Monday, November 16, 2009

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:: X-mas escape krakow 2009::

antifascist cuddle presents:
:: x-mas escape krakow 2009::

who until now still asks with gray, where he / she will spend the Christmas holidays
- of 24 - 26.12. place in krakow
the first 'x-mas escape' - instead of demanding to meet with anti-Fascist
. all actions intended to achieve the purpose of a relaxing
meeting of Polish and German anti-fascists.

during the 3 days is the possibility of German / English
guided tour through the former Jewish ghetto and the Podgorze
socialist model city of Nowa Huta. On request we can also
an excursion to the nearby Auschwitz / Birkenau take
the lodging takes place in the 'Travellers Inn Hostel' krakow (
the award for the 3 nights including breakfast, internet,
be borrowed bike hostel, VoKü and 'off-track walking tour'
is 25 €.
the journey is individual and can now in a very short time
be overcome, as the highway from krakow now
is continuously connected to the A4 motorway in Germany.
we hope to see ...
interest in reports of you

Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Warsaw. Hundreds march against Nazi anti-fascists and police terror

As announced at about 2 weeks ago de.indymedia, took place on 11
November in Warsaw, a Nazi rally instead. However, anti-fascist
not without strong resistance.
to the notified route to the Nazi anti-fascist rally
have attended about 400 people. This is not a little when one considers that it
was very cold and was raining heavily. The rally was about to
the half distance of the Nazi march on ulica Swietokrzyska so
about 2km from the kick-off rally. But already about 500m from the Nazi meeting place, on the
ulica Senatorska, ca.120-150 militant anti-fascists have blocked the whole road
. The blockade was immediately attacked by police, was
but at least 15 minutes on hold. There were some violent clashes
. The police went to the Antifas
wrong with truncheons and tear gas
. On this block, 8 anti-fascists arrested.
During the conflict is then the information came through that the Nazi
march in another direction had to be diverted. Antifas
from the "ulica
Senatorska blockade" and "ulica Swietokrzyska rally"
tried to reorganize themselves spontaneously and is further coordinated actions to

turn lay the new Nazi-route.
It was not easy, as the police chased across the center
Antifas. In a number of parks, roads and intersections have occurred
clashes between anti-fascists and cops. At various places
2 more people were arrested. Nevertheless, it has succeeded
another short block to the ulica Nowy Swiat, build in front of the front-Nazi
Transpi. This was dissolved by Cos, uniformed cops and some
Nazis together. Here also a
other person was arrested.
Furthermore, it was a huge anti-fascist Transpi on the Nazi route
hang out in one house. Just before the Nazi final rally
the Antifas have reported back again, but were brutally
of bulls, mainly Zivis attacked. 3 other people
were arrested.

attempt a summary

The Nazis marched

400-500 Nazis from several Polish cities.
their announcements in the run, because of national breakthrough and so were pure propaganda
rubbish. Nevertheless, they were quite numerous, loud and
strong, and it is internally managed by Warsaw to march next to the ruins of the Jewish ghettos

Anti-Fascist Resistance

The actions have taken part in anti-fascists from all over Poland, 300-350
have prepared for direct action and blockades and
performed, a further 400 took part in the rally declared. There were two
blockades and several small actions. Additionally
complain that the Nazis were attacked at least 30-40 of them, before and after the parade
Antifas 14 were arrested, 7 of which declared innocent
. The remaining seven are accused of "active attack on
police officers." This
but were released after about 30-40 hours of first release. Polish Antifa
groups a positive balance due to the success
decentralized actions and because the Nazis change their route, but had
also because of good communication and strong solidarity among the
anti-fascists from all the country, the acts so far very rarely together
However, it is the same time stresses that prevent the deployment complete
could have been, if a few hundred people would have more actively participated
But actually already on site all the existing anti-fascist groups
were present, which means to be stepped up to that following the Nazi marches
anti-fascist movement and / or previously
a cross-border cooperation should be strengthened. At the Warsaw
actions also about 10 anti-fascists from Berlin participated.


made great efforts to intimidate and obstruct Antifas
before they were able to come even close to the Nazis. On the
Bull guards have several police officers voiced racist,
some even compared to the
Antifas, mentioned that they had used them in
Nazi organizations active
and still sympathize with them.

anti-repression work

All those arrested are first released. There are, however, follow processes.
The anti-repression work out very aggressively and professionally.
It can happen, however, that international financial support will be needed
. It will mainly go to legal fees.
Stay alert to the anti-fascist messages from Warsaw
and be in solidarity.

Bolek, Tola and Lolek ... remain forever Antifa

anarchist media

commercial media
- Hide quoted text -, 1628229,0,1, anarchisci-swietowali-_-pobili-it-z-w Warszawie Policja, wiadomosc.html,80273,7243559,Ruszyl_pochod_ONR___Precz_z_brukselska_okupacja_.html,1628204,0,,starcie_z_anarchistami_policja_uzyla_gazu,wiadomosc.html,1628212,0,1,warszawa-bombowe-zamieszanie,wiadomosc.html,95190,7243559,Pochod_narodowcow__znow_starcia_z_anarchistami.html,95192,7250239,Antyfaszysci__to_sa_represje.html

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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[Return] Chapter 03 ears

When I was six years old, no longer see me," said the champion. I have lost the property without cause. It just paasiert. Then every day I spent at home doing nothing. I was bored to death. My mother told me stories of B ü Chern every night. I have good memories and never forget that story. When my hectic life ELTENS went, did not have time and energy to take care of my history k ü , I told them stories.

Pointless and worthless. Likely, you might

The master beating his head.

children never despair.

One day, began B ü Cher, to talk to me. I found out when I touch the mud of a book, I can hear his story. More specifically, it is singing his own history and even the history of its owner. My mother told that story to be told. If the demand is not erf ü be filled, w ü Earths B ü tell Cher herself.

the time I was just a listener. Many children wanted to play with me, even some big people wanted to talk to me. My father told me that I should decide to teachers. But I do not like it.

A smile danced on his lips.

What are missing the big people are not a teacher to tell all but a few ears.

On this reason I have chosen a different profession.

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[Return] Chapter 02 The Master and the mill

"There ü not at all immortal existence. This is a gift. "The Master of the M ü klopte select the table. Protested r not. Anyway he was not he himself, he was already dead, right? Silence did not cost anything.

The man was holding a candle in his hand. He looked at him in silence, then stuck out his chin and said, "I am the master of the storyteller. You can stay with me and hear everything I need one. You like it? "

" I do, "he heard his answer. His voice sounded strange when she was not even him.

"And what shall I tell you? The story-or anything else? "Asked the master.

"The other also." He said.

The man smiled, then they throw up their hands.

said "Welcome to ü ck ', the master," Wolf Larsen. "

Why "back"?

The Wolf did not, but he did not ask.

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[Return] Chapter 01 Death Wolf

It was in the period between the autumn and winter. He was half a body's death on the stand at that time. He was a captain, one of the strongest cooling sea lions with blood. He had Booked a chimney, which had been the most dangerous mind. But then he had already lost everything, aud the sand dominant, not his books, his enemies, his so-called friend or a toy, who had built up.

He had many dreams. Most of them had his operation unit. It looks, he thought, as my life is finally ganes to end. Then I'll probably understand what is immortal.

Or what is inevitable. He thought.

The dark red sky was dark. The sun went down.


happened a month.

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About About

The story I named [return] (- means the road lead to home, a way to return) should be a fanfic of Jack London's Seawolf, or, a fanfic of its German film, The Sea Wolf. That time I intent to write this down, for I did enjoy the first part of the film, and its second part sucks. I did expect a kind of end like it in Wolfsblut. In some part of my twist mind, Wolf Larsen and Wolfsblut  share the same soul.

So I began. And the story itself changed as I wrote. I spent 24 weeks in Germany, last year, and the things made me were packed into this story, too. When I wrote it, I use Der kleine Prinz as the skelet for the chapter 1 and Krabat for  the next chapter,usw. usw. At last it turned to be a original story whose main character named Wolf Larsen, no longer a fanfic. And it is dear to me now, although  my German is poor, for without it, I am less than I was.