Thursday, November 23, 2006

How Much Is Waxing At Jcpenney Salon?

Big sunset

"Most (or great ") sunset" - Gala military ritual. The history of the ritual dates back to 1596, when the marching camps freelance retreat to the night's sleep was declared not spoken command, and sounds furnace. From the middle of XVII century tattoo came into the statutes of most European armies. In Russia, this ritual signal gets from the Netherlands where it has brought the irrepressible Peter the Great. I refer to the bike Aleksei Alekseevich Karabanova:

" beer keg tap and military music

not taste not to have known - This universal wisdom applies equally to the tea party, and all other phenomena of life, including pitiyu beer. Of course, much You can read and try to learn the theory. But no one theory will not give you the opportunity to taste, aroma, feel the atmosphere, and many others pleasantness and unpleasantness. In this sense, of course, were right teaches us so many decades of Marxist-Leninists, saying that only the practice - the criterion truth.

King Peter was a big fan of practice. Comprehending the basics of shipbuilding in Holland, he was not on the books was introduced to the local form of entertainment - a mug (Often very large mug) of beer. For a young king that was not news: "Good-bye, Russian kvass and mead!" - He said, still at home, drinking with Lefort in German settlement. But as the beer in the Netherlands - the national drink, then drink it, of course, everything - paint the town red like in Europe, kings, incognito, and simple and not very ordinary Dutch people, and civilians, and certainly the military. It was not until Peter, Peter, after Peter, and so remains today. But the Dutch disciplined military back in ancient times made sure that the soldiers and sailors, and corporals, and officers, even generals and admirals with the adjutants and orderlies, time to stop the sweet libation of beer and returned alive to spend the night in the barracks. For this purpose, was invented by a special signal pipe - "Close the tap!". It is clear what the crane in question. For the uninitiated (nondrinkers), elaborates: tap beer kegs in a tavern "The old boatswain on the corner of Flower and the Grand Canal, the city-hero Amsterdam.

In Dutch, this signal sounds "Tap that." This historic signal is preserved until now and gave life to such a wonderful, truly theatrical representations referred to in our day festival of military orchestras. About how it happened, tells this tale.

to plant in Russia, all Dutch, including the love of beer, Peter borrowed and military signal "Tap that." So he called in Peter's Maritime Charter: "Play Tapti. Later this signal Russified and became known as "sunset." In the reign of Emperor Paul I, who, though disliked military music, but very fond of military ceremonies and parades, Russian ceremonial sunset reached the pinnacle of perfection. As directed by the monarch Kapellmeister Dmitri Ivanovich Bortniansky processed (Or re-written??) All the music and ritual, which eventually took the following form:

# "Agenda" - sung pikolistami (which is also at the time, as in Peter I, labeled "sipovschikami or fleytschikami) and drummers;
# signal" to the dawn "- the executable with the same musicians;
#" Dawn "- sung full military orchestra, ("Dawn" D. Yuortnyansky)
# "Roll" - the regiments and battalions participating in the ceremony. Each regiment and battalion performed its own signal to the horns and later, when Alexander I, and orchestral music, performed by an orchestra of this regiment or batolona;
# signal "to pray" - hats off! (Pikolisty and drummers);
# "Prayer" - a wonderful hymn, "Glorious", performed by an orchestra, choir and all present;
# signal "to finish the prayer" - to wear hats!

In this a Russian retreat lasted until 1836, when it entered a new Russian national anthem "God Save the Tsar". On this occasion it should be noted that, including a new national anthem "God Save the Tsar!" the ritual of the Dawn, Nicholas I did not cancel the old - "Glorious" and left it in its rightful place. Thus, in the Russian sunset began to sound both national anthem - and the old and new. A good example for this generation!

Thanks to the victory of Russian troops in the war with Napoleon in 1814 and almost complete occupation of Europe, Russian music of the sunset in the west just got a stunning popularity. She has always performed at the end Wheelchair concerts have received in Europe known as the "monster concerts".


However, there are more patriotic version of the ritual of the Dawn. It shows in his book "The Soviet Military Music" was published in 1977:

"The emergence of rituals Solemn Dawn (the Soviet version of" Vech.Zari) and evening roll, goes back to ancient times. Old Russian chronicles and other historical sources indicate that "bntie Dawn" was distributed in Russia already in the XIV-XV centuries, although at the time dawn had not yet had a purely military matter. After the "sunset" city (fortress) gates were locked, the guards were exposed, and access to the city stopped. In the morning, on the performance of "The Dawn", the entrance to town is free. "Bitie Dawn" was carried out on the drums and pipes. For the first time a detailed description of the action "drumming and pipe manufacturers in various cases of life-forces is given in the Russian military regulations, printed in 1647. The finalization of Dawn in a military ceremony took place at the beginning of XVIII century "

Despite the fact that this version is much more patriotic, you should to it with caution. The book in which she shows a very ideological. However, be dismissed it is not possible. It should summarize all the information.


Thus, the Russian retreat became extremely popular. She especially fell in love with the King of Prussia Frederick William III - a close friend Alexander I, and later of Nicholas I. Nikolai Pavlovich made another royal gift - a gift to the Germans not only the notes and the right of their performance, but also the right of their printing in Germany. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this gift. Only through him Russian sunset not only survived and survived the Bolshevik massacre, but still performed and loved in Europe. "

As we see in Russia by the end of XVIII (or early, according to the book" Sov.voen.muz) century from just applied military signals formed a separate ceremony in which the main role is played by a military choir music, or contemporary - a military orchestra. This ceremony we can hear in the performance of the Admiralty Orchestra LVMB running AA Karabanova to disk "Music of the Russian Imperial Guard" Part I. K Unfortunately, Russia has not kept this ceremony, but fortunately, it is our borrowed ritual has been preserved in Germany. Unfortunately, in Germany, not many know (or do not want to know) that their "Der Große Zapfenstreich" (literally: "Big (Great) sunset") is originally Russian ritual, it can be seen here: Gro% C3% 9Fer_Zapfenstreich

There is a story that Frederick William III heard a performance of Dawn in the camp of Russian troops on the territory of Prussia in August 1813 during the liberation of Europe (or "Variation" that he heard Dawn in the Russian camp after a battle with Grosgershene), and the decree of 10 August 1813 establishes the Prussian army of this ceremony for Russian sample. As noted, the Emperor Nicholas, later, gave the right to print notes in Prussia. Thus, in Prussia / Germany / Germany appeared our ritual.

Also, ceremony of the sunset is in Sweden, with its music is a ceremony in Austria ("Großer Österreichischer Zapfenstreich" of the ceremony can be found here: C3% 9Fer_% C3% 96sterreichischer_Zapfenstreich ) Dawn and using the music of Shostakovich has been in the GDR. C3% 9Fer_Zapfenstreich

The last sunset was in Berlin on November 20, 2005, a couple of passages can be found here, unfortunately not the ceremony itself ...:
"Prelude", we see a company, the torch-bearers and the combined orchestra went on parade, played Locken (Piccolo and drums) and executed "Yorckscher marsch" ("Marsch des Yorckschen Korps") Ludwig van Beethoven. =
We hear the end of the "Cavalry Serenade" ("Serenade die Kavallerie"), executed fanfaristami and the orchestra after the hymn "Glorious" Bortniansky. The comments Karabanova and his records do not have this serenade, and it is not clear whether it was in the Russian Zarya or a German freaks. After we hear the anthem of Germany's "Lied der Deutschen" ("Deutschlandlied"), natural sounds in the Russian version, "God Save the Tsar". =
Closing ceremony executed "Zapfenstreich marsch" which announcer mistakenly called "Yorckscher marsch". And it actually is re-executed "Dawn D. Bortniansky.


solemn dawn (Red charge), the Soviet version of the sunset. In 1927 (1933, according to VI Tutunova), the SA Chernetskny wrote the music for the ceremony. In the melody of "Agenda" is discernible melody "Ode to Joy" from Part IV of the Symphony number 9 Ludwig van Beethoven, it is formally incorporated into the music. The ceremony was performed anthem of the USSR and the passage of troops involved in a ceremony drill marches. Later, the ceremony was complemented. 15 minutes before the start of the Solemn Dawn signal was given the "Agenda for the Solemn Dawn", the executable to fanfare and trumpets. Before performing the music of Dawn allowed three flares, followed by an artillery battery has produced a volley of blank shots. Consolidated military band at the center of building troops, executes the dawn, and then the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, after which the troops are festive march.

Dawn (voen. signal) Zaria, military ceremonies and military signal, performed in
set time on a drum, bugle (trumpet) and orchestra. Z. appeared
in various armies in the 18 century. In the Soviet Armed Forces in the location in
training centers and camps, Z. performed daily after the evening
calibration, while the location of troops in the barracks - after the general battalion or regimental evening roll. Music AZ, performed today, written by composer SA Chernetsky. When placing the troops in the camp in the days of public holidays
USSR, holidays of the Armed Forces, combat arms, annual holidays parts (connections) and when visiting the camp collecting entities, a list of which is determined by the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR, held a solemn Z. To this end, the entire staff of the camp fee is built on the site designated by the camp fee. At a certain time they go to AZ for a the other three flares and assigned an artillery battery produces a volley of blank shots, combined orchestra plays Z., and then performs the National Anthem of the Soviet Union, after which the troops are under the orchestra.

Lit.: The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Moscow, 1969.
Igor Andronov.


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