Thursday, September 27, 2007

Navyfield Calculator Base

in Prague PRAGUE - Nazi rally AVOID! 10:11:07

anti-Semites! Everywhere!
against the Nazi march in Prague for 10th at 10.11.2007

the November to plan the "Young National Democrats" (Mladi Národní Democrat), a march through the Jewish Quarter in Prague. In their call to emphasize the Nazis, that the march should go along the synagogue and it's time was "that the rabbi again" black-white-red "flags to see." (These flags are in the Czech Republic largely understood as the standard of National Socialism.) Even German Nazis expressed from the world of outdoor workers in Saxony and Thuringia, already, participate in it to do.

The "Young National Democrats" have an organizational structure to be understood as part of the "Narodni Odpor" (NO, National Resistance). This is the most important organization in the party-free spectrum Czech Nazis dar. addition, he is the successor organization of the Czech section of the international Blood & Honour "network. Repeatedly occurs the "Nardoni Odpor" produced by aggressive anti-Semitic incitement. Sun sent them on the international Holocaust Memorial Day 2006 "open letter" to her "dear friends in the Islamic Republic of Iran." In this letter, the state of Iran is glorified, lit his "leadership" and referred to as the "criminal state of Israel" rushed. The denial of the Holocaust and thus also the solidarity with other international Holocaust deniers is an integral part of the activities of NO.

Cooperation between the Czech and German Nazi movement is traditionally good. The visit Saxon Nazis at concerts, one side of the border, an integral part of the right lifestyle. The now banned organization "SSS" (Skinheads Saxon Switzerland) is said to be the formation of fully automatic weapons in a neighboring country to host. But the comrades from the Czech Republic to give specific dates in Germany come together. Whether Nazi demonstrations in Wunsiedel, Dresden, half or Jena - representatives of the "Narodni Odpor" without ever missing. So were the people at the festival in 2007 in Jena about 120 Czech Nazis present.? In Prague
formed in many spectra is now opposition to the planned Nazi demonstration. The Jewish Community of Prague and other civil society groups announced opposition activities and request a ban on the Nazi march. Prague's anti-fascists are calling for a blockade.

We will not tolerate the Nazis, whether to march from the Czech Republic or Germany. Therefore we call for the numbers to go to Prague in order to show clearly what we think of anti-Semitism. It can only be a matter of preventing the deployment by all means. Not a foot of the anti-Semites! Either in Prague or anywhere else?
One day before the planned Nazi demonstration in commemoration of the anniversary of Kristallnacht. Therefore, we call not only to stop the Nazis. We also call on to show on this day of solidarity with the State of Israel since its founding is currently used by anti-Semites always asked in his very existence and threatened.
We intend in any way to have spread a day away after the commemoration of the Kristallnacht anti-Semites, their incitement.
We therefore consider it explicitly as legitimate by all means to oppose the Nazis and to stop their march.
We therefore support the call to the Antifa Prague to block Nazi march.

anti-Semitism against anyone - anywhere!
Nothing is forgotten and no one!
Come on 10.11.2007 to Prague and take a stand against the Nazis!


more: (english) -mzdomova-antifa-Blokada-propagace-akce.html (cesky) (map with route)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Song They Sing In Darts

Russia: Information about the arrested anarchists Petersburg

two anarchists from St. Petersburg and Didigow Hassan, a Chechen from
Novgorod, continue to be held in jail in Novgorod.
you are suspected of the Neva Express train in the region of Novgorod in the
have blown air, which on 13 August 2007 is done.
According to the law, terrorism suspects detained for 30 days, but
we demand their immediate release.

On 26 August took place the traditional vigil of the anti-war Committee
in the center of Petersburg. activists held banners with the slogans
"Freedom for Andrei and Denis Kaljonow Selenjuk!"
and "witch-hunt in 2007," they distributed leaflets about the case and collected
money. Up to 50 people took part

(pictures here: )

On 28 August, held in Moscow anarchists
human rights activists and war resisters a vigil in solidarity with the
Petersburg anarchists. The vigil was not officially approved
, about six people were arrested and spent a night
on a police station.
The next day, tried to organize the anarchists another vigil to
, but the Moscow cops they let their minds again
not comment.

On 29 August ended his hunger strike Andrej Kaljonow, as his health deteriorated

ABC Petersburg
participants of the Anti-War Committee


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