Thursday, November 23, 2006

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Armeemarschsammlung und Heeresmarsche II


- ---------------

1896 II, 225 Prdsentiermarsch des Leib-Regiments Krassier GroYaer Kurfrst (Schles.) Nr. 1
von Cuno Graf von Moltke
II, 226 Hohenzollern-Marsch von Otto Berger • Opus 43
1900 II, 227 Slow march of Crown Prince George of Hanover • arrang by August Heinrich Neithardt
II, 228 5th march of Hanover Infantry Regiment (1866) by Carl Merkel
II, 229 Prinz Eugen quick march of Carl Neumann • Trio as the folk song
II, 230 march of Hanover's fourth Infantry Regiment (1866) by Julius Gerold
• composed in 1862 was as "George's March" • the Regiment in Stade
II, 231 March of the Hanoverian Guards Jдger Battalion (1866) by William Nedderhuth
• composed built in 1804 • a Prдsentiermarsch, to English. Hetzjagdlied of Hamphire-
Hunting Clubs • the battalion was Hanover
II, 232 march of Hanover 2nd Jдger Battalion (1866) by Christian Meyer honor God
II, 233 march of Hanover's third Jдger Battalion (1866), former trooper lyrics
Johann Michael Moshe Rasch
II, 234 march of Hanover's pioneers (l 866) Hanover
1901 II, 235 Crusader Fanfare by Richard Henrion • composed in 1893 in Prenzlau (Mark)
1902 II, 236 Empress Auguste Victoria march of Edward Funck • Opus 145 with the song
"Schleswig-Holstein, meerumschlungen" by Carl Gottlieb Bellmann
1905 II, 237 March of the Grenadier Regiment Siberian ursprьnglich a slow march attack
18th • century the regiment was in the Dniester Militдrbezirk • arrang. by Henry van Eyken
• this version was played 1905-1926
1908 II, 238 March of the Hessian Guards Infantry Regiment 115 of Hugo Hauske
• made two slow Mдrschen 18th Century
1911 II, 239 march of voluntary Jдger from the wars of liberation from the period around 1800
• arrang. Heinrich Homann
II, 240 PreuЯens Gloria von Gottfried Piefke • 1871
II composed in 1912, 241 Swedish war march (Bjцrneborgarnes) arrang. Theodor Grawert
• 18th Century
1913 II, 242 Front march by Georg churchyard • composed in 1913
II, 243 The Jдger from the Palatinate Johann Gottfried Rode • as a trio, the song by Martin Klein
1918 II, 244 Riga feeder march by Karl Hagen • composed in 1917 from Riga
1925 II, 245 Bavarian curfew after the bayer. Staff Rules of 1822/23
II, 246 Bavarian Defiliermarsch of Adolf Scherzer • composed in 1850 composed as a "parade"
II, 247 Prince Karl-March by Carl Neudel before 1875 • • Prince Charles as the owner of the Bavarian
. Infantry Regiment 3, Augsburg dedicated
II, 248 Mussinan march by Carl Carl • Colonel Ludwig Ritter Dedicated in 1882 by Mussinan
arrang II, 249 Regiment Kronprinz Defiliermarsch Josef Hauser •. Frederick Hьnn
• Name after bayer. Infantry Regiment 2, Mьnchen
II, 250 Defiliermarsch Joseph Strebinger • Opus 1 "Defiliermarsch No. 3" written in 1866 •
II, 251 Von der Tann-Marsch by Andreas Hager
II, 252 Kцnig Ludwig II of march George Seifert • named after the Kцnig
II of Bavaria, 253 Taxis march of Christian Kolb 1849 • the princes Karl Theodor von Thurn und Taxis
II, 254 Prince Arnulf-March by Max Hцgg • dedicated to the Bavarian prince as he 1881 Hцggs
commander was dedicated
II, 255 Prince Leopold-march composed by Gottfried op Sunday • 70 • 1873 and the Prince Leopold of Bavaria

II, 256 Badonviller march by Georg Fьrst • composed after the battle of the Bavarian. Infantry Regiment
body at Badonviller (63 km west StraЯburg) on 12 August 1914
II, 257 Kirmse on the Cote Lorraine by Otto • 25 • op composed in 1915 as "Combres March" and
the lieutenant colonel. of Rьcker
dedicated II, 258 Revue march composed by August 1886 • Reckling
II, 259 German Emperor Friedrich-march Zikoff • Opus 69 • composed in 1871
II, 260 core troops march from August Schmiedecke • composed around 1891
II, 261 Count Pьckler-Woellwarth march by Julius Schreck • composed about 1905
II, 262 March of the Hessian county regiment and the regiment "Landgraf of two slow
Mдrschen 18th Century composed
II, 263 Archduke Karl Albrecht-march Komzбk • 136 • Opus for the archduke
60 jдhrigen Dienstjubilдum
1887 1926 II, 264 arrang with bombs and grenades from Benjamin Bilse •. Oskar Hackenberger • opus 37 composed in 1880

arrang II, 265 Happy hunting from August Reckling •. Oskar Hackenberger • Opus 52
• composed in 1886
II, 266 Germany high in honor of Oskar Hackenberger • composed in the First World War
1929 II, 267 Hindenburg's march from Gustav Gerloff • his regiment chief Field Marshal
1915 dedicated

III. Collection
cavalry march (Prдsentier and Parademдrsche BOOKLET the mounted troops)

1841 III, 1 March (1741) by Frederick II • Kцnig composed in 1741
III, 1a Prдsentiermarsch Kцnig of Friedrich Wilhelm III. • "From the youth"

composed before 1800, III, 1b The Hohenfriedberger frьher: march of Dragoons Regiment Ansbach-Bayreuth
• the regiment on 6/11/1745 gave
III, 1c The Rheinstrцmer arrang. Wilhelm Wieprecht • from the time in 1750 was
• March of the 1734/35 Goltzґschen regiment was
III, 1 d, the minor jokes of Kцnig Frederick II • arrang. Wilhelm Wieprecht
• composed in 1741 composed in the camp of Mollwitz (Silesia)
III, 1e March (1756) of Kцnig Frederick II • 1756 composed in
Lobowitz on the Elbe (Bцhmen)
1824 III, 1f parade march by Johann Heinrich Krause
III, 2 slow march of Edward
Haynes III, 3 slow march of Carl Mangner
III, 4 trot march by Gasparo Spontini
1825 III, 5 parade march by Johann Heinrich Krause
III, 6 gallop fanfare by Edward Haynes
III, 7 galloping march by Anton Dцrfeldt
III, 8 trot march Wintzler
III, 9 galloping march from the Ballet "The Swiss Milchmдdchen"
arrang composed by Adalbert Gyrowetz 1821 •. composed by Gottlieb Fiedler
III, 10 canter march of Edward Haynes
III, 11 trot march to the motives of the opera "Aline" by Henri-Montan Berten
• Johann Heinrich Krause • before 1815
III, 12 trot march from the ballet "Kiaking" by Adalbert Gyrowetz
• composed in 1822 • arrang. Gottlieb Fiedler
1826 III, 13 March from the extravaganza "The fairy from France"
composed by Wenzel Mьller • 1821 • arrang. FA Wagner
III, 14 GroЯer feeder march from the magic ballet "The Fairy and the Knights'
Pietro Romani • composed in 1823 • 1825 from Teplitz
brought III, 15 March by August Heinrich Neithardt
1827 III, 16 canter march by Johann Heinrich Krause
1828 III, 17 Slow march
III, 18 Redowatschka = faster bцhmischer dance in 2/4-time • trot march
1830/32 III, 19 March to motives of the opera "William Tell" by Gioacchino Rossini
• Carl Wilhelm LieЯ
1834/36 III, 20 Parade March by Baron Ernst. of Danckelmann
1837 III, 21 cavalry march of William Wieprecht • composed in 1829 For the successive Dragoon Guards regiment,
Berlin and from there to 1836 as a list march
blown III, 22 8 signals to Einrьcken camp and discouragement of the standards and the parade
to blow the trot • No. 1 is the preuЯ. Standartenfanfare
1839 III, 23 cavalry march (1839) by Ernst Freiherr. Danckelmann of the Prince Albert of PreuЯen
(Father) • Dedicated (l 839) • arrang. Wilhelm Wieprecht
1840 III 24 hard march to masquerade "Richard Lцwenherz" (1840)
Ernst Freiherr. • Danckelmann of arrang to melodies from Gretry's 1841 opera of the same
III, 25 March of the body GroЯherrn Mamuth II of Gaetano Donizetti •
. Wilhelm was Wieprecht
III, 26 hard march to the regiment Sдkularfeier Garde du Corps (1840) by William Wieprecht
• the regiment established in 1740 • It was 1840 in Charlottenburg
III, 27 March to motives of the opera "Brennus" by Johann Friedrich Reichardt
• Wieprecht
of William III, 28 to obtain the king's march in Berlin (1840) by William Wieprecht
• the collection of Frederick William IV was on 21 September 1840
III, 29 March to the Feast of the weiЯen Rose (1829) by Wilhelm Friedrich Graf von Redern •
the feast was on 13 July 1829 in Potsdam, the New Palace
III, 30 hard march to the 2nd Sдkularfeier Hussars Regiment (1841) by William Wieprecht
• The regiment was established in 1741 • It was 1841 in Men's City (Silesia)
1843 III, 31 Parade March by Baron Ernst. of Danckelmann
III, 32 toes 10 of March of the Hussars F. Munter • the regiment was in Aschersleben
III, 33 March to trot motives of the ballet "Giselle" by Adolphe Charles Adam •
of Albert Lorenz
1844 III, 34 Pauline march by Julius Gerold
III, 35 March (1844) Ernst Freiherr. of Danckelmann
III, 36 Wedding March from "Midsummer Night's Dream by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
• Opus 61 No. 9, summer of 1843 • arrang. of William III Wieprecht
1845, 37 warrior like Josef Gung 'l • Opus 26 "Festival March" composed in 1843 and the
• Dedicated Count Redern, arrang. Carl Mangner
1846 III, 38 Parade march at the gallop of L. Kant man
III, 39 subjects of the hard march to the opera "A field camp in Silesia," by Giacomo Meyerbeer
• Wieprecht
of William III, 40 GroЯer march in Berlin by Wilhelm Schьtzengilde Wieprecht
III, 41 March by Johann Schubert • brought in 1842 by Prince Albert of PreuЯen (father) from Italy
arrang •. arrang Wieprecht
of William III, 42 March by Joseph Liehmann •. Wilhelm Wieprecht
III, 43 Steyrer homesickness by Josef Gung 'l • Opus 38

III, 44 Potsdamer casino march from Josef Gung' l • Opus 45 "Potsdamer Casino Polka
• the Prime Minister Lt. Job of wit life dedicated to arrang. Carl Mangner
III, 45 Husarenmut Carl Mangner • Prince Albert of PreuЯen (father) dedicated
III, March 46 firm of Hermann Jr. Bender. • arrang. by J. Heidenreich
III, 47 quick march by Lt. G. Tutsch •. Job of Witzleben (son) from Prague brought
• arrang. Carl Mangner
III, 48 Parade march GroЯfьrstin Olga of RuЯland • brought in 1845 by Prince Carl of PreuЯen from
St. Petersburg
III, 49 quick march of the Russian Jдger Regiment Fьrst of Warsaw, Graf Paskevich-Eriwanski of Prince William of PreuЯen (spдter brought WI) arrang
ОII 1850, 50 parade of Princess Charlotte of PreuЯen
1853 III, 51 Parade March No. 1 by Julius Mцllendorf •. Heinrich Saro
III, 52 Parade March No. 2 of Julius Mцllendorf • arrang. Heinrich Saro
III, 53 cavalry march of Carl Wilhelm • Opus 13 "Wrangel march"
III, 54 Parade March by William Wieprecht
III, 55 parade of Hereditary Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen
before 1860 III, 56 Parade march from Frederick Neumann
1860 III, 57 Friedrich Wilhelm-Marsch by Friedrich Wilhelm Ziegler
• Rates march Bote & Bock, Berlin 1857 (2nd prize)
III, 58 parade (B-flat major) by Albert Lorenz • Opus 164
• Rates march Bote & Bock , Berlin 1858 (3rd prize)
III, 59 cavalry march (in E flat major) by Albert Lorenz • Opus 170
• Rates march Bote & Bock, Berlin 1859 (2nd prize)
III, 60 parade (in A flat major) by Albert Lorenz • Opus 152
• Rates march Bote & Bock, Berlin 1857 (3rd prize)
III, 61 Victoria march of William Wieprecht • Original title: "Royal Victoria PrinzeЯ-march" to obtain
on 8 February 1858
1861 III, 62 Parade march of Prince Albrecht of PreuЯen (son) • arrang. H. Koppen
III, 63 parade in August 1870 Bцhr
III, 64 Marche militaire by Pauline Viardot-Garcia • arrang. by Wilhelm Wieprecht • composed
dedicated in 1867 in Baden-Baden and the preuЯischen Kцnigin Augusta
1871 III, 65 Army victory march of Ferdinand Sieber • Opus 90 "Parade march 1871 BOOKLET Cavalry
1876 III, 66 Bombardonmarsch Heinrich Saro • Opus 107 to motives of Brьlls "Golden Cross"
1880/85 III, 67, the German Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm Voigt Guard • Opus 66 to the memory of the Battle of
GroЯ Gцrschen-on 2 • May 1813 the trio composed with Signalhцrnern • 1883
1886/91 III, 68 Cavalry parade of Emil
Ruth III, 69 Torgauer parade of (allegedly) Scholz brought from -1817 Fri Kцnig W. III. From Torgau
arrang. by Fr W. Voigt
III, 70 Swedish Reitermarsch "Finska Rytteriets-march" • Hereditary Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen
brought in 1889 from Sweden • arrang. by Fr W. Voigt

1892 III, 71 Kцnig Karl-Ludwig Carl march composed Unrath • 1868 • named after Kцnig
of Wьrttemberg
III, 72 Des GroЯen Kurfьrsten Reitermarsch by Cuno Graf von Moltke
• arrang. Reinhard Lehmann • Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1893 dedicated
III, 73 Regiment of Lancers Regiment Kцnig Karl (1 Wьrtt.) No 19
of GroЯfьrstin Alexandra Josiphowna composed of RuЯland • 1875
arrang III, 74 March of the Grenadier Guards (1806). Gustav RoЯberg • from the time before 1740
• the regiment level in Potsdam
III, 75 March by Prince August Wilhelm arrang composed by PreuЯen • 1751 •. Carl
Frese III, 76 march of the infantry regiment No. 46 Thiele arrang circa 1795. Carl Frese
• the regiment was in Warsaw
III, 77 march of the infantry regiment No. 34 Prince Ferdinand arrang About 1790. • Carl Frese
second March of the Regiment (1st march see PM I, 73) • The regiment was in Ruppin (Mark)
III, 78 March by Prince August Wilhelm arrang composed by PreuЯen • 1750 •. Carl
Frese III, 79 March by Philippine Duchess Charlotte of Brunswick-composed Lьneburg • 1751 •
arrang. Carl
Frese III, 80 march of the infantry regiment No. 25 Mцllendorff arrang around 1796. Carl L. Frese
• March of the Regiment (2nd march AM see I, 64) • The regiment was in Berlin
• arrang. Carl
Frese III, 81 march of the infantry regiment No. 17 Treskow arrang 1800. Carl Frese
• the regiment was in Gdansk
III, 82 march of the infantry regiment Jung Bornstedt No 20. To arrang 1792nd • Carl Frese
second March of the Regiment (1st march see PM I, 74) • The regiment was in Magdeburg
III, 83 March by Prince August Wilhelm arrang composed by PreuЯen • 1749 •. composed by Carl Frese
1895 III, 84, the minor jokes of Kцnig Frederick II • 1741 in stock from Mollwitz (Silesia)
III, 85 The Dessauer [= Regiment of the Regiment Fьrst Leopold No. 3 (1806)] arrang. Gustav
RoЯberg • capacity of 1788/1800 • The regiment was in Hall
III, 86 The Rheinstrцmer [= regimental march of the regiment and Bonin Kalckstein No. 5 (1806)] arrang
. Gustav RoЯberg • capacity of 1735 • The regiment was in Magdeburg
III, 87 March of the Grenadier Guards No. 6 (1806) arrang. stood by Gustav RoЯberg
• from the time before 1740 • The Regiment in Potsdam
1896 III, 88 Age march, called the Zorndorf arrang. Julius Kosleck
III, 89 Prдsentiermarsch of the Life Regiment Kьrassier GroЯer Kurfьrst (Schles.) No l
by Cuno Graf von Moltke
1898 III, 90 First Artillery march 18th Century
III, 9l Second Artillery march 18th Century
1899 III, 92 March of the Hanoverian Guard du Corps (l 866), the regiment was in Hanover in 1900
III, 93 March of the Hanoverian Hussars Regiment (1866) by Johann Christian Bach •
the regiment was in Verden (Aller)
III, 94 march of the First Battalion 2nd Kurhannoversches Infantry Regiment arrang. Gustav
RoЯberg • 1780 • from the time the battalion stood in Einbeck
III, 95 of the march had arrang Kurhannoverschen Infantry Regiment von Meding. Gustav RoЯberg
• 1769/70 • from around the regiment had been in Einbeck
III, 96 march of the Second Battalion, 2nd Kurhannoversches Infantry Regiment arrang. Gustav
RoЯberg • 1780 • from the time the battalion had been in Osnabrьck
III, 97 March of the I. 3rd Battalion Kurhannoversches Infantry Regiment by Christopher F. Eley
• composed as "Duke of York March" • arrang. Gustav RoЯberg • the battalion had been in Hameln

III, 98 march of the Second Battalion, 3rd Kurhannoversches Infantry Regiment arrang. Gustav
RoЯberg • the battalion had been in Hameln
III, 99 March of the Hanover Dragoons Cambridge (1866), the regiment stood at Celle
III, 100 March of the Hanoverian Crown Prince Dragoon Regiment (1866)
the regiment was in Osnabrьck
III, 101 march of Hanover Kцnigin Hussars (1866) by H. Jдger
• The regiment was in Lьneburg
III, 102 march of Kurhannoverschen Dragoon Regiment of the Regiment was Ramdohr
in Verden (Aller)
III, 103 March of the Hanoverian artillery (1866) (Prince Coburg)
III, 104 slow march of Crown Prince George of Hanover • arrang by August Heinrich Neithardt
III, 105 5th march of Hanover Infantry Regiment (1866) by Carl Merkel
III, 106 Prinz Eugen quick march of Carl Neumann • Trio as the folk song
III, 107 march of Hanover's fourth Infantry Regiment (1866) by Julius Gerold
• composed in 1862 was as "George's March" • the Regiment in Stade
III, 108 March of the Hanoverian Guards Jдger Battalion (1866) composed by Wilhelm Nedderhuth
• 1804 • a Prдsentiermarsch, based on English. Hetzjagdlied of Hamphire-
Hunting Clubs • the battalion was in Hanover
III, 109 march to the motives of the opera "Moses" by Gioacchino Rossini • Johann Baptist Aries
• 1823 by Crown Prince (spдter FW IV) brought from Mьnchen
III, 110 march of Hanover's second Jдger Battalion (1866) by Christian honor God
Meyer III, 111 march of Hanover's third Jдger Battalion (1866), former trooper lyrics
Johann Michael Moshe Rasch
III, 112 march of Hanover's pioneers (l 866) Hanover
1901 III, 113 Crusader Fanfare by Richard Henrion • composed in 1893 in Prenzlau (Mark)
1902 III, 114 Empress Augusta Victoria march of Edward Funck • Opus 145 with the
song "Schleswig-Holstein meerumschlungen," by Carl Gottlieb Bellmann
III, 115 march Oranje-Nassau by Joseph Kessels arrang as "triumphant Marshe '•. Bulge of old Johann
1905 III, 116 marching Frankfurt Otto Fies Diner • Opus 14 with the use of ancient melodies Frankfurt
III, 117 De Mars Brandenburgsche arrang. Richard StrauЯ 1905 • 18th Century
1906 III 118 Salankemen-march called by Bruno Garlepp • north north west to the use of Brandenburg
squadrons in August 1691 Belgrade 40 km
III, 119-Jдger Prдsentiermarsch the king's regiment on horseback by Richard StrauЯ
• arrang. Hermann Baarz
1909 III, 120 March of the Lancer Regiment of Ruesch by Hermann Fischer
III, 121 Cavalry Prдsentiermarsch by Hermann Fischer
1910 III, 122 Wilhelmus of NaЯauen Theodor Grawert • ABOUT altniederlдndische war songs
1911 III, 123 Grenadier march composed Egon von Garnier • 1911 • arrang. Max Steier
III, 124 March of the Volunteers Jдger from the wars of liberation from the period around 1800
• arrang. Heinrich Homann
1912 III, 125 trot March No. 1 by Paul Schuch
III, 126 trot March No. 2 by Paul Schuch
III, 127 Alexandra-March by Alwin Peschke • name after the 2nd Guard Dragoon Regiment
III, 128 March of the Regiment von Arnim (1796) arrang. Theodor Grawert
• around 1796 march was the infantry regiment No. 13 von Arnim, Berlin
III, 129 March of the Electorate of Brandenburg by Carl Zimmer • arrang. Oskar Hackenberger
• Rates march Scherl Verlag, Berlin 1912 (3rd prize)
III, 130 in the trappings of weapons of Bruno Garlepp • arrang. Oskar Hackenberger • Price
march Scherl Verlag, Berlin 1912 (4th Prize)
III, 131 Swedish war march (Bjцrneborgarnes) arrang. Theodor Grawert
• 18th Century
1913 III, 132 Jubilдumsmarsch George MeЯner • for 25jдhr. Regierungsjubilдum Kaiser Wilhelm II
III, 133 March of the Dragoons Regiment Landgraf Friedrich Kurhessische
arrang. George MeЯner
III, 134 parade trot MeЯner
George III, 135 parade at a gallop by George MeЯner
III, 136 Kaiser Wilhelm Georg Jubilдumsmarsch of the churchyard • 25jдhr. Regierungsjubilдum
III, 137 as PM II, 243
III, 138 The Pappenheimer arrang from the war 30jдhrigen •. Otto John
1917 III, 139 Army March of Princess Marie Elisabeth of Saxe-Meiningen
1925 III, 140 Bavarian gallop fanfare by Max Bцhme
III, 141 Althessischer Reitermarsch (1732) of Landgraf Ludwig VIII of Hesse-Darmstadt
• composed in 1732
1926 III, 142 Kьrassiermarsch »GroЯer Kurfьrst" by Walter Simon • 1886/91
composed III, 143 For the successive march preuЯ. 2. Hussars Regiment of Carl Maria von Weber composed
• 29th 10 July 1822 at Dresden BOOKLET trumpets

German Heeresmдrsche (HM)
Succession (continued) 1933-1945
Armeemдrsche the collection I
Prдsentiermдrsche seemed strange FuЯtruppen

1933 HM I, • 59 Prдsentiermarsch the Black Brigade of Johann Friedrich Carl Rath
it the 64th Inf Brig, Dresden
HM I, 60 March Hollдndischer honor of Jacob Rauscher • arrang. composed by Gustav RoЯberg
HM I, 61 march of the First Division sailors of Prince Henry of PreuЯen • 1886/91
HM I, 62 Hessian flags march (1732) of Landgraf Ludwig VIII of Hesse-Darmstadt
• arrang. Friedrich Anton
HM I, 63 Regiment march from Kursдchsischen General Rietzenstein (L788)
the regiment was in Leipzig • from the collection of Carl Friedrich Gьnther
HM I, 64 March from Kursдchsischen Regiment Prinz Maximilian (1788)
the regiment was in Chemnitz • from the Collection of Carl Friedrich Gьnther
HM I, 65 March from Kursдchsischen Regiment of General Zanthier (1788)
the regiment was in Torgau • From the Collection of Carl Friedrich Gьnther
HM I, 66 March from Kursдchsischen Regiment of General Hartitzsch (1788)
the regiment was in • Gцrlitz from the Collection of Carl Friedrich Gьnther

Collection II
Parademдrsche BOOKLET FuЯtruppen

1934 HM II, 4 RegimentsgruЯ Heinrich Steinbeck
HM II, 23 March of the Grenadiers, 42 mm regimental march of Josef Wiedemann
• Opus 60 »Wagram Grenadier March" • Compose 1885 For the successive цsterr. Infantry Regiment 42
HM II, 59 German master Regiment of Wilhelm August Jurek • Opus 6
• For the successive цsterr composed in 1897. Infantry Regiment 4
HM II, 82 76th Regiment of Anton Rosary
• composed in 1880 in Sarajevo BOOKLET as "76th Regiment signal" the цsterr. Infantry Regiment 76
1933 HM II, 125 March of the Swiss Guards also "Swiss National Guard in Naples"
- from the capital Kцnigreichs of the Two Sicilies
HM II, 126 Glьck on! Carl Faust • Opus 127 • composed in 1865
• as a trio, a miner song from Freiberg (Saxony)
HM II, 127 parade of E. Bochmann • composed 1834/38
HM II, 128 LaЯt us joke of William Herfurth
HM II, 129 march to tens motives of the opera "Raymond" from Ambroise Thomas
• Hermann LoЯner
HM II, 130 GruЯ at Kiel Friedrich Spohr • composed •
called 1864 after the invasion of Sдchs. Brigade in Kiel on 12.29.1863
HM II, 131 march to motives of the opera "Belisarius" by Gaetano Donizetti
HM II, 132 cheerfulness march also "High Kцnig Johann" • • composed of Carl Hauschild 1869
HM II, 133-Schьtzen Defiliermarsch Carl Gottlieb lip
• the sдchs. Schьtzen Regiment 108 was in Dresden
HM II, 134 parade of the Pioneer Battalion 12 of Anton Schubert composed 1886/91 •
HM II, 135 march of the infantry regiment of Count Bьlow Dennewitz No. 55 composed by Besel
• 1890 • the regiment was in Detmold
HM II, 136 Smorgon march Herman Blume
• named after the defensive battle in July 1917 off Free RuЯland
HM II, 137! Carl Latann
HM II, composed of 138 Mosel-Marsch Johann Carl Roesler • Trio as the Mosel song
HM II, 139 Landjдgermarsch Joseph Rixner • Opus 90 • 1880/85
HM II, composed of 140 The black Jдger Carl Eduard Partzsch • Opus 10 • 1868
• as a trio, the soldiers' song "Duke Цls"
HM II, 141 Gebirgsjдgermarsch Karl Mьhlberger
HM II, 142 Belgrade-March (Prince Eugene) • Joseph Schifferl
HM II, 143 pilots parade of Gustav Rath
HM II, 144 march of the infantry regiment No. 22 Keith Ernst Robert Bцhme
• the regiment was in Gliwice (Upper Silesia)

HM II, 145 Our Marine Richard Thiele • composed dedicated in 1886 in a musical comedy
• as a trio, the flag song
HM II, 146 Tannenberg march of Herman Blume
• the Reichsprдsidenten Field Marshal von Hindenburg
1934 HM II, 149 Schцnfeld- march of Carl Michael Ziehrer Opus 422 • • composed 1886/91
1939 HM II, 150 Old Comrades by Carl Teike • composed in 1889 in Ulm
HM II, 151 Kaiser Friedrich March by Carl Friedemann • Opus 66 • 1888
composed HM II , 152 Under the banner of victory composed by Franz von Blon • 1890
HM II, 153 Victoria March by Franz von Blon • written in August 1914
HM II, 154 Laridah march composed by Max Hempel • 1918 eng. Hunting song
HM II, 155 march of infantry regiment 12 composed by Hugo Kayser
HM II, 156 armored ship Germany by Erich Schumann
• 1937 as "Marine Marching ironclad Germany"

collection III A
Prдsentier-and Parademдrsche in step BOOKLET mounted troops

1934 HM III A, 8 Field-Marshal Count Schlieffen-fanfare by Leopold Loeser • composed in 1903
1933 HM III A, 56 Consecration of John Havemann • composed 1886/91
HM III A, 57 Vestal-march by Julius Gerold
HM III A, 58 of the 18 parade Hussar by Alwin Mьller • composed • 1892/97
the regiment was in GroЯenhain (Saxony)
HM III A, 59 German Reiterfanfare Hermann Schmidt
HM III A, 60 fanfare by Walter Harmens
HM III A, 61-march Douzy Alwin Franz
• named after the Battle of Sedan on 17 before Lancers Regiment 31/08/1870
HM III A, 62-king's dragoons march from Berthold Stoy
• the wьrtt. Regiment (No. 26) was in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
HM III A, 63-Count Eberhard march from Albert Seger
• as the Trio song "Praising with a lot of speeches schцnen"
HM III A, 64 parade by Wilhelm Baum
HM III A, 65 Cross Mark Reiter-Marsch by R. Schmidt
HM III A, 66-Wettin Jubilдums march of Friedrich August Trenkler
• composed 600jдhr 1889. Jubilдum
1934 HM III A, 67 Parade March of the Field Artillery Regiment 28 • Ernst Philipp
the regiment was in Bautzen (Saxony)
HM III A, 68 March ABOUT the song "people to arms" by Hermann Schmidt
1939 HM III A , 69-March by Barbara Rudolf Grцschke
HM III A, 70 armored cavalry march of Hermann Schmidt

collection III B
Parademдrsche trot and canter

1933 HM III B, l FьrstengruЯ (BegrьЯungsfanfare)
HM III B, 2 trot march from the ballet "The guardian spirit" of Hermann Schmidt
• arrang. Carl Mangner
HM III B, 3 trot march from the opera "Martha" by Friedrich Freiherr. von Flotow
HM III B, 4 gallop March from the opera "The Prophet" by Giacomo Meyerbeer
HM III B, 5 trot march 1.Garde Field Artillery Regiment, the regiment was in Berlin
HM III B, 6 galloping march of the 1st Guard Field Artillery Regiment, the regiment was in Berlin
HM III B, 7 trot march of the regiment of the Gardes du Corps, the regiment was in Potsdam
HM III B, 8 March of the Hussars gallop 19 by the end of Max
• the regiment was in Grimsby (Saxony)
HM III B, 9 trot march from the "Quadrille" by Wilhelm Friedrich Graf von Redern
HM III B, 10 canter march from the opera "The camp of Granada" by Konradin Kreutzer
HM III B, 11 trot march Kьrassier Regiment 2, the regiment was stood in Pasewalk (Pomerania)
HM III B, 12 canter march Kьrassier Regiment 2, the regiment in Pasewalk (Pomerania)
HM III B, 13 trot march of Constantin von Pritchard and Gaffron
HM III B, 14 canter march from the opera "Robert the devil "by Giacomo Meyerbeer
HM III B, 15 Field Artillery Regiment of the trot march 16, the regiment was in Kцnigsberg in Prussia
HM III B, 16 Field Artillery Regiment of the galloping march 80 The regiment was in Colmar (ElsaЯ)
HM III B, on 17 trot march on motifs of the ballet "Giselle" by Adolphe Charles Adam
• Albert Lorenz
HM III B, 18 canter march "Feast of weiЯen Rose" Fanfare from "preuЯischen court "
• Wilhelm Wieprecht
HM III B, 19 trot march of Field Artillery Regiment 75, the regiment was in Halle (Saale)
HM III B, 20 canter march of the Field Artillery Regiment 48 of Paul Matzke
• the regiment was in Dresden
HM III B, 21 Field Artillery Regiment of the trot march 62, the regiment was in Oldenburg
HM III B, 22 canter march of the body 1, the Hussars Regiment was in Danzig
HM III B, 23 trot march from the opera "Martha" by Friedrich Freiherr. was von Flotow
HM III B, 24 canter march from the opera "Robert le Diable" by Giacomo Meyerbeer
HM III B, 25 trot march of Dragoon Regiment 25, the regiment in Ludwigsburg
HM III B, 26 canter march of Friedrich Wagner
HM III B, 27 trot march Wintzler
HM III B, 28 canter march of the Field Artillery Regiment 13, the regiment was in Ulm
HM III B, composed 29 galloping march "Where funny sound the Hцrner" by Carl Faust • Opus 257
• 1874/79
HM III B, 30 trot march of Dragoon Regiment 2, the regiment was in Schwedt (Oder)
HM III B, 31 canter march of Reinhold Fellenberg
HM III B, 32 trot march arrang. Gottlieb Spiegelberg
HM III B, 33 canter march "The Mosel song" by Georg Schmitt • Opus 45 • • arrang
composed in 1842. composed by Gottlieb Spiegelberg
HM III B, 34 trot march Graf GeЯler by Alwin Peschke
• 1914 • Graf G. 1914 became commander of guards drag. 2
HM III B, 35 canter march by Alwin Franz
HM III B, 36 trot march "The sutler" by Carl Faust • Polka
HM III B, 37 Amazon march from the ballet "Fantaska" by Peter Ludwig Hertel • Opus 95
HM III B, 38 trot march of William Tree
HM III B, 39 canter march of the 2nd Guard Lancers Regiment of Wilhelm Friedrich Graf von Redern
• the regiment was in Berlin
HM III B, 40 trot march from the opera "The weiЯe Dame" by Francois Adrien Boieldieu
HM III B, 41 canter march of the 1st Guard Lancers Regiment, the regiment was in Potsdam
HM III B, 42 AmboЯ Polka by Albert Parlow
HM III B, 43 canter march of the Field Artillery Regiment 2, the regiment was in Kolberg
HM III B, 44 trot March from the opera Die Merry Wives of Windsor "by Otto Nicolai
HM III B, 45 canter March from the Operetta" Light Cavalry "by Franz von Suppй
HM III B, 46 trot march from the Trout Quintet "I jun hцrt9 Bдchlein a rush" by Franz Schubert

HM III B, 47 canter march of William Baum
HM III B, 48-night Mr. Polka Philipp Fahrbach.
HM III B, 49 canter march of the Dragoon Regiment 26, the regiment was in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
HM III B, 50 trot march "The Jдger from the Palatinate," a trio that song by Martin Klein
HM III B, 51 canter March from the comic opera Mandolinata "by Emile Paladilhe
HM III B, 52 Field Artillery Regiment of the trot march 4, the regiment was in Magdeburg
HM III B, 53 canter march arrang. Gottlieb Spiegelberg
HM III B, 54 trot march of Dragoon Regiment 8, the regiment was in Цls
HM III B, 55 canter march of the 3rd Guard Lancers Regiment, the regiment was in Potsdam
HM III B, 56 trot march of the Field Artillery Regiment 77, the regiment was in Leipzig
HM III B, 57 canter march by Anton Dцrfeldt
HM III B, 58 trot march of the Hussar Regiment 18 of Alwin Mьller
• the regiment was in GroЯenhain (Saxony)
HM III B, 59 canter march of the Hussar Regiment 18 from "Berlin, as he cries and laughs,"
• Alwin Mьller
HM III B, 60 trot march of the 1st Dragoon Guards regiment of Carl Voigt • the regiment was in Berlin
HM III B, 61 canter march "Light Cavalry" by Wilhelm Lьdecke
HM III B, 62-song Kutschke Louis Stasny • Opus 155 »Kutschke Polka"
HM III B, 63 canter march Prince Regent Luitpold Karl Schleth
• name after the "Feldartl. Regiment Prinz Regent Luitpold 4 "
HM III B, 64 trot march by Otto Wagner
HM III B, 65 canter march by Karl Schцps
HM III B, 66 trot march of Hanover Garde du Corps (1866)
HM III B, 67 The Kцniggrдtzer Gottfried Piefke • Trio with other
HM III B, 68 trot March "The Red Sarafan," according to Russian folk song • Alwin Peschke
HM III B, 69 canter march by Johann Heinrich Krause
HM III B, 70 trot march of the Field Artillery Regiment 68, the regiment was in Riesa (Saxony)
HM III B, 71 canter march of the Field Artillery Regiment 5, the regiment was in Sprottau (Silesia)
HM III B, 72 trot march of the Field Artillery Regiment 72 of Julius Maasberg
• the regiment was in Marienwerder (WestpreuЯen)
HM III B, away 73 Free! Carl Latann
HM III B, 74 trot march of the 1st Guard Lancers Regiment, the regiment was in Potsdam
HM III B, 75 canter March from the Operetta "The schцne Galatea" by Franz von Suppй
HM III B, 76 trot March from the Operetta "Parisian Life" by Jacques Offenbach
HM III B, 77 galloping march of the field artillery Regiment 75, the regiment was in Halle (Saale)
HM III B, 78 trot March from the Operetta "Fatinitza" by Franz von Suppй
HM III B, 79 trot march of the Lancer Regiment 15, the regiment was in Saarburg
HM III B, 80 Halali a hunting call (no march)
HM III B, 81 trot march Kьrassier Regiment 3, the regiment was in Kцnigsberg in Prussia
HM III B, 82 trot march from the operetta "Orpheus in the Underworld" by Jacques Offenbach
• stood by Wilhelm Sillig
HM III B, 83 trot march 13, the regiment of Hussars in Thionville '
HM III B, 84 Polka Abй Holzmann
HM III B, 85 Gallop Nitzsche march
HM III B, 86 parade in the gallop of L. Kant man
HM III B, 87 canter March from the Operetta "The schцne Helena" by Jacques Offenbach
HM III B, 88 Bavarian gallop fanfare by Max Bцhme
HM III B, 89 trot march No 1 by Paul Schuch
HM III B, 90 March No. 2 trotting Paul Schuch
1934 HM III B, 91 trot march by Otto Schmid
HM III B, 92 Brucker camp march by Johann Nepomuk Kral • Opus 51 •
composed 1874/75 at Bruck an der Leitha


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