Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stain Removal Green Peas

Farewell of Slav

Based on an article in Wikipedia.

Farewell of Slav - Russian patriotic march composer and conductor Vasily Ivanovic Agapkina. Marsh was written Agapkina influenced the First Balkan War (1912-1913). It was first performed in autumn 1912 in Tambov.

Submit march combines the life-giving hope for the future victory, and awareness of the bitterness of imminent loss of future battles. The title of the march reflected one of the hardest tests, which confer all of the war on women - to accompany their men to war and believe in their return.

Because Kiev record labels "Ekstrafon" the summer of 1915 released a gramophone record of this march, he quickly gained fame and popularity [citation needed] in Russia. Under the music went on the shelf fronts of the First World War. Very quickly, the melody of the march, and received worldwide fame: it began to carry out military bands Bulgaria, Germany, [citation needed], Austria, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Yugoslavia and other countries.

Marsh "Farewell of Slav" remains popular and after the October Revolution of 1917, especially in the white camp. During the First World War to the music of the march was composed by volunteering song ("auxiliary You nurtured us and ... "), which reached us in its original form and in two alterations of the Civil War: the song of student battalion in the Volunteer Army and "the Siberian March - a march of the Siberian people's army, then the army of Kolchak

The parade, held on Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941, consolidated military band conducted exactly Vasily Agapkin. Sounded a march "Farewell of Slav" during the parade - a moot point. Orchestra musicians are consolidated at the meetings with the cadets of the Military Department of the conductor insisted that the march sounded. Budyonny also claimed in his memoirs that the march was performed. The book Sokolova "Farewell of Slav" (Moscow, Soviet Composer, 1987) the author mentions the march in the parade - "... One thought took the whole thing. It is necessary to bring the sounds of music to a depth of soldier's heart that would support the force of fighters, the hour is a fair retribution. Combined orchestra played "Farewell of Slav." Patriotic Melody the march was in harmony with the thoughts and feelings of soldiers, and each took away from Red Square in memory of her high spiritual order, inspiring rush ... Neat rows were soldiers.. " Next comes a description of the famous stories of primerzshimi feet, which was used in many articles about Vasily Ivanovich. When scoring famous movie about the parade in 1941 march was not used, although it is worth noting that for the installation have been taken many pre-revolutionary marches.

Marsh was not prohibited in the USSR, it is mentioned in the book directional "Service-drill repertoire for orchestras in the Red Army" SA Chernetsky, released in 1945. It is interesting that in describing march collectors composer, Major-General SA Chernetsky criticizes march for primitivism, mean harmony "as a typical pre-revolutionary march." Of the early music collection can be noted in 1953 "Popular Marches for an amateur orchestra (Moscow, Muzgiz, 1953) and transcriptions for the bayan in the collections of vintage popular marches of 1955 and 1959 (Moscow, Muzgiz, 1955 - 1959). These collections can be viewed in the online catalog of the Russian State Library. Late March ubiquitous.

These data are destroying the popular myth about the alleged total ban on the march in the Soviet Union ban on executions in the Great Patriotic War, and finally the myth that the first time in the Soviet Union march sounded in the movie Michael Kalatozov 1957 "The Cranes Are Flying." Many skeptics wrong appeal that during their youth they are the march had never heard of. In an argument he can give an example of at least two very popular earlier marches Leninsky call "and" Tosca to the Motherland "which are now not be heard. The fact is that the ascent to Olympus march "Farewell of Slav" was launched after the war. Even if the prevalence of lyrics to the tune of the march during the Civil War in Russia, it is by no means proves its immense popularity, there is no mention of the use, recording on gramophone records, music publishing this march as a symbol of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union abroad at the time. It is worth noting that in the 20-50's were a very fruitful for military and musical culture. Forced withdrawal from the traditions of pre-revolutionary marches, search for new possibilities of musical expression, the development of national music helped the birth of new marches. At this time included such composers as SA Chernetsky - rightly regarded as the patriarch of military music, NI Ivanov, Radkevich, A. Chait, M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, N. Chernberdzhi, S. Vasilenko, V. Runow, GM Kalinkovich, M. Cussy, D. Peppers, I. Petrov, ML Starokadomskii, BA Diev for military bands have written music such parameters as N. Myaskovsky, Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev and IO Dunaevskij.

Among the earliest records, perhaps Record Orchestra under the direction IV Petrova, 1944, she was released on the American plate, "Cavalry Marches and music performed by orchestras of Moscow» («Colosseum», New York, USA, 1954) and on the record Aprelevka Plant 1944 (AP12334/12335 1944). Perhaps the artist is the orchestra of the Military Political Academy. Lenin led JV Petrov from 1941 to 1944. Presumably there is a record of the author, the date of its creation has not yet been set. Of course it is possible that this is not a record of the Basil Agapkina, but it is different nuances and touches on the work conducted by IV Petrova. On stylistic grounds can be very likely to say what is the record of large Soviet orchestra 30 - 50's. years. If we take into account a large part of the orchestra, it could be an exemplary orchestra MGB which Agapkin headed from 1947 to 1955.

Later, a march was repeatedly recorded by various Soviet orchestras. From "standard" entries of the march we can note some works 60-70's first individual Orchestra of USSR Ministry of Defense under the direction of N. Nazarov, A. Maltsev, N. Sergeeva and work Orchestra Headquarters of Leningrad Military District under the leadership of NF Uschapovskogo 1995. Marsh recorded by other orchestras, such as the Exemplary Orchestra of the Honor Guard, the Admiralty LVMB Orchestra, Orchestra of Staff Transcaucasian BO and many others. Entries foreign orchestras Orchestra presents the PLA of China, American United States Marine Band, Stabsmusikkorps der Grenztruppen GDR Austrian orchestra Militaermusik Kaernten and others.

to the tune of the march, many poets (eg Fedotov, VA Maksimov, V. Lazarev) wrote poetry. "Farewell of Slav" with the text to the words of Roman Shlezaka called «Rozszumiały się wierzby płaczące» (Rasshumelis willows weeping) was in Poland during the Second World War 1939-45 anthem of the main guerrilla flow - the Home Army.

Today, the sounds of the march passenger ships on the Volga are sent to the flight and sent the train company "Russia" from Vladivostok to Moscow, corporate train "Kama" from Perm to Moscow, corporate train "Vyatka" from Kirov to Moscow, corporate train Italmas "in Izhevsk, a corporate train from Belgorod to Moscow. The march accompanies the shipment of international trains at the border station Zabaikalsk Chita region (superior train Beijing-Moscow) superior train Nikolai Konar from Kharkov to Moscow, corporate train "Sura" (Penza-Moscow), superior train Voronezh and Moscow.

Marsh is a hymn Tambov region.

known that the working title of the film "72 meters" was "Farewell of Slav."

in Poland in 1937 to the tune of the march was written song «Rozszumiały się brzozy placzące »(« Rasshumelis weeping birch tree ") in 1942 or 1943 on the basis of these words, in turn, emerged guerrilla song« Rozszumiały się wierzby placzące »(« Rasshumelis weeping willows), won enormous popularity and became the anthem of the Polish Home Army ..