Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weather In Morocco In Early September

Actual news

So after I finally made it now the time to second report was completed, I finally come to make a real update!
The reason I have not posted anything for so long (asking for forgiveness!) Is that I was during the change of study very busy semester. Firstly, it was all homework and tests to put behind me, to find an internship and then also to do with it.
But first things first ... My studies at the Tama is now officially closed, as the University of Bremen has now received all the necessary documents. Report, contract internship, internship plan, record sheets, Transcript of Records of Tama: All submitted so I can only say, I'm ready. This of course leaves me back to my previous 5 months in Japan look and I can only say it was great! From Uniseite ago everything was organizationally a dream! I had a few things to take care of themselves, much has me by the International Office facilitates serious or even removed. The fact that there were up to me only of a further exchange of students (and some solid international students) there was certainly a relief. Outside the university I have done a lot with friends and with my side job is another side of Japan know learned.

my waiter job at Antonio's, I had to start training now so close, unfortunately, but was concerned at my last working day with a surprise party, which meant a lot to me. There was a photo of the video, a cake and gifts and there are actually released all employees without exception. I promised that I shall be clean look now and again and will keep that promise. I like to think back on those nights, especially when the boss is not there and we are left to their own work even better and definitely had more fun! , P

My internship search erwieß to be a test of patience and a Last-minute decision. I had already when I was in Germany was the first applications submitted to and during my studies here continuously made. But Japanese firms mills grind slowly and the larger companies still slow ... Well I finished my semester already, but did not know how it should go further and introduced me to a personal challenge, because I am a person who always needs a plan. I think that I'm after this internship search become a little more patient (an important property in Japan!) And a better understanding of company structures and waiting for replies in Japan have developed general. That was a hard test, but everything went well.

For now I'm officially an intern at Forestone Japan, an innovative and young company in Tokyo, Meguro. Just because a new website is launched, I hope you have success with google. , P
The work is very extensive and varied, the staff are all very nice and I have a very good feeling about it. The only catch is that I currently drive 2 hours each way and must return to my apartment, in the rush hour not a pleasure ... But I have already (by unintended help Jans, p) found a very close located budget Guest House, in which I will move in April.

Those are the updates for me. I'll try despite my current 12 hours day to write more often. Now is only the details for the move but also visas for status change and I think so many interesting excursions and there will be no entries for now. So be reassured, I am fine, I'm still alive and have to make before even continue for a while! ^ ^ On

Rikki Nakano Suteki Da Ne

Time for Two - Hakone, Pachinko, Ramen Museum

3.1. It then went with Steve and Mae to Hakone, an area renowned for its hot springs town near here. First by train, then bus into the mountains. Hakone is situated on a lake and offers a beautiful landscape. For a day trip so perfect! After we (somewhat involuntarily because we searched the onsen) had run around a bit and had eaten lunch, so it was relaxing in over 40 ° c hot pools with natural mineral hot spring water. This may sound uncomfortably hot at first, but is really a super pleasant experience. We were alone in their respective pools (always separate sexes) and enjoyed the hot bath with a view from the roof of the building over the lake and mountains.
Then we took the bus back again in the nearest city, and we ate and drank something, but they were soon very tired and were on our way home. David and Steve then wanted to definitely try again Pachinko (a gambling game in which balls are sent through a maze and if they get really falling profits) but lost big! ^ ^ I've rarely slept as well as after the hot s Bad! had ^ ^

The next day we arranged to meet with Riku and Shingo to Ramenmuseum. I had no clear idea of what I had expected it, but I made it as interesting sher out! In a building, a street of Tokyo had been rebuilt from the war, with stalls, small restaurants and of course lots of Ramen! (Yup, from the Naruto Ramen, or "Japanese" noodle soup) We So first we ate through parts of the Ramensortiments and discovered after a "play area" for children to play out of time. It seems that Hulahup and spinning top were all the rage back then. We tried all of us at the roundabout game. So you have a piece of string around a roundabout meticulously wrap and then throw him into a metal bowl. If it same time and really made you could fight it, small fights (for those who are in the anime Bayblade or remembers something like that feels: Yes, that's the basic idea), but we put ourselves in a little goofy with the wrapping technique and at the end of Riku and I were the only ones there hinbekamen halfway ... ^ ^ went

evening, then off again with Steve and Mae, the sushi dinner. The rest of David's last night in Japan was reserved just for us. ^ ^ went
the morning the next day then to Narita Airport. The parting was (of course) emotive and the funny looks of the Japanese around us, it's not accustomed to feelings and affection shown in public, we were not care.
Now I'm back in Japan alone, but since David'll soon begin his semester at sea, we will if we are lucky we have already seen in front of autumn. I still hope the fact that a charter for Japan, and especially his ship decides to create it here and we can have our cinematic reunion on the dock. ^ ^

Houses/appartments Sale In Sri Lanka

Time for Two - Harajuku, Ueno, Walpurgis

Am 30.12. we went once again purely a day after Tokyo shopping for diemal to Harajuku. David had announced that he would have been to Kyoto and Nara first seen enough of traditional Japan, the short trip to Meijitempel was inevitable. ^ ^

For New Year's Eve we actually had plans to work with Lisa and a few of their friends to go clubbing together, but then decided it to be rewritten. The others had in fact decided to AGH, Tokyo's most famous and most expensive club, if not Japan ... EUR 80 admission plus our drinks were now quite empty purses not clear.
So, David made to the googling of alternatives. He currently rules also really good, so he found the Walpurgisn (ワルプ) close to Shibuya station. A small club in a black design. In fact, he was full of Knacke about 40 people and the audience was so ekzentrisch as the club itself Lolitas, Goths, Punks, dreadlocks, normal people, all represented. The admission was appropriate for the different program: Bands (Batcave, rock, punk), a Butoh dancer (see film: Hanami - cherry blossoms - recommend to> much), various DJs and a song singer ... How? Yes, really. The owner of the club is a former singer and song's author (usually about strong women in Japan) and gave himself a few tunes. This peculiar mixture, however, came really well received by the audience! Pleasant was also the Convini directly above the shop so they could cook their own meals cost. So we came with guests and other New Year's revelers in conversation. All in all a very nice evening that I will probably stay long in the memory!

Saturday was announced and then first again Sleeping in on Sunday we decided to go back inside to Tokyo, Harajuku Again after (because David wanted to see the cosplayers, but we were probably too late, they were all gone again ) and after Ueno. There we went first to the zoo and I showed David the entrance into the World of Darkness (reference to an earlier entry, p) and then to the National Museum.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Unblockus Tv Streaming From Abroad

Time for Two - Nara Koen, Todaiji, lantern temple

Am 28.12. then we went to Nara for a day. I can only recommend, as the almost 1 hour ride from Kyoto to Nara is really feasible and certainly can handle in one day. yes everything is located on the famous sights in Nara Park, which is known for its free-running deer, are considered sacred.
So we are at first somewhat run through the park, roughly in the direction of Todaiji, where the largest Buddha statue in Japan is. On the way, at least we were not, of course drumrum, to feed the famous Nararehe and make the obligatory photos.

The Todaiji then was really impressive. Even if you've already seen many temples and shrines, the Todaiji is again a completely different caliber. It also said David, who was slowly fed up with the cultural program and would have preferred the Manga Museum in Kyoto to Nara instead. In the end he was glad to have yet seen Nara, that is not called the cradle of culture of Japan. The Todaiji
any case is a temple complex, whose main hall is truly gigantic. 50 m high, the building, making it the largest built of wood in the world. The Buddha statue is itself "only" 17 m tall, but there are also various statues Daeva (Japanese demons) in the building and models of how the temple looked like before. So a clever mix of museum and temple. The main attraction for us, however, was the small hole in one of the supporting piles near the exit. The guide told us that whoever there by crawling, find enlightenment. Now we both were doubtful of the little hole through which Japanese children crawling and definitely not for European body was. (Whether the stupid foreigners enlightenment not begrudge;? P) I did not scare me at any rate and was an attraction, but I am very inelegant squeezed through the opening. David let me do and supported me by all documented:

After Todaiji we were walking around even more, went first to the Nara National Museum (which, in comparison to Tokyo then quite was disappointing ...) and then came to the northern temple, the road was already packed with thousands of lanterns. The name of the temple, I have unfortunately forgotten, but he was not so extraordinary. The lanterns were definitely the best part! ^ ^

However, we were so tired from all the running around that we just decided to back the rickshaw to the train station took. This was also the gold right decision for us was brewing over a violent thunderstorm, which we narrowly escaped.
We arrived back at least dry in Kyoto, picked up our luggage and went after a good supper again after the night bus home. The next day we spent with recovery to be fit for New Year!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mount And Blade Cd Kulcs Generator

Time for Two - Kinkakuji, Gion, Kyomizudera

Am 26.12. early slept through the morning we arrived quite in Kyoto and treated ourselves to a hearty breakfast first with a lot of coffee before we made our way to our hotel.
I take this opportunity to Sachi, my host sister, again much to thank. She has organized the trip in Kyoto reason for us by night bus or hotel, to the handing over of an emergency number where they or their parents are always available. Even if they read this never / will understand, I'm her and her parents but extremely grateful!
The hotel was conveniently located right on the main train station and we are already wondering why we are such a cheap room had been available in such an expensive-looking hotel. (Later that night we realized that the room was located right outside the elevator door with a very very thin ...) Glad to get rid of at least schonmal our luggage, and check if we have not could, we went without another break jump to Kinkakuji. Of course, one of the pearls of Kyoto and highly recommended, even if you want a leisurely walk in a Japanese garden. Then it went
then Gion, in the historic district of Kyoto and a little shopping. (We actually all the time looking for a jacket for David, but except for a scarf for him it was more things for me ... But I see in miniskirt determined from it better than he ... , P) And because we were very tired at 3 clock but then, it was still on the second in a loud and flashing Game Center staying awake. Nevertheless, we were about 18 clock so tired that we decided to drive to the hotel. After a hot shower in the spacious bathroom, we would then have to actually fall into bed dead, were it not for this nagging hunger have been ... Too tired to me again to move to where to go, then David had to get the dazzling idea to some of McDoof and moved to pity even the Japanese Employees to explain in English what he wanted. He has also managed a RiesenMcDoffTüte unnoticed at the star hotel reception to smuggle over, with a übergwordenen coat. ^ ^

As we were raised on the following morning from the dead, it was almost noon, which was slightly annoying, but not to change. We started then on the way to Gyon Kyomizudera. This is highly recommended! There is also a bus station in front of the temple complex, but the way of Gion made worthwhile. It is by narrow, historic streets and submerged again surprisingly, a larger or smaller temples, and one or the other pagoda.
Of course, this procedure is very time consuming because we are still here and there remains and so it was already dark when we arrived then at Kyomizudera.
Back to the hotel we went back by bus and we asked for a Kaiten Sushi (Sushi on moving the tapes) in the area, because of course David wanted to taste like the Japanese Sushi and Sushi Roll Band bekanntermaß s are much cheaper than the traditional wound in which the sushi master to order.

As Julie in her blog already so aptly said, one can find the photos 1 to 1 on the Internet thousands of times, but even to have been there again is something completely different ...