Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Growth Inside Dogs Lip


Today I had a date. With the curb.

Much is happening, my knee is bearing the brunt, but otherwise everything is okay. But I should not repeat the feat. ;)

me the way, is fully aware that this is not the kind of news, wanted to hear her. ;)

I'm going doctoring times my knee.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Used Gym Equipment For Sale In Ohio

Good news.

I'm now a bike. I am mobile!

Almost all German students bring in anyone German. Jana asked me if I take over her job in August when they will drive home and I've promised. This is money, and even the train ride is paid.

I agreed not common. Yesterday was a party at home for all foreign students. Since I was the only one from Germany, I am joined to the English (of which I have two already met on the internet). I was drinking with them later on another one.

I am now teaching at 7x a week and keeping one's will. Now I have time for the Kendo Club, but who meet daily. I'm still a few days ...

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Skateland Putty Hill How Much Party?


Today morning I was at my appointment and at least for the Japanese classes my schedule now stands. At the regular language science, I am taking nothing, but next semester I'll have fun there. Of the other courses offered in English, although I've already picked out a few that sound interesting, however, most only offered in winter semester (do not ask me why it all are still in the brochure). In addition, I currently still unclear whether I will make ever has, and how many do I have to.

According to the nice lady from the consulting hour, I do, however, "many" Japanese courses (6), so it could lean on 12 hours remain. For the uninitiated
at this point: until now I have every semester when I had done more. Minimum number of hours: 25 Checks with the actual number of hours. Very little.

is otherwise not much really happens. Still no bike, but hopefully that will change tomorrow. Still no money (which is likely to come until late April because the Kumadai got the money still held by Jasso Foundation. Fortunately, there's people who lend me money ...).

But instead I learned about the Korean woman who lives next to me. It is also just arrived and was very pleased to learn when she has that I'm living next to her.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Why Radio Reception Is Better When You Stand Near

ukuraina_jin @ 2005-04-12T04:12:00

Today I again stole the phone ...
looks like it is now a new tradition) every month ..

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Deluxe Beer Line Cleaning Kit


First I have to but once given: in Kumamoto it is warm and sunny. Today it was 25 ° C and I've had my first sunburn. Since you can not keep her. ;)

But now to

"Ohanami is the Kirschblütenbeschau (basically a normal picnic, but you can sit under the cherry trees containing).

The whole gang:

(clockwise: Anja, Megumi, Sobako, (I forgot her name hmhm,), Oliver, Yuka, Natsumi, Nene-chan)
without me once ...

and once with me.

cherry blossoms!

In the back you see the castle.

And again, because it's so beautiful.

are also in the pond's fish. Nene-chan was quite fascinated by them.

What have we learned today: I can actually take pictures that look good.

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

James Mcavoy Spielt Klavier In Penelope

morning bird catches the mouth.

There is as yet only a few things in Japan, which I can upset myself. The can is indirectly related to the fact that it is now time Japan and that there is not much that I am justified in relation to Japan and somehow not be shrugged off as somewhat "normal".
The refuse disposal system is madness.

I have a "waste plan" because every day (except on weekends and every other Monday) garbage collected. Almost every day another. This is very hygienic, but also has some disadvantages.
is the one of the separated waste is extremely strict. Take for example a water bottle made of plastic. Normal plastic comes into the household waste and is burned, the PET bottle is recycled, however, and thus disposed of separately. The trick: the tape and the cap are plastic and thus have normal household waste.
If you're accustomed to, it's no problem, but when I've first seen the map, I was ... easily overwhelmed.
How can I get used to but NEVER am, the pick-up times. The garbage needs to 8 30 h brought out. BUT: you can not leave the bags the night before, because it might make wild dogs and cats, the bags break - which would of course disturb the neighbors. Therefore you have to get up every morning early. Not good.

The bags must be transparent way and that no markings are present.

Normally I'm not as sensitive as far as getting up, but 1 I have vacation and 2 I am last to bed late because I've met some people online that I had to talk so to speak. - God save me my excuses.

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Nys Unemploymentcertify Claim

Kumamoto Castle.

Some images were not geangezeigt, I've now changed. Who would have thought such a bummer Slash so powerful a big difference.

This is long overdue. Given the fact that I have to do really anything else I can add just my innate laziness and forgetfulness as an excuse (remember when I can eat, drink and time to go to bed, I must also something not forget true? That is incidentally meant purely rhetorical.)

Kumamoto Castle was built in 1607 and is being restored right now just for the 400-year celebrations in 2007. Therefore, a tower was closed, but that was not so bad.

The stairs were quite interesting. With an average step height of 30 cm, I wonder how the old Japanese have done it ... Most stairs are, however, "improved" was how the second Picture looks.
(In the first picture you see my tutor, but only from behind. He is very camera shy.) Is

One of the towers turned into a museum and viewing point. Of all the things I've photographed there, but I will only show one thing:

A (very) large rice bowl, as used in army camps and hospitals. Thus, a I would have loved. ;)

The tower was very nice and you have a wonderful view from there:

To demonstrate how high the tower is. The

you, I though then but laugh:

The ancient Japanese had already current. Who would have thought. ;)

That was the only thing I did not like. In general I am of the opinion that only old buildings with adequate materials, ie, the time available, should be restored. Particular attention should also rebuilding measures not notice too much.
why I have the concrete stairs, through the Tower, does not really appeal. Although fairly earthquake-safe, but takes the building, but a bit much of its character.

And that you may be convinced that I actually still alive and still am not starved (but I'm for spontaneous care package with various content to always have;)):

I know you should. The Japanese Natsumi is a student who last year at the Saarland University and was with which I am always taken. The little girl, Nene-chan is her niece. Chibi are Nihonjin-kawaii. ;)

Chibi: Manga are usually drawn to some extent according to nature, but sometimes the character of Chibi (in English, SD - Super Deformed - called shown). They are small, thick, with large eyes. Imagine just before the baby schema.

Kawaii: Japanese for cute. Where in the above statement in my interpretation of "sweet" is meant that the familiar semantics of exception comes close times.

PS: Although I can not speak German more reasonable, but at least I can write. Sometimes we can be glad for the little things in life.

Friday I go to a "Ohanami" (cherry blossom viewing), so I should post pictures at the weekend. If I have not written anything to Sunday readers, you may you spamming me. I work better under pressure. ;)

Comments are also more desirable. ;)