Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Nys Unemploymentcertify Claim

Kumamoto Castle.

Some images were not geangezeigt, I've now changed. Who would have thought such a bummer Slash so powerful a big difference.

This is long overdue. Given the fact that I have to do really anything else I can add just my innate laziness and forgetfulness as an excuse (remember when I can eat, drink and time to go to bed, I must also something not forget true? That is incidentally meant purely rhetorical.)

Kumamoto Castle was built in 1607 and is being restored right now just for the 400-year celebrations in 2007. Therefore, a tower was closed, but that was not so bad.

The stairs were quite interesting. With an average step height of 30 cm, I wonder how the old Japanese have done it ... Most stairs are, however, "improved" was how the second Picture looks.
(In the first picture you see my tutor, but only from behind. He is very camera shy.) Is

One of the towers turned into a museum and viewing point. Of all the things I've photographed there, but I will only show one thing:

A (very) large rice bowl, as used in army camps and hospitals. Thus, a I would have loved. ;)

The tower was very nice and you have a wonderful view from there:

To demonstrate how high the tower is. The

you, I though then but laugh:

The ancient Japanese had already current. Who would have thought. ;)

That was the only thing I did not like. In general I am of the opinion that only old buildings with adequate materials, ie, the time available, should be restored. Particular attention should also rebuilding measures not notice too much.
why I have the concrete stairs, through the Tower, does not really appeal. Although fairly earthquake-safe, but takes the building, but a bit much of its character.

And that you may be convinced that I actually still alive and still am not starved (but I'm for spontaneous care package with various content to always have;)):

I know you should. The Japanese Natsumi is a student who last year at the Saarland University and was with which I am always taken. The little girl, Nene-chan is her niece. Chibi are Nihonjin-kawaii. ;)

Chibi: Manga are usually drawn to some extent according to nature, but sometimes the character of Chibi (in English, SD - Super Deformed - called shown). They are small, thick, with large eyes. Imagine just before the baby schema.

Kawaii: Japanese for cute. Where in the above statement in my interpretation of "sweet" is meant that the familiar semantics of exception comes close times.

PS: Although I can not speak German more reasonable, but at least I can write. Sometimes we can be glad for the little things in life.

Friday I go to a "Ohanami" (cherry blossom viewing), so I should post pictures at the weekend. If I have not written anything to Sunday readers, you may you spamming me. I work better under pressure. ;)

Comments are also more desirable. ;)


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