Sunday, January 3, 2010

Turn Me On And Leave Song


What FTO should be like. :D

The sun was high, baking the sand and rocks below, mercilessly drying up everything in the desert. But its rays were not strong enough to to penetrate the ceiling of the wooden shack that was built there on rocky ground. It was an old house, mended many times, but still standing strong. In front of it was a signpost, dictating the way from a place called "Avien'zim grounds" to "The Great Garden".
The door of the shack creaked loudly, when it opened to make way for a young man, clad in reddish cloth and tight boots. His face was symmetrical and quite edgy and crowned with very short, bright brown hair. His expression was a serious one, a worried frown, when he breathed the hot and dry desert air and scanned the horizon. His eyes opened wide and something in his pupils turned, when he spotted the two figures that just climbed over the top of a dune to the north east. With quick and smooth movements heran back into the shack and slammed the door shut.

The two Nexim carefully made their way down the dune. They were a peculiar but common sight around these parts. They both wore big, black, beak-shaped masks with little holes in their undersurfaces and holes for the eyes which were closed with little glass plates. Their clothing was light, their baggage heavy. Even though they had long rifles strapped to their backpacks, either of them wielded a spear. They both had short, black hair.
Carefully they approached the shack. "Alright. You watch my back, yes?" The voice of the first Nexim sounded deep but female. She slowly crept up to the shack, while her companion went in position with his spear, rigt at a corner of the shack. Standing right in front of the door she knocked on it hard and loud and said: "Nexim Patrol! I'm coming in!" In that moment, the door was flung open from the inside and off its angles, knocking the armoured woman a few feet away. The other Nexim reacted, instantly and hurtled his spear at the figure that darted out of the house with inhuman speed. With a loud crack, the spear hit the outer wall and recoiled, tumbling to the ground. The female Nexim kicked the door away and slapped her hands at the small buckles on her backpack's strap, causing them to release her. When she jumped up, the other did the same and his baggage fell to the ground with a metallic thud, sending clouds of dispersed sand in the air. They quickly grabbed their rifles and ripped them free of the backpacks to pursue their Quarry.
Said quarry had quite a headstart already and was way faster than the pursuers, despite the rather large bundle he was carrying. A white cloth seemed to be wrapped around a big object, he carried away with relative ease, while the Nexim were already producing rattling sounds through their masks. The male Nexim knelt down three yards away from the shack and positioned his long-barelled rifle under his head and aimed carefully.

The two Nexim stood above the dead body. They had pushed their masks up on the top of their heads to allow for clearer vision. The first Nexim sounded a wolf whistle. "Nice shot, Cyrus.", she said and crouched down to examine the bloody mess that used to be the stranger's head. The sand was of a dark red where the corpse had fallen to the ground. She pulled a knife from her belt and stuck it into the mushy mass on the ground. When she lifted it again, a small, delicate-looking gadget hung from a thin cord that entangled the blade.
Cyrus scratched his neck and frowned. "I never thought we were gonna get this one. He was quick. At that distance he could have easily dodged any of my shots..." He gave the bundle, that had fallen to the ground a light kick. "... had he just dropped this." She dropped the gadget and wiped her knife at the dead man's clothing. "Must've been important to him.", she said. The Nexim looked at each other and Cyrus grimaced. "Do I have to?" She smirked and replied: "Yes you do. I'm your superiour after all." She took a few steps to the right and pointed her assault rifle at the bundle in the sand, while Cyrus, sighing, knelt down and slowly stretched out his fingers towards the package. He grabbed a corner of the cloth and pulled it away, carefully. When they saw what was wrapped up there, neither of the two Nexim could hold back a gasp. She lowered her weapon and spat out in disgust. "Now they're killing our children! They always keep sinking to new lows. I'm gonna rip...", she began, but was interrupted by Cyrus. "No, no, no, no, no, wait, she's breathing." She raised her weapon again. "She's breathing.", Cyrus repeated, seemingly amazed by the fact. He pulled away more of the cloth and took a closer look at the little girl he had found. She was approximately 7 years old, wore just a thin, beige-coloured shirt and fitting skirt. Her hair was of an unusually bright colour, almost white and Cyrus could see some weird, angular and completely symmetrical lines in her face. He frowned. "She's one of them.", he said and rewrapped the girl in the cloth. The female Nexim lowered her weapon again. "So he was just protecting his young one." She wiped her forehead and sighed. "Well, I'll make them ready for transport, you go and count the corpses in the shack." Cyrus looked up at her and raised an eyebrow. "Corpses?", he said. She nodded and replied: "When he kicked the door in my face, I got a short glimpse of quite a bloodbath in there. I want them counted. Try counting the heads. Might make things easier. "


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