Saturday, August 4, 2007

Western Dental Collections

"My mother's tongue is Bosnian "

art exhibition in the gallery, and locksmith

"My mother's tongue is Bosnian"

04:08:07, 19 clock
music Deejane

05:08:07, 20 clock
"Vizionary Society" from Sarajevo
Film - Discussion

The exhibition "My mother's tongue is Bosnian" as the work of five
representatives of the group "Vizionarsko Društvo" all of whom live in Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and work.
The socio-political circumstances which have in the works of artists displayed their
precipitation, offer the occasion to take stock of
current situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The title "My mother's tongue is Bosnian" reflects a new understanding of
of artists. It is characterized by pride, a rebellion and the will to
to assert themselves as people with their own views and cultural background in a
country in Europe by the globalized economic and
socio-political value system of the EU plays an increasingly important role.

We are delighted that the artists will personally be a guest and therefore the
opportunity for dialogue and exchange is on a cultural basis on which
all visitors are welcome. Further on it is
on the following Sunday, the clock showed 20 08/05/2007
a film that documents the activities of the "Vizionarsko Društvo" and SICE of Baraka
in Sarajevo, Berlin, Tokyo. All spectators are following
invited to a question and discussion session attended by the Bosnian artist

art and Bauschlosserei
Kantstraße 18 (Südvorstadt)
04275 Leipzig
* Fri: 18 - 20 clock
Sat / Sun: 15-20 clock *


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