Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weather In Morocco In Early September

Actual news

So after I finally made it now the time to second report was completed, I finally come to make a real update!
The reason I have not posted anything for so long (asking for forgiveness!) Is that I was during the change of study very busy semester. Firstly, it was all homework and tests to put behind me, to find an internship and then also to do with it.
But first things first ... My studies at the Tama is now officially closed, as the University of Bremen has now received all the necessary documents. Report, contract internship, internship plan, record sheets, Transcript of Records of Tama: All submitted so I can only say, I'm ready. This of course leaves me back to my previous 5 months in Japan look and I can only say it was great! From Uniseite ago everything was organizationally a dream! I had a few things to take care of themselves, much has me by the International Office facilitates serious or even removed. The fact that there were up to me only of a further exchange of students (and some solid international students) there was certainly a relief. Outside the university I have done a lot with friends and with my side job is another side of Japan know learned.

my waiter job at Antonio's, I had to start training now so close, unfortunately, but was concerned at my last working day with a surprise party, which meant a lot to me. There was a photo of the video, a cake and gifts and there are actually released all employees without exception. I promised that I shall be clean look now and again and will keep that promise. I like to think back on those nights, especially when the boss is not there and we are left to their own work even better and definitely had more fun! , P

My internship search erwieß to be a test of patience and a Last-minute decision. I had already when I was in Germany was the first applications submitted to and during my studies here continuously made. But Japanese firms mills grind slowly and the larger companies still slow ... Well I finished my semester already, but did not know how it should go further and introduced me to a personal challenge, because I am a person who always needs a plan. I think that I'm after this internship search become a little more patient (an important property in Japan!) And a better understanding of company structures and waiting for replies in Japan have developed general. That was a hard test, but everything went well.

For now I'm officially an intern at Forestone Japan, an innovative and young company in Tokyo, Meguro. Just because a new website is launched, I hope you have success with google. , P
The work is very extensive and varied, the staff are all very nice and I have a very good feeling about it. The only catch is that I currently drive 2 hours each way and must return to my apartment, in the rush hour not a pleasure ... But I have already (by unintended help Jans, p) found a very close located budget Guest House, in which I will move in April.

Those are the updates for me. I'll try despite my current 12 hours day to write more often. Now is only the details for the move but also visas for status change and I think so many interesting excursions and there will be no entries for now. So be reassured, I am fine, I'm still alive and have to make before even continue for a while! ^ ^ On


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