Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Invest 1000 Cd Account


marches, waltzes, and other genres. The exact time of this writing, the country of origin not been established.

anthem "God is great, the only"
Marsh Youth - Christ "
Marsh Simon Petljura"
many years
Cossack march
Marsh "Do not time "
Marsh Sich glory"
Plast march
Hutsul march
March "for their homeland"
Marsh "The first Cossacks"
Marsh "Sokolov"
Fanfare Red viburnum - For Ukraine "
Fanfares" Youth - Christ "
Zaporozhye march
Marsh Kalina memory"
Marsh "Under the banner of Ukrainian"
Marsh "Bandera"
Marsh on the theme song''Hey, you're shooting sichoviyi'',''Rotryahayte guys horse''and''Hey, the meadow, red Kalita''Alexander Morozov

march of those songs'' Nalyvajmo, brothers'',''Hey, pour coupler is fully magic''and''Hey, walk Cossacks''Alexander Morozov

Marsh on the theme song''Once I had a girlfriend''''How to sit, brothers, magic circle'' say to a girl''and''Bogdan Sapelyuk

composition based on old military marches with the theme''march''Zaporozhskoho processing Hynadiy Grieg `ev

Marsh Hundreds of the operetta''Konotop Witch''with the theme song''Igor''deep well pool

Marsh on the theme song''Oh, the mount of makivtsi''and''wind Poviyav steppe'' Bogdan Sapelyuk

Ukrainian march with the theme song''Once I had a girlfriend''Leo Kolodub

Marsh on the theme song''Hey, there goes on the mountain in January'',''We -''and''haidamaks By Ukraine Bogdan''Sapelyuk

Marsh on the theme song''Hey, all right,''guys,''Cossack rode the city''and''The girl stood in the vestibule''Aleksei Bazhenov

march of those songs''ohm Cranberry Meadow in red''and''Nalyvajmo, brothers''Bogdan Sapelyuk

Ancient Cossack march with the theme song''Oh, on the mountain and the reapers reap''


works of VM Khalilov:
Fanfare Festival »
Spring Overture
Song of Russia (lyrics Savitsky)
Serve Motherland (lyrics Savitsky)
Waltz" Lilac "
Counter march "Under the Banner»
Marsh "General Miloradovich»
Marsh "The soldier Sukhov»
Marsh "Cadet»
Marsh Ulan »
Marsh" Hit »
Marine march" Rynda "
Afghan march
Youth march


DF Tukhmanov:

Old Marsh Marsh Marsh
Champions 'Cavalry'
Marsh 'Escort'
Marsh 'Paul'
Marsh 'Peter'
Marsh 'Suvorov'
Marsh year '1812 '
ceremonial march
Marsh' Parade '
Flag march
Marsh' Fanfare '
Marsh firefighters
Marsh fire (suite)


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