Sunday, August 21, 2005

Bohemian Dresses 2010


The adventure began quite early for me this time. We did indeed drive off until about 9am, but before that I had to go too Natsumi. Since I've never been to her, we wanted to meet in the city.

Natsumi lives in the south of Kumamoto. During the bus ride to her I was the first time realized how big Kumamoto in reality is - the area that I frequent is quite over prejudice Ulich.

Shortly before nine, we are then taken off. At this point a note on the travel behavior of Natsumi and her mother, I find that very reassuring, because unlike what I'm used to (Papa, feel thoroughly addressed), make simply because stop where they please and there is no battle plan, but it is all handled very spontaneous.

was the first stop it in a takoyaki shop:

Now you know all, like a dried Tako looks. ;)

And a non-dried:

this is tasty;)

After a stop at a supermarket, five bridges, which have led us to several other islands to the target, we were there:

According Natsumi has her mother at first refused to take me, because the "inaka", ie, lies on the civilized country and not as scary as great Kumamoto. However, I like this Japan (at least in part) a lot better.
The House of Grandmother's urjapanisch, with entrance hall, where you look like the shoes, tatami mats everywhere. There is also no air conditioning, but it can be due to the sea better able to endure there. :)
There is also a house cat: Myanko.

After lunch (which I am informed Natsumi, is that I can deal better with chopsticks than her father) are Natsumi and I then went down to the sea and 've hunted. ;)

Me's also really:

I urge others to take note that I am wearing shorts. Shorts. So it's really warm. ;)

Amakusa is very nice and quiet (and urjapanisch):

rice fields and mountains:

The "hunt" was successful:

sea snails. Very tasty. ;)

There is also proof pictures that I'm a) really in the sea was and b) in the bottom of my heart, but Japanese, but get I have my first of Natsumi and I'm afraid the quality will not be as breathtaking . So be it.

After the "bath" in the sea (only went knee-deep in, because there are so many jellyfish) we had already returned home. I then stayed home with Natsumi and then I went back the next morning in the city. :)

That's it so far We update again in early September. From 29.8 to 5.9 I am traveling around (Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, in that order) and'll make a lot of pictures.


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