognizes a learning weak child's ability and (perhaps) learn also
his way:
just as all of us is easiest, because we have already done as an infant:
access by working to our environment and us is to he live.

helps the perception of their children to experience the "essence" of hatha yoga, the philosophy as spiritual exercises
background of intense and direct.
stands in contrast to the cognitive training for adults not in the foreground, but the emotional-spiritual
immediately, so we the children are perhaps even closer to the
roots of yoga. Due to the various movements and postures des Hatha-Yoga wird eben nicht
nur die Motorik und Körperwahrnehmung gefördert, sondern auch Konzentration und Lernverhalten.
Auf einer tieferen Ebene erfahren die Kinder Hilfe auf ihrem Weg der Inkarnation in dieses Leben.

Kinder üben nicht Yoga, sie erleben ihn.

Amoxicillin Rectal Bleeding

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-18T22:30:00

my sadhana flies under the cat's tail. just stopped by a girl who also practiced. tomorrow go to her tea, she could help, although I know it all just by itself. Chetri how hard it is to deal with fur beast sitting inside.
as I was in such a state can still teach? I think it is only fair to say this out loud. Enough already pretend that I'm an ostrich ..
awareness .. this word has become the most strange for me proyavleenii ...
prasidam bhagavatyambam pasidam bhakta vatsale prasadam kuru me devI adyA KalI namastu te

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Nikon Wide Angle Adapters

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-17T23:24:00

he went to bed. He temperature. I now too, but I will not say. Tomorrow we are late VTAN and start with love, although it and harmful to the temperature)
and today I am going to read the mantras and burning candles, and can be as dazhevspomnyu felt before.
lie down and press a hot hot ..

Weddingbed Decorations Ideas

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-17T22:41:00

readers collection of medieval stories of China.
of Annotated:
... permanent peronazhi this prose - a fox-werewolves, dead, fairies, dragons, every kind of undead, resembling of ancient Chinese mythology ...

well ... to werewolves and undead, I do not come down until everything is very elegant and beautiful ... peonies, chrysanthemums, Emperors ...

Qin Chun

Notes on Mount Lishan

"... The gardens were mostly pions, one of them, descended through the efforts of Ian beckoning, at the time veyshutsinya and called red peonies Yang family, its petals were of a scarlet hue. Sire long admired the flower. he once told evnuhuGao Lishi bring guyfey that pion.Guyfey just imposed a blush. She touched the flower by hand - and rumyanai paint from hands immediately imprinted on the petals. The Emperor was a witness to this the scene and asked guyfey why it happened. Guyfey explained that rumyanilas.Gosudar commanded to put one before the spring peony farmstead. Stop all the pores spring when the peonies blossomed on the flower petals were visible fingerprints guyfey. The Emperor wondered and sighed, ispugvnny this sign of spirits. as soon Sire guyfey called to the feast, he named in her honor that flower - Peony, which is stained by touching. " On this occasion, the Chamber Music composed song. how great was the influence guyfey the emperor, and said other sluchay6 when during the Kai-yuan started melting of the new coins, guyfey were allowed on them Mena put your fingernail. The custom is preserved to this day ... "

" ... And tell another story, "continued the old man. Once guyfey (Guyfey is one of the highest ranks of the palace concubines) bathed in the pool. out of the water and began looking at myself in the mirror. Skirt, skirts in those days were svysokly waist, slipped, and was exposed chest. The Emperor touched her, and suggested FIHM An Lushan game in parallel phrases, good topic was at hand. not letting go of the breast guyfey, he graciously said: "Soft and warm, just myso just beheaded rooster."
Guyfey had found no answer. An Lushan, that stood beside him, said:
- Invented feedback phrase: "Wet and cold, as if freshly made goat cheese."
Guyfey laughed:
- now believe it when they say that the barbarians of the tribe and only xy know that my goat cheese .- emperor was in good spirits happy. "Thus ended his fourth story the old man.

Receiver On Litex Fans

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-03-17T19:33:00

dark. is still warm. lightweight spring shoes, not for long. again slush and obsession coolness priydut hand in hand. as two old, but not close friends ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Post Flu Digestion Problems


morning's release it is.

I will then arrive at 15:15 local time in Kumamoto (7:15 on Thursday morning in Dtld). According to the Japanese coordinator on Thursday not happen too much, I should therefore be possible on a PC with Internet access get their hands and tell the world that I have a) survived the flight, b) the bus that brings me to another airport , have found and c) homesick. ;)