Thursday, June 21, 2007

Where To Do Hair Wax In Bangkok


definition and interpretation

"a lecture by Dr. Andreas Umland

Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2007, 12:00-13:30 Location clock

: Interim Building of the University of Leipzig in Dresdner Bank,
Dittrichring 5-7, EC, Room 13

Since the early 90s have increased xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic violence
in Russia strong. Today
estimated only the skinhead scene at around 50,000 people, plus tens of thousands of supporters

very different right-wing groups and organizations.
attacks on members of national minorities, mainly from the Caucasus and Central Asia
, and attacks against Jews, homosexuals and others
population groups to include murder in a series
Russian cities are now the norm. In 2005 alone were
xenophobia in Russia 40 motivated murders counted. The policy under President Putin
exercise of such appearances
Although public criticism, but overall tends to underestimate the problems
to play down or off. Dr. Andreas Umland is

lecturer at the Institute for International Relations, National Taras
Schewe Yuschenko University, Kiev, Ukraine
. He earned his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin to the rise of Vladimir
Zirinovskijs in Russian politics 1990-1993 and is
since summer 2004, publisher of the book series "Soviet and Post-Soviet
Politics & Society" of the ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart ( http:// www.ibid / spps.html).
In his clear presentation presents Mr. Umland exclusive and
highly charged images of his subject and addresses the question of how
takes place at the federal levels of political competition in Russia, Putin
between various forms of moderate nationalism and
of ultra-nationalism. "

More info>>>


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