Thursday, June 21, 2007

Where To Do Hair Wax In Bangkok


definition and interpretation

"a lecture by Dr. Andreas Umland

Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2007, 12:00-13:30 Location clock

: Interim Building of the University of Leipzig in Dresdner Bank,
Dittrichring 5-7, EC, Room 13

Since the early 90s have increased xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic violence
in Russia strong. Today
estimated only the skinhead scene at around 50,000 people, plus tens of thousands of supporters

very different right-wing groups and organizations.
attacks on members of national minorities, mainly from the Caucasus and Central Asia
, and attacks against Jews, homosexuals and others
population groups to include murder in a series
Russian cities are now the norm. In 2005 alone were
xenophobia in Russia 40 motivated murders counted. The policy under President Putin
exercise of such appearances
Although public criticism, but overall tends to underestimate the problems
to play down or off. Dr. Andreas Umland is

lecturer at the Institute for International Relations, National Taras
Schewe Yuschenko University, Kiev, Ukraine
. He earned his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin to the rise of Vladimir
Zirinovskijs in Russian politics 1990-1993 and is
since summer 2004, publisher of the book series "Soviet and Post-Soviet
Politics & Society" of the ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart ( http:// www.ibid / spps.html).
In his clear presentation presents Mr. Umland exclusive and
highly charged images of his subject and addresses the question of how
takes place at the federal levels of political competition in Russia, Putin
between various forms of moderate nationalism and
of ultra-nationalism. "

More info>>>

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Windows Mobile Archery

Between the road and Bounce - Hip Hop in Poland

Time: Tuesday, 19.06.2007, 19 clock
Location: Polish Institute in Leipzig

"," hip hop in Poland '- why this topic? "- some might be
ask of you. But hip hop is - plenty to offer - especially in Poland.
Not only politics, economics, religion and science, not only
great statesmen and famous thinkers characterize a country whose society
and language. For the development of a people certainly also of importance
, art and culture. Hip-hop is a subculture and art form,
the meanwhile also found in Poland, not only among young people, many
representatives and supporters has. Band and artist name as
caliber 44, Paktofonika, Molesta, Tede, Peja, Kasta Sklad, OSTR and Fisz -
to name but a few - in Poland are already familiar. HipHop
has also been incorporated in Poland in media, film and everyday life. Especially among young hip-hop artist
an example,
also have Polish Rap has a significant influence on the current
Polish. 2001 was in Poland, the film Blokersi '
documented the Polish hip-hop culture, was released in spring 2007 and in
published in Warsaw Poland's first hip-hop dictionary
. For several years, would be also voice and
social scientist with the theme, Polish hip-hop 'is included. These developments
Bartek Chacinski led in 2003 to come into his
wypasiony slownik najmlodszej polszczyzny hip-hop as "appearance, their development
in Poland, one of the biggest mysteries and one of the largest
social phenomena of recent years (is) to ".
The theme, hip-hop in Poland 'is it therefore deserves to be studied closely.
We want to reach not only the history of Polish hip-hop and before
all of rap and present some artists closer, but
leave with quotes, music samples and film clips of the Polish hip-hop
own words. "

> More info >>

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcomer To

gay parade romania

This years gay parade in Bucharest will not go uneventfull again.
nazis from Dreaptă Noua (New Right) organised a counterdemonstration few hours before the gay parade. again police alowed it, and church figures were
marching side by sside with nazis. around noon a group of 20 or so antifascists went on to meet the nazis, there were no fights, just shouting
of slogans, and imediatly police charged. from police head declaration it seems 14 were taken to the police station.
from news of the people inside police station it seems they are being fingerprint-ed, photographed and also given fines for ilegal demonstration.
event was filmed by national news television and broadcasted many times.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Bloodmoon Graring Is Dead


A call to radical ecological protest camp in Angarsk, Irkutsk region of
Siberia from 15th of July 2007

In summer of 2006, during summit of the G8, Russian president Vladimir Putin
promised that Russia will join to international program to spread nuclear
energy. Russia's role in this project is to be a storage of nuclear waste.

Electro-Chemical Industrial Complex of Angarsk (AEHK) was founded 1954, it
is located in South-Eastern border of the city of Angarsk, 30 kilometers
from Irkutsk and 90 kilometers from lake Baikal. It is a company involved in
nuclear fuel cycle, processing concentrate including Uranium to Uranium
hexafluoride (UF6), which in turn is enriched to Uranium-235 for the Nuclear
Industry. Complex is under administration of Rosatom, Russian Federal Agency
on Atom Energy.

AEHK is far from uranium mines, nuclear plants and other parts of the
nuclear fuel cycle, thus both raw materials and final products of the
company will be transferred by the Trans-Siberian railway. Transport of the
radioactive materials means additional risks for the people and environment.
Accidents involving trains with radioactive substances may result serious
pollution of the region. Products of AEHK are sent through all biggest
Siberian cities to distant factories which produce nuclear fuel for nuclear
power plants in the city of Elektrostal in Moscow Region, and
Ust-Kamenogorsk in Sverdlovsk region, as well as abroad.

>From 1996-2002 AEHK brought in nuclear waste, claimed to be valuable raw
materials, from Urenco-corporation. Currently import of new waste is halted,
but already imported waste is stored in the premises of the company, and
amount of the waste is not announced as it is a "commercial secret".

Currently plans are drafted to found an International Center for Enrichment
of Uranium (MTsOU) to premises of AEHK. Main goal of the centre is to answer
to demand of Uranium enrichment of companies abroad. Actually this means,
that a new storage of nuclear waste is set up to premises of the company,
but its contents are called "valuable raw-materials" in newspeak of the
nuclear industry.

Since December of 2006, three public protest meetings have taken place in
Irkutsk. Pickets have been organized during several months in the center of
the city. In Angarsk, during a meeting between AEHK and IAEA, local
activists, radical ecologists and anarchists showed up with a banner
"Angarsk is not a nuclear dump", made speeches in front of journalists and
voiced their protest against this project.

Project is initiated by President of the Russian Federation, government of
the Russian Federation represented by Ministry of the Nuclear Energy
Rosatom, administration of the Irkutsk region, board of AEHK, administration
of the city of Angarsk, mainstream media of Angarsk (first of all local
pro-industry paper "Podrobnosti") and a number of right-wing liberal

Project is opposed by Baikal Movement, Baikal Ecological Wave, Autonomous
Action of Irkutsk, local paper "Vremya" (Time) and ecologists from other
regions. Ecological protest camp is organized by Baikal Ecological Wave and
Autonomous Action of Irkutsk.

We are against nuclear energy as a whole, and we demand giving up
exploitation of all nuclear energy, a transfer to economy of energy and to
development of alternative sources of energy. We are against importing
nuclear waste and against creation of an International Center for Enrichment
of Uranium, we demand public ecological control over activities of the

Goal of the camp will also be to involve people from other regions
surrounding Baikal to defend environment of the lake, and empowerment of the
ecological movement of the Siberia and anti-nuclear movement in the whole

Protest camp will start 15th of July and it will last until victory.

You are welcome to join the camp! We may not cover traveling costs, but food
will be free in the camp for those who may not afford it. Bring cutlery,
sleeping bag and a tent if you have one.

Contact us if you need any more information:

Ecological Wave of Baikal
P.O. Box 21
664033 Irkutsk
phone: +7 3952 52 58 69
fax: +7 3952 52 58 70
e-mail: marina

Autonomous Action of Irkutsk

(from http://avtonom. org / index.php? nid = 1072)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007



In the foreseeable future Laika site is again rebuilt something.
addition to a more attractive layout, then we will offer a forum for any discussion.