Thursday, January 24, 2008

Publix Frosting Recipe

Equality now! Outside of Europe

A gender festival in Moscow 8th-10th of March 2008

Capitalism proposes us alternative consumerism -- image of a successful
business woman, bourgeois gay clubs, red ribbon as a sign of solidarity.
Authorities propose us alternative of integration to the system by the
way of lobbying legal reforms. But our everyday reality is violence,
insults and prejudices.

Clericalists cut programs of sexual education, Ministry of Health and
Social Development radically cut list of medical and social factors
which allow abortion during late pregnancy, in city of Volzhkiy everyone
willing to do an abortion is forced to have a talk with an Orthodox
Christian priest. Most of the job announcements include demands in
regards to sex and age of the employee. And as a compensation for
all of this, women are proposed flowers once a year.

?Revolutionaries? propose us to give up our ?private interests? to be
cared later on, and now work with ?our common social problems?. But we
do not agree with any compromises: for us equality should be global,
there exists no any minimal programs, no any primary or secondary goals!
We are against all forms of oppression and exploitation -- against
racism, sexism, homophobia, discrimination on basis of the sex or
physical abilities. We are against misery of the everyday life, against
grey everyday life of capitalism, against work purpose of which we may
not define ourselves. We want everything now! No recognition, no
equality is possible in the framework of the exploiting capitalist

We are not a party, we are not representing anyone. We may be women or
men, homo- or heterosexual, sick or healthy, but first of all we are
ourselves. Any black and white distinction (man/woman,
homosexual/heterosexual, healthy/sick) is a simplification beneficial
for those, who do not want to recognize complexity of the reality.
Between every extreme there is a middle ground, territory of inter- and
transsexuals and genderblenders, who is waiting for those brave enough
to question any stereotypes. Our only fear is the fear in front of the
new way of life. The fact, that our opponents are stuck in the discourse
?if it is normal to fuck to arse? only show their fear between any forms
of sexuality which has other goals than solution of the ?Demographic
crisis in Russia?.

There are no any predefined norms of behavior, which depend on sex or
other biological factors. Enforcing stereotypes means limiting freedom
of the individual. Stereotypes harm not only women, but for example men
are often also changing interesting but little prestigious jobs in order
to ?feed their families?, and also to die and kill in mindless wars
between ruling classes. That is called ?serving your duty for the
motherland?. AIDS epidemic in Russia has also reached such scale, that
it may touch everyone of us. And still authorities are stubbornly not
willing to solve problem of access to drugs for everyone infected with
HIV and hepatitis.

We are not interested to pretend that we are ?normal?. We do not want to
define ourselves in framework of binary oppositions, and we will fight
against any attempts to push us to any frameworks. We will always be
outside the system, outside stereotypes, outside structures which are
representing ?our interests?, outside ghetto of academia and dark
underground clubs. First of all we will be in the streets, just as one
year ago our comrades in Copenhagen took the streets in order to revenge
demolition of house, in which it was decided to celebrate international
day of working women 98 years ago.

We propose to everyone who shares our views to participate to festival
which will take place in Moscow from 8th to 10th of March. In our
program there will be march for equality, concert, movie screening,
lectures, discussions and practical workshops. About place and time of
the event we will announce later on -- contact us in order to stay
updated. You may also propose your themes for discussions and workshops.
For guests from other cities with limited financial opportunities we try
to find alternatives for accomodation. Please contact us before if you
need a place to stay.



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