Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tiffany Brand Ceiling Fan Lights

Court against anti-fascists of St. Petersburg

18th of September 2007 court proceedings started against six anti-fascists,
accused of dispersing picket of fascist front-group "Movement Against
Illegal Migration" (DPNI) 17th of September 2006 in St. Petersburg. Court
has proceeded slowly during the autumn, and up till now prosecutor has not
even announced what sentence he is demanding.

Following anti-Caucasian pogroms in small Karelian city of Kondopoga, which
began when Caucasian mafia murdered local youth, nationalist organisations
tried to flare hatred all around the country. In St. Petersburg, local
anti-fascists found this unacceptable and promptly attacked and outran small
picket of DPNI 17th of September 2006. Number of picketers were
hospitalized, one of them accidentally wounded by knife of another picketer.

The same day, police arrested a number of people, six of whom are currently
facing charges of "hooliganism conducted with a group of people" (statue 213
part 2 of Russian criminal codex, sentence from 100 hours of public service
to 5 years of prison), one of them is facing an additional charge of
"drawing juveniles in to anti-social activity" (statue 151 of Russian
criminal codex, sentence from 1 year of public works to 4 years in prison).

Unfortunately, one of the arrested is giving testimony against the rest, who
are denying any participation to action.

Currently defendants do not need any financial support. However any acts of
solidarity, for example against your local Nazis, would be very welcome of
course! You may contact defendats through St. Petersburg RASH paper "Liniya
Fronta" (frontline), their email address is: frontline [] riseup [] net.

(source with photos from action 17th of September 2006 )


Friday, December 7, 2007

What Causes A Soapy Taste In The Mouth

Nazis killed a young man in St. Petersburg

4th of December Russian news agencies announced, that fighting in concert of
mainstream pop-punk band "Korol i Shut" in St. Petersburg 23rd of November
resulted one casuality. 21 year old Aleksei "Red" Kovrizhkiy came to concert
with his girl friend Irina, and he became a victim of random violence which
a group Nazi skinheads, wearing attributes of St. Petersburg football club
Zenit, provoked in the concert. Nazis burned sea torches, and at some point
they throw a one to scene where it almost caused a major fire. Security of
the Sport Palace "Yubileiniy" moved to the scene only when several fans were
lying in the ground and bleeding. Apparently none of the Nazis was
arrested. After spending a week in coma in Mariinskiy hospital, Aleksei
died. Only at this point police started to interrogate witnesses.

(source: )

Picture of Aleksei:

There was also another serious incident in St. Petersburg in 1st of
December, when a human rights activist from Tuva Republic, Sayanu Mongush
(activist of committee of Soldier's Mothers section in Kyzyl) was attacked in the
She managed to escape attackers after being beaten up for some time,
but as immediately she was approached by a grown-up man who showed her film
of the beating and commented that "She was lucky," there is some reason to believe that this attack was
not Organised by Nazi skinheads (although
attackers dressed as such), but by some officials unsatisfied with her work.

(source: )

Friday, November 30, 2007

Difference Between Af Cramps And Pregnancy Cramps

risk of imminent execution in Belarus

Syarhey Marozaw, Ihar Danchanka, Valerii Gorbantii facing execution, when the President Alexander Lukashenko weißussische not yet even by his constitutional right and makes the death penalty converts in prison.

source and more information:

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lap Swimming With Snorkel


is now online.

The printed version is now in the stores ( ), or can
: ostblokk [] gmail [] com to be ordered.

********************************************** **********************************************

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Does The Chocolate Need A Sim Card?


Thurs Nov 15, 2007 19:30 Moritzbastei - Council tonne
between managed democracy and the new great power. An interview with the Hamburg-Russia experts and journalists Kai Ehlers on the Russian power structures and geo-strategic ambitions of Russia.

are organized by StudentInnenRat University of Leipzig, Rosa-Luxembourg-Saxon Foundation, Network for left politics in Central and Eastern Europe - lavka, linXXnet eV
Admission is free.

Are There Any Plans To Make Lockers

Review: the 10.11.


Indymedia reports with many links:

Czech Nazis complain about the unfair anti-fascists and their collaboration with the Police: stop

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Navyfield Calculator Base

in Prague PRAGUE - Nazi rally AVOID! 10:11:07

anti-Semites! Everywhere!
against the Nazi march in Prague for 10th at 10.11.2007

the November to plan the "Young National Democrats" (Mladi Národní Democrat), a march through the Jewish Quarter in Prague. In their call to emphasize the Nazis, that the march should go along the synagogue and it's time was "that the rabbi again" black-white-red "flags to see." (These flags are in the Czech Republic largely understood as the standard of National Socialism.) Even German Nazis expressed from the world of outdoor workers in Saxony and Thuringia, already, participate in it to do.

The "Young National Democrats" have an organizational structure to be understood as part of the "Narodni Odpor" (NO, National Resistance). This is the most important organization in the party-free spectrum Czech Nazis dar. addition, he is the successor organization of the Czech section of the international Blood & Honour "network. Repeatedly occurs the "Nardoni Odpor" produced by aggressive anti-Semitic incitement. Sun sent them on the international Holocaust Memorial Day 2006 "open letter" to her "dear friends in the Islamic Republic of Iran." In this letter, the state of Iran is glorified, lit his "leadership" and referred to as the "criminal state of Israel" rushed. The denial of the Holocaust and thus also the solidarity with other international Holocaust deniers is an integral part of the activities of NO.

Cooperation between the Czech and German Nazi movement is traditionally good. The visit Saxon Nazis at concerts, one side of the border, an integral part of the right lifestyle. The now banned organization "SSS" (Skinheads Saxon Switzerland) is said to be the formation of fully automatic weapons in a neighboring country to host. But the comrades from the Czech Republic to give specific dates in Germany come together. Whether Nazi demonstrations in Wunsiedel, Dresden, half or Jena - representatives of the "Narodni Odpor" without ever missing. So were the people at the festival in 2007 in Jena about 120 Czech Nazis present.? In Prague
formed in many spectra is now opposition to the planned Nazi demonstration. The Jewish Community of Prague and other civil society groups announced opposition activities and request a ban on the Nazi march. Prague's anti-fascists are calling for a blockade.

We will not tolerate the Nazis, whether to march from the Czech Republic or Germany. Therefore we call for the numbers to go to Prague in order to show clearly what we think of anti-Semitism. It can only be a matter of preventing the deployment by all means. Not a foot of the anti-Semites! Either in Prague or anywhere else?
One day before the planned Nazi demonstration in commemoration of the anniversary of Kristallnacht. Therefore, we call not only to stop the Nazis. We also call on to show on this day of solidarity with the State of Israel since its founding is currently used by anti-Semites always asked in his very existence and threatened.
We intend in any way to have spread a day away after the commemoration of the Kristallnacht anti-Semites, their incitement.
We therefore consider it explicitly as legitimate by all means to oppose the Nazis and to stop their march.
We therefore support the call to the Antifa Prague to block Nazi march.

anti-Semitism against anyone - anywhere!
Nothing is forgotten and no one!
Come on 10.11.2007 to Prague and take a stand against the Nazis!


more: (english) -mzdomova-antifa-Blokada-propagace-akce.html (cesky) (map with route)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Song They Sing In Darts

Russia: Information about the arrested anarchists Petersburg

two anarchists from St. Petersburg and Didigow Hassan, a Chechen from
Novgorod, continue to be held in jail in Novgorod.
you are suspected of the Neva Express train in the region of Novgorod in the
have blown air, which on 13 August 2007 is done.
According to the law, terrorism suspects detained for 30 days, but
we demand their immediate release.

On 26 August took place the traditional vigil of the anti-war Committee
in the center of Petersburg. activists held banners with the slogans
"Freedom for Andrei and Denis Kaljonow Selenjuk!"
and "witch-hunt in 2007," they distributed leaflets about the case and collected
money. Up to 50 people took part

(pictures here: )

On 28 August, held in Moscow anarchists
human rights activists and war resisters a vigil in solidarity with the
Petersburg anarchists. The vigil was not officially approved
, about six people were arrested and spent a night
on a police station.
The next day, tried to organize the anarchists another vigil to
, but the Moscow cops they let their minds again
not comment.

On 29 August ended his hunger strike Andrej Kaljonow, as his health deteriorated

ABC Petersburg
participants of the Anti-War Committee


More background information see: html

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Western Dental Collections

"My mother's tongue is Bosnian "

art exhibition in the gallery, and locksmith

"My mother's tongue is Bosnian"

04:08:07, 19 clock
music Deejane

05:08:07, 20 clock
"Vizionary Society" from Sarajevo
Film - Discussion

The exhibition "My mother's tongue is Bosnian" as the work of five
representatives of the group "Vizionarsko Društvo" all of whom live in Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina
and work.
The socio-political circumstances which have in the works of artists displayed their
precipitation, offer the occasion to take stock of
current situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The title "My mother's tongue is Bosnian" reflects a new understanding of
of artists. It is characterized by pride, a rebellion and the will to
to assert themselves as people with their own views and cultural background in a
country in Europe by the globalized economic and
socio-political value system of the EU plays an increasingly important role.

We are delighted that the artists will personally be a guest and therefore the
opportunity for dialogue and exchange is on a cultural basis on which
all visitors are welcome. Further on it is
on the following Sunday, the clock showed 20 08/05/2007
a film that documents the activities of the "Vizionarsko Društvo" and SICE of Baraka
in Sarajevo, Berlin, Tokyo. All spectators are following
invited to a question and discussion session attended by the Bosnian artist

art and Bauschlosserei
Kantstraße 18 (Südvorstadt)
04275 Leipzig
* Fri: 18 - 20 clock
Sat / Sun: 15-20 clock *

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Comcast Digital Phone Arris Modem

petersgriff @ 2007-08-01T12: 20:00

March of Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration

hard to imagine a music that so aptly personified would win the Russian army, its spirit. This music is on a par with the famous march "Farewell of Slav" is a symbol of Russia, our great heritage. The march annually perform at the parade on May 9 for removal of the Banner of Victory. Music, a symbol of the victory of Russian pre-revolutionary army becomes the background to symbol of our great victory.

old author and the exact year of writing this march. Some Western historians believe that the march might Swedish origin, but no evidence, no. In Germany, long a common opinion [3] that the march was composed in 1816 by Ferdinand Haase (Ferdinand Haase 1788-1851, chief conductor Orchestras Guard troops in 1830-1850, respectively). However, in 1816 and 1817 respectively Haase (Haase), after the Russian captivity, was at the court of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich in Warsaw and the possibility that he could compose a march, march instantly become an elite regiment of the Transfiguration, it seems highly improbable.
Also the very structure of the march in the form of Kant's very likely indicates that the march was composed in the first quarter of XVIII century. Also believes, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Militärmusik (DGfMM). Indirectly confirms the occurrence of the march under Peter I of its popular pre-revolutionary name - "March of Peter the Great" or "Peter Marsh". Maybe Melody the march was taken from the song "We Know Turks and the Swedes" ("Glorious were our ancestors" - a later text), and may originally appeared march, and these texts - later. However, check it now does not seem possible. I would very much helped the notes of the march of the XVIII century, but the existence of those unknown to us.
possible that the original march was without trio may have been other melodic changes.

In 1816 the march was included in the Russian Imperial catalog marches (kaiserlich russische Marsch-Sammlung) numbered I, 54. About this catalog in Russia is not known, however, German historians constantly refer to it by mentioning that our catalog has become the basis for the famous Prussian (later German) catalog marches - Königlich-Preußische Armeemarschsammlung (AMS), established by decree of King Friedrich Wilhelm III in 1817. Most likely, the Russian directory was created under the leadership of Anton Derfeldta-father, (Anton Dörfeldt 1781 - 1829) who from 1802 to 1829 years was the chief conductor of orchestras Guard troops. Perhaps This directory has another name - "Collection of military marches of all the regiments of the Guard A. Derfeldta. However, the German historians mention the fact that when you create Armeemarschsammlung (AMS) has been selected 72 march of about 140 available. This indicates a large number of marches in the directory and exclude the possibility of making a directory exclusively marches of the Guards regiments. This is confirmed and details of some marshes, like standing in a Russian catalog, such as the famous "Paris march 1815" It had room II, 55. Also among those first 72 marches and was forgotten in Russia AM I, 18 March Arhangelogorodskogo Infantry Regiment, a regiment that had no relation to the Life Guards. It should be noted that the directory Derfeldta-father is in the Russian State Library in Moscow under the title «Partition des marches militaires des gardes imperiales russes». Unfortunately, we did not have opportunity to see this valuable source, and clearly answer the question - whether he is Russian Imperial catalog marches.

At AMS, established in 1817 was based on the Russian catalog, among those 72 selected marches was included and the march of the Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration of the number of AM I, 30. He was Präsentiermarsch (counter-march) Prussian Infanterie-Regiment Graf Schwerin Nr. 14 (3. Pommersches) in Bromberg (Provinz Posen), and a Pionier-Bataillon Fürst Radziwill (Ostpreußisches) Nr. 1 in Königsberg (Ostpreußen), where he played until 1914 after World War II march played in East Germany and West Germany.

In Russia, he was also a march Novoingermanlandskogo 10th Infantry Regiment, 147th Infantry Regiment, Samara and Vyborg garrison infantry battalion.

But the march came as a Southern Europe and other Western European countries. King Alfonso XIII was so impressed them with his first visit to Russia, he asked permission of the Emperor Nicholas II used to march his Guardie de Alabarderos. The regiment guarded the royal palace and is considered the oldest regiment in Europe.
Brother Swedish Queen Louise, Lord Mountbatten (1900-1979), Earl of Burma, last Viceroy of India, the uncle of Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, was a cousin of wife of King Alfonso XIII, Princess Victoria Eugenia von Battenberg, and I saw how in 1928 the English guards in their splendid uniforms and his orchestra performed the "Transfiguration March. At Lord Mountbatten's march made so impressed that he told the English king that he would use the march to the Royal Marines (British Royal Marines) and received approval [2].
However, there is anecdotal evidence of one Englishman, in a television interview in early 1970, Lord Mountbatten said that the march he inherited from his German ancestors (his mother was a Hessian princess Victoria, the eldest sister of the last Russian empress Alexandra Feodorovna).

Anyway, Lord Mountbatten proposed the use of "Transfiguration of March", arranged by Vivian Dunn (Sir Francis Vivian Dunn 1908-1995) in the Royal Marines as a counter- March (Slow March). But the leadership of Royal Marines long resisted.
But Lord Mauntbettenu managed to introduce a march in other structures. In 1942, Lord Mountbatten ordered orchestra «Combined Operations Command» play "Transfiguration march" as a march to inspect the guard of honor. Since then, his orchestra played all the appearance of Lord Mountbatten as First Lord of the Admiralty, not only as music, for inspection, but the march to a solemn passage in parades, and ceremonies «Beating Retreat». Also, US Marine Band played the march, if they are inspected by Lord Mountbatten.
Yet "Transfiguration march" has not yet become a regimental march opposing the Royal Marine Infantry (Regimental Slow March), but Mountbatten did not give up, and the 300-year anniversary of the Royal Marines in 1964 he was already being chief of the British Armed Forces (Chief of the Defence Staff), attributed the march to the Marines, where the march was hastily endorsed as the regimental march of the counter. It is noteworthy that in the television series «Mountbatten» theme song - "Transfiguration march "in the orchestra of Royal Marines.
may also mention another application of this march as a musical greeting in the performance of brass band instead of signals from the horn, while meeting and seeing most August personages and military officers of higher rank in the Royal Navy of Great Britain (Royal Navy) and the Royal Marines. In 1909 it was approved, that the general should welcome the first 8 bars "Transfiguration of the march, but played at a fast pace.
But Lord Mountbatten was not satisfied with the that "the march of Transfiguration" was approved by the regimental march of the counter in the Royal Marines. He was an honorary colonel in the British Life Guards (Life Guards, it is noteworthy that in Britain it is purely a cavalry division), and in 1970 he sought to "march of the Transfiguration" and also played at the birthday party Queen (ceremony «Trooping the Solor) Orchestra of the Life Guards. Orchestra conductor Antony J. Richards, said afterwards: "It's a good march, and he's very good for equestrian units, If he plays in a special way, if you start with the second stroke, and only play the first 2 topics «da capo» and do in the third quarter in the eighth step of the emphasis on proportion. " Thus it was arranged and performed by Richards, but in 1979 Lord Mountbatten was killed in a suicide attack, and march in the Life Guards are no longer performed.

It should also be mentioned that Vivian Dunn wrote «The Mountbatten March» in 1970, the beginning of the march, he built a 4-stroke "Transfiguration of the march."

Johann Strauss son (Johann Strauss II, 1825-1899) in 1856 wrote Waltz «Kroenungslieder» (Op. 184) that begins with the march of the Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration, and dedicated it "with the deepest respect for Her Majesty the Empress Maria Alexandrovna." The Empress, born Maximilian Maria Wilhelmina, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt (1824-1880), daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig II of Hesse, married in 1841 for the Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor Alexander II. Waltz was written for the coronation of Alexander II and was first performed 14 (2) August 1856, at the second concert benefit performance of Strauss, together with a French polka "L'Inconnue» (op. 182). Valls was performed 32 times during the concert of Strauss in the pavilion "Vauxhall" in Pavlovsk (Vauxhall Pavilion). The king was so inspired by playing Strauss Orchestra, which ordered him to attend the coronation celebrations in Moscow on September 7 (26 August) and conduct the orchestra at the ball, which gave the Austrian ambassador, Prince Paul Esterhazy. In a letter to his Viennese publisher Haslingeru Karl (Carl Haslinger) 14 (2) September 1856 Strauss wrote about the waltz and polka: "With these two things I have here a great success. Although I had a little time, I had even less confidence in their success."

in 1834 at AMS under the number AM II, 99 includes a second march Transfiguration Regiment - «Marsch des Leib-Garde Preobraschenski Regiments» von Ferdinand Haase (or «Geschwindmarsch aus St. Petersburg vom Leib-Garde-Preobraschenski-Regiment»).
lack of literature on this topic, closed our archives Our amateur status does not allow us yet to answer the question whether there was a tradition in the guards regiments have several marches. However, this tradition has been in Prussia, and one can assume that this tradition is likely to have been ours. This is confirmed by the recollections of officers of the tsarist army [7]. Also, we have found "Second" March of the Life Guards Izmailov, Semenovski, Kexholmsky, Volyn, Chasseur regiments, the Life Guards Battalion and this - the march of the Life Guards Transfiguration Regiment.
This music is quite unlike the well-known to us now march. In the trio - artfully crafted hymn Lviv "God Save the Tsar", adopted a year before entering AM II, 99 in the AMS. VI Tutunov mentions that Peru Haase belongs to the editorial board of the Transfiguration of the march, and possibly adding a trio of [8]. But it seems Haase wrote second regimental march, soon (in modern terminology - drill) to include a trio of the new anthem of the Russian Empire. With the advent of the catalog of the march, probably and related confusion about authorship Haase and trios in the first known to us march Transfiguration Regiment (AM I, 30). The fact that the renowned German expert in the field Wind Music 2 nd half of the XX century Joachim Toeche-Mittler (Joachim Tehe-Mittler) wrote about AM I, 1930: «im Trio das Lemberger Lied» («L'viv in the trio's song") [5], but this assertion is wrong. Obviously, he confused the name of Prince Lvov, the author of "God Save the Tsar" in the city of Lviv, then called Lemberg and is part of the Austrian monarchy. Tehe-Mittler mistakenly moved the name of Russian national anthem ("Song of Lviv», «das Lemberger Lied» in his erroneous translation) for the song "Glorious were our grandfathers."
separate consideration deserves the use of the march in Germany after 1918 according to our data, it was included in Heeresmarschsammlung numbered HM I, 45. The fact that AMS was "closed" in 1925, and in the years 1933-1945 drawn up by his successor - Heeresmarschsammlung (HMS). It includes as many marches of AMS (in a new orchestration), and other marches. Confusing is that this march was made to drill in the catalog counter. However, perhaps the error crept in, and the HMS was introduced exactly AM I, 30. Anyway, this is a very intriguing fact - in Hitler's Germany had the official status of one of the marches of the Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration. However, it is not so rare, we recall the Austrian march "Tsarevich Alexander Marsh" 1853 Andreas Leongardta (better known as the AM II, 161 «Alexander-Marsch» von Andreas Leonhardt), who was one of the official drill marches Waffen-SS numbered HM II, 44 in the HMS. Or, for example, HMS was not included preserved in the Russian drill march of the Life Guards regiment Semenovski AM II, 1962 under number HM II, 15 (more than that - it sounds a propaganda film by Leni Riefenstahl «Der Sieg des Glaubens» («Victory of Faith", 1933). Also numbered HM II, 72 was included "March 75 th Infantry Regiment, Sevastopol» AM II, 183, which we more commonly known as "Column March 14 th Georgia Infantry Regiment, "or" Former patrol the march. "
Now in Russia soon (drill) march Transfiguration Regiment (AM II, 99) completely forgotten ...

In the postwar years in Germany all AMS and HMS was recorded at a series of 52 records «Historische Armeemärsche», were recorded and marches Transfiguration Regiment. For some reason in both cases the sounds a well-known AM I, 30, recording only differ in tempo, the first march in the discreet "authentic" pace XVIII-th century, a second faster (as played by now). Were probably lost original music AM II, 99. Only in the XXI century we have heard this a rare march in the performance of German Landespolizeiorchester Brandenburg under the baton Jürgen Bludowsky (entry 2005).

The fact that the Transfiguration March "comes from the era of Peter the Great, also confirmed the opinion of the conductor Eduard Napravnik, who in 1896 published the publisher Boosey & Co. concert march of "Peter the Great," based on "Transfiguration of the march."

In 1914 came the march "Accession to the Lions" (National Anthem and the Transfiguration of the march) [6] devoted to Gen. NV Ruzsky, under whose command the Russian forces took the Lions on Aug. 21 (Sept. 3), 1914. In this work, the famous melody of the march put words of the hymn "God Save the Tsar".

Marsh was performed in the Soviet era, there is a recording orchestra NGOs under Semyon Alexandrovich Chernetsky. March repeatedly recorded the first individual Orchestra of USSR Ministry of Defense, the Defense Ministry, the Orchestra of Leningrad military district headquarters, the Admiralty Orchestra LVMB, the Orchestra of St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School, and others. The oldest well-known account of the march is to record the orchestra Guards running Wojciech Ivanovic Glavacha (1849-1911).

In conclusion, I want to say about the extreme poverty of the repertoire of our military bands. An example of an early (combatant) March Transfiguration Regiment confirms it. Conductors do not want to write new wetlands, the publishers do not study the archives, recording and releasing only the most famous, not afraid to say - beaten product. Repertoire rolled to the stage. Here I want to say thanks to the two conductors - AA Karabanova and NF Uschapovskomu for entry Russian гвардейских маршей и маршей С. А. Чернецкого.
Смешно сказать, наши оркестры записывают и играют марши самопровозглашенного «короля маршей» Дж. Ф. Сузы (J. P. Sousa) Today, when most of the marches of our patriarchs - Chernetsky, Ivanova-Radkevich, Hythe, Runova, Diev and pre-revolutionary masters: a father and son Derfeldtov, Haase, Wurm, Becker, Leyseka - known for a wide range of listeners. A huge amount of music, recorded the first Orchestra of USSR Ministry of Defense Never released on CD-ROM. Archives, which holds the most valuable records are almost inaccessible to the private user. And all this occurs against the backdrop of officiously-positive reviews in the media about September's military festival in Moscow.

Agafonov (
Petrov (
St. Petersburg, July 2007

2. Lars C. Stolt. Preobrazjenskij-Marschen
( )
3. LP Historische Armeemärsche Folge 19
4. Deutsche Armeemärsche Band I, 1961
5. Toeche-Mittler J. Deutsche Armeemärsche
6. Accession to the Lions (National Anthem and the Transfiguration of march): For the AF. MM: YU.SCH.: Warehouse Y. Zimmermann BG
7. Redkin AP Picture of peaceful life of the Life Guards Pavlovsky Regiment. Regimental holiday 1910 / / Military profit. № 44. 1960
( )
8. Tutunov VI Military History Music Russia / Society. Ed. E. Aksenova. - M: Music, 2005. - 496.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mil Fotosde Herpes No Penis

meet with media activists to cross camp

of 11 to 20 August will take place in the Western Ukraine (near the city Uzhgorod)
an international border camp on migration. is now under
this camp a hit with media and activists - activists held
. As always, here are the preparations of late, but
perhaps even go one or the other of you time and relish a few days
to the ukraine (visa-free and therefore relatively spontaneously

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Where To Do Hair Wax In Bangkok


definition and interpretation

"a lecture by Dr. Andreas Umland

Date: Tuesday, 26 June 2007, 12:00-13:30 Location clock

: Interim Building of the University of Leipzig in Dresdner Bank,
Dittrichring 5-7, EC, Room 13

Since the early 90s have increased xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic violence
in Russia strong. Today
estimated only the skinhead scene at around 50,000 people, plus tens of thousands of supporters

very different right-wing groups and organizations.
attacks on members of national minorities, mainly from the Caucasus and Central Asia
, and attacks against Jews, homosexuals and others
population groups to include murder in a series
Russian cities are now the norm. In 2005 alone were
xenophobia in Russia 40 motivated murders counted. The policy under President Putin
exercise of such appearances
Although public criticism, but overall tends to underestimate the problems
to play down or off. Dr. Andreas Umland is

lecturer at the Institute for International Relations, National Taras
Schewe Yuschenko University, Kiev, Ukraine
. He earned his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin to the rise of Vladimir
Zirinovskijs in Russian politics 1990-1993 and is
since summer 2004, publisher of the book series "Soviet and Post-Soviet
Politics & Society" of the ibidem-Verlag Stuttgart ( http:// www.ibid / spps.html).
In his clear presentation presents Mr. Umland exclusive and
highly charged images of his subject and addresses the question of how
takes place at the federal levels of political competition in Russia, Putin
between various forms of moderate nationalism and
of ultra-nationalism. "

More info>>>

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Windows Mobile Archery

Between the road and Bounce - Hip Hop in Poland

Time: Tuesday, 19.06.2007, 19 clock
Location: Polish Institute in Leipzig

"," hip hop in Poland '- why this topic? "- some might be
ask of you. But hip hop is - plenty to offer - especially in Poland.
Not only politics, economics, religion and science, not only
great statesmen and famous thinkers characterize a country whose society
and language. For the development of a people certainly also of importance
, art and culture. Hip-hop is a subculture and art form,
the meanwhile also found in Poland, not only among young people, many
representatives and supporters has. Band and artist name as
caliber 44, Paktofonika, Molesta, Tede, Peja, Kasta Sklad, OSTR and Fisz -
to name but a few - in Poland are already familiar. HipHop
has also been incorporated in Poland in media, film and everyday life. Especially among young hip-hop artist
an example,
also have Polish Rap has a significant influence on the current
Polish. 2001 was in Poland, the film Blokersi '
documented the Polish hip-hop culture, was released in spring 2007 and in
published in Warsaw Poland's first hip-hop dictionary
. For several years, would be also voice and
social scientist with the theme, Polish hip-hop 'is included. These developments
Bartek Chacinski led in 2003 to come into his
wypasiony slownik najmlodszej polszczyzny hip-hop as "appearance, their development
in Poland, one of the biggest mysteries and one of the largest
social phenomena of recent years (is) to ".
The theme, hip-hop in Poland 'is it therefore deserves to be studied closely.
We want to reach not only the history of Polish hip-hop and before
all of rap and present some artists closer, but
leave with quotes, music samples and film clips of the Polish hip-hop
own words. "

> More info >>

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Welcomer To

gay parade romania

This years gay parade in Bucharest will not go uneventfull again.
nazis from Dreaptă Noua (New Right) organised a counterdemonstration few hours before the gay parade. again police alowed it, and church figures were
marching side by sside with nazis. around noon a group of 20 or so antifascists went on to meet the nazis, there were no fights, just shouting
of slogans, and imediatly police charged. from police head declaration it seems 14 were taken to the police station.
from news of the people inside police station it seems they are being fingerprint-ed, photographed and also given fines for ilegal demonstration.
event was filmed by national news television and broadcasted many times.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Bloodmoon Graring Is Dead


A call to radical ecological protest camp in Angarsk, Irkutsk region of
Siberia from 15th of July 2007

In summer of 2006, during summit of the G8, Russian president Vladimir Putin
promised that Russia will join to international program to spread nuclear
energy. Russia's role in this project is to be a storage of nuclear waste.

Electro-Chemical Industrial Complex of Angarsk (AEHK) was founded 1954, it
is located in South-Eastern border of the city of Angarsk, 30 kilometers
from Irkutsk and 90 kilometers from lake Baikal. It is a company involved in
nuclear fuel cycle, processing concentrate including Uranium to Uranium
hexafluoride (UF6), which in turn is enriched to Uranium-235 for the Nuclear
Industry. Complex is under administration of Rosatom, Russian Federal Agency
on Atom Energy.

AEHK is far from uranium mines, nuclear plants and other parts of the
nuclear fuel cycle, thus both raw materials and final products of the
company will be transferred by the Trans-Siberian railway. Transport of the
radioactive materials means additional risks for the people and environment.
Accidents involving trains with radioactive substances may result serious
pollution of the region. Products of AEHK are sent through all biggest
Siberian cities to distant factories which produce nuclear fuel for nuclear
power plants in the city of Elektrostal in Moscow Region, and
Ust-Kamenogorsk in Sverdlovsk region, as well as abroad.

>From 1996-2002 AEHK brought in nuclear waste, claimed to be valuable raw
materials, from Urenco-corporation. Currently import of new waste is halted,
but already imported waste is stored in the premises of the company, and
amount of the waste is not announced as it is a "commercial secret".

Currently plans are drafted to found an International Center for Enrichment
of Uranium (MTsOU) to premises of AEHK. Main goal of the centre is to answer
to demand of Uranium enrichment of companies abroad. Actually this means,
that a new storage of nuclear waste is set up to premises of the company,
but its contents are called "valuable raw-materials" in newspeak of the
nuclear industry.

Since December of 2006, three public protest meetings have taken place in
Irkutsk. Pickets have been organized during several months in the center of
the city. In Angarsk, during a meeting between AEHK and IAEA, local
activists, radical ecologists and anarchists showed up with a banner
"Angarsk is not a nuclear dump", made speeches in front of journalists and
voiced their protest against this project.

Project is initiated by President of the Russian Federation, government of
the Russian Federation represented by Ministry of the Nuclear Energy
Rosatom, administration of the Irkutsk region, board of AEHK, administration
of the city of Angarsk, mainstream media of Angarsk (first of all local
pro-industry paper "Podrobnosti") and a number of right-wing liberal

Project is opposed by Baikal Movement, Baikal Ecological Wave, Autonomous
Action of Irkutsk, local paper "Vremya" (Time) and ecologists from other
regions. Ecological protest camp is organized by Baikal Ecological Wave and
Autonomous Action of Irkutsk.

We are against nuclear energy as a whole, and we demand giving up
exploitation of all nuclear energy, a transfer to economy of energy and to
development of alternative sources of energy. We are against importing
nuclear waste and against creation of an International Center for Enrichment
of Uranium, we demand public ecological control over activities of the

Goal of the camp will also be to involve people from other regions
surrounding Baikal to defend environment of the lake, and empowerment of the
ecological movement of the Siberia and anti-nuclear movement in the whole

Protest camp will start 15th of July and it will last until victory.

You are welcome to join the camp! We may not cover traveling costs, but food
will be free in the camp for those who may not afford it. Bring cutlery,
sleeping bag and a tent if you have one.

Contact us if you need any more information:

Ecological Wave of Baikal
P.O. Box 21
664033 Irkutsk
phone: +7 3952 52 58 69
fax: +7 3952 52 58 70
e-mail: marina

Autonomous Action of Irkutsk

(from http://avtonom. org / index.php? nid = 1072)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007



In the foreseeable future Laika site is again rebuilt something.
addition to a more attractive layout, then we will offer a forum for any discussion.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Axe Tag Old Spice Body

My Videos

Grosser Zapfenstreich fur den Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schroder
Grosser Zapfenstreich vor dem Reichstag - 50 Jahre Bundeswehr
Northern Irish Territorial Band Concert (own - Bournemouth, UK)
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo 1997 (not complete)
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo 1998
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2003
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2006
Admiralty Orchestra:
"Offering multiple-conjunctive von Weber) 11/12/2006, conductor A. Karabanov, M. Schramm (Deutschland). ( own - Capella)
Admiralty Orchestra Dancing Petersburg 29.06.06, conductor A. Karabanov. (Own - the Commandant's house and Paul Fortress)
Orchestra 19-th School of Music Brass Branch the gymnasium № 405 of St. Petersburg.
DK im.Nogina - accounting concert 2006.
BKZ "October" (lobby) - the opening concert.
Orchestra Naval Academy им. Адмирала Флота Советского Союза Н.Г. Кузнецова
ЗКР, дирижер Е.Мравинский. Д.Д.Шостакович Симфония №5. Запись Большой зал Филармонии.
Парад Победы 2005, Moscow, Red Square.
Victory Parade 2006, Moscow, Red Square.
Victory Parade, 1945, Moscow, Red Square. B & W and color.
Rehearsal Victory Parade 2006, St. Petersburg, Palace area. 04/26/2006.
Victory Parade (excerpt), Moscow, Red Square. Unknown.
Red Square Military Parade 2005, In 2009, may - VE-T-34 & T-80 parade
2005 Moscow Military Parade (aviation)
Perm Provincial Military Band:
Hamburg 2006 2006

Yaroslavl Yaroslavl - Platz concerts.
MPC 2006
Circus 2006
Bandfest 2006.
26.05 - Orchestra Staff LVO (Part - Summer Garden), combined orchestra HMEI (Part - Low Stables, a monument to Gogol), the Military Band of the South African Republic (part of - the stairs of the Mikhailovsky Palace, the part p.. Embankment), Militaermusik TIROL (Michael Stairs Palace of the p. Washing). Own records.
27.05 - Band of Legionnaires French Army (Small Armory, a monument to Gogol), Militaermusik TIROL (Peter and Paul Fortress square in front of St. Peter and Paul), Orchestra of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (Garden Chapel). Own records.

27.05 - Parade on Nevsky Prospect. Own records.
27.05 - Concert Orchestra Staff NWB MVD RF (Little Armory, the Swedish lane). Own records.
28.05 - Shaw orchestras in the "Jubilee." Own record.
30.10.06 - Staff of the Leningrad Military District Orchestra. Closing the season. Summer garden. Own records.
(Italian Military Marches) - Alzabandiera
[1910] Nicholas II in Riga - The Parade
Triumph Des Willens
Song and Dance - Philip Sparke - Soloist. Hans Gansch - Brass Band Oberoesterreich - EBBC 2005.DVDrip.XviD-AC3 2ch-ayaysir.
Brass Band - EBBC 2004 - Yorkshire Building Society Band - Music of the Spheres - Philip Sparke
01 - Brass Band Willebroek - Intrada 'Ein feste Burg' [Ray Farr]
02 - Brass Band 13 Etoiles - Music for a moving Image [Philip Wilby]
05 - Brass Band 13 Etoiles - The Flying Slide [Ethan Thompson] trombone Bertrand Moren
06 - Brass Band Willbroek - Call of the Righteous [Leslie Condon]
07 - Brass Band Buizingen - Concertino for Xylophone and Band [Toshiro Mayuzumi]
09 - Brass Band 13 Etoiles - Homage [Jan Van der Roost]
10 - Reg Vardy Brass Band - Allegro from Piano Concerto No. 2 [D Shostakovitch]
11 - Brass Band Willebroek - Music of the Spheres [Philip Sparke]
14 - Reg Vardy Brass Band - Sabre Dance [Aram Kachaturian]
12 - Chicago Brass Band - Black and White Rag [George Botsford]
16 - Brass Band Merum-Roermond - Trittico [James Curnow]
18 - Brass band Bacchus - Music of Thanksgiving [Kenneth Downie]
19 - Smithills School Senior Brass Band - Hinemoa [Gareth Wood]
100 German Annual 15x52 tattoo - the Germans and their soldiers serving with the NVA
Part 2 - Until The Last Tattoo
2005hoensbroek- sp
Пограничный образцово-показательный Orchestra of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation:
exemplary Orchestra of the Ministry of Defence of Uzbekistan:
The German newsreel 16/10/1940 - No. 528 - Dt Militarkonzert In Madrid, Tangier occupation zone
military bands
Top Secret Drum Corps - Basel Tattoo 2006
Nva Ehren-Parade Zum 40 Jahrestag Original Ddr-Fernsehen 07 10 1989 Ak Vcd Defa
Nva Grosser Wachaufzug Original Ddr-Fernsehen 1989 Ak Vcd Defa
NVA Manover
Red Square Military Parade 1967,Soviet Union
Red Square Military Parade 1967.Soviet Union Anthem For The October 25th 1967 Parade 5 01
Red Square Military Parade 1974,Soviet Union
USSR (Russia) - Military Parade 1968
Soviet Army Parade. 67 anniversary of Great October Revolution (07.11.1984. russian commentary)
Soviet May Day Parade ( Moscow 1937,at height of Stalin's great terror)
Forgotten Parade (NTV)
joy of victory
Rio Rita
Suomi Marssi
BLAST (. Espectaculo.musical) como. .-. DVD .-. RIP.CD1
BLAST (espectaculo musical) como brass band-DVD-RIP CD2
Boris Godunov (1954) CD1
Boris Godunov (1954) CD2
Swinging Bach in Leipzig 2000 - Bobby McFerrin, Jacques Loussier, German Brass, King Singers, Jiri Stivin
Tchaikovsky Gala - Leningrad Philharmonic
Defile du 14 Juillet 2005 - Legion Etrangere
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem in D minor K. 626 - Leonard Bernstein (1988)

+ youtube and google.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Invest 1000 Cd Account


marches, waltzes, and other genres. The exact time of this writing, the country of origin not been established.

anthem "God is great, the only"
Marsh Youth - Christ "
Marsh Simon Petljura"
many years
Cossack march
Marsh "Do not time "
Marsh Sich glory"
Plast march
Hutsul march
March "for their homeland"
Marsh "The first Cossacks"
Marsh "Sokolov"
Fanfare Red viburnum - For Ukraine "
Fanfares" Youth - Christ "
Zaporozhye march
Marsh Kalina memory"
Marsh "Under the banner of Ukrainian"
Marsh "Bandera"
Marsh on the theme song''Hey, you're shooting sichoviyi'',''Rotryahayte guys horse''and''Hey, the meadow, red Kalita''Alexander Morozov

march of those songs'' Nalyvajmo, brothers'',''Hey, pour coupler is fully magic''and''Hey, walk Cossacks''Alexander Morozov

Marsh on the theme song''Once I had a girlfriend''''How to sit, brothers, magic circle'' say to a girl''and''Bogdan Sapelyuk

composition based on old military marches with the theme''march''Zaporozhskoho processing Hynadiy Grieg `ev

Marsh Hundreds of the operetta''Konotop Witch''with the theme song''Igor''deep well pool

Marsh on the theme song''Oh, the mount of makivtsi''and''wind Poviyav steppe'' Bogdan Sapelyuk

Ukrainian march with the theme song''Once I had a girlfriend''Leo Kolodub

Marsh on the theme song''Hey, there goes on the mountain in January'',''We -''and''haidamaks By Ukraine Bogdan''Sapelyuk

Marsh on the theme song''Hey, all right,''guys,''Cossack rode the city''and''The girl stood in the vestibule''Aleksei Bazhenov

march of those songs''ohm Cranberry Meadow in red''and''Nalyvajmo, brothers''Bogdan Sapelyuk

Ancient Cossack march with the theme song''Oh, on the mountain and the reapers reap''


works of VM Khalilov:
Fanfare Festival »
Spring Overture
Song of Russia (lyrics Savitsky)
Serve Motherland (lyrics Savitsky)
Waltz" Lilac "
Counter march "Under the Banner»
Marsh "General Miloradovich»
Marsh "The soldier Sukhov»
Marsh "Cadet»
Marsh Ulan »
Marsh" Hit »
Marine march" Rynda "
Afghan march
Youth march


DF Tukhmanov:

Old Marsh Marsh Marsh
Champions 'Cavalry'
Marsh 'Escort'
Marsh 'Paul'
Marsh 'Peter'
Marsh 'Suvorov'
Marsh year '1812 '
ceremonial march
Marsh' Parade '
Flag march
Marsh' Fanfare '
Marsh firefighters
Marsh fire (suite)

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Rubber Band To Hold Liner In Trash Can


waltzes, available records of these.

Amur waves waltz M. Cussy

Birch, Waltz E. Dreizin

Waltz-Fantasia Glinka
In the city park Blanter
Waltz of the Flowers from Nutcracker " Tchaikovsky
Remembrance, Waltz A. Joyce
Waltz from the opera "Life for the Tsar (Ivan Susanin) M. Glinka
Magic Dream (waltz)
Waltz from the operetta "Son of a clown" Isaac Dunaevskij
Waltz from the film "The poor Gusar Say a Word" Petrov
Waltz from the movie "Snowstorm" by G. Sviridov
Waltz from the movie "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by K. Molchanov
Waltz from the movie "My Sweet and Tender Beast" by E. Doga
Waltz from the film "Taras Shevchenko" B. Lyatoshynsky
Waltz from the film "Ocean"

Gerold, V. Waltz Davingof
Dream Tales , waltz
Blue Night, Waltz MV Agapkin
blue distance, Waltz MI Chernetsky
Sadness, N. Waltz Bakaleinik
Dreams, Waltz Eban

Danube Waves, Waltz MI Ivanovichi
Day in Seville?

Concert Fantasy on the theme of the waltz Ivanovich "Danube Waves" Vladimir Voronkov
Concert Waltz Yu Saulskiy
Concert Waltz J. Tsetlyar

Forest Tale, Waltz B. Becker

On the Hills of Manchuria, waltz I. Shatrov
On the slopes of the Dnieper, Waltz S. Tvorun
above the waves, waltz Yu Rosas

Autumn sleep, Waltz A. Joyce
Orchid Waltz Andreev
Waiting Waltz G. Kittler
broken strings, waltz P. Gapon

Holiday Waltz MV Voronkov

early morning V. Waltz Agapkin
Roses noon, Waltz J. Strauss

Destiny, waltz A. Bynes
Sirens, Waltz E. Valdteyfel

Morning in Finland, waltz F. Maltsev

"School Waltz IV Dunaevskij

Queen of the Ball, Waltz B. Becker


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Blueprint For Wooden Bicycles

Russian pre-revolutionary marches, write.

marches were written in the Russian Empire, or directly associated with it. List updated and edited. Require decoding Russian marches of AMS, to establish their real names, composers, and the regiments which were attributed to discharge the same. Some wetlands are Prussian and Austrian origin, or written by foreigners for the Russian army - but they can fully consider Russian.

* marked marches needed clarification of authorship.

1 rifle, His Imperial Velelichestva Life Guards Battalion march
2 Rifle Life Guards Battalion march
3rd Finnish Rifle Battalion of the Life Guards march
4 th Infantry of the Imperial family of the Life Guards Battalion march
3rd Novorossiysk Dragoons, March 5 th
Kiev Grenadier Regiment march (L. Gede)
6 th Dragoon Glukhovski Regiment (aka March 8 th Hussar Lubensky and 14 th of the Don Cossack regiments)
the 9 th of January, March (VA Kushnir)
Bug 9 th Lancers, march
Izium 11th Hussars,
March 11 th Grenadier Fanagoria Generalissimo Prince Suvorov Regiment, march (Mozart / A.A.Derfeld-father)
13th Hussar Regiment Narva
15-th Ukrainian Hussar Regiment
16 th Ladoga Regiment march
27 Kiev Dragoon Regiment, march (9 th Kiev Hussar Regiment) (Glinka)
75 of Sevastopol pohotnogo Regiment march (Column March 14 th Georgia Infantry Regiment, patrol a march or old)
92nd Pechora Regiment march ("The anniversary march 92-th Infantry Regiment Crypt") (II Tether *)
98th Infantry Regiment, Tartu, March (Tchaikovsky)
108th Saratov Regiment march

Alexander-March 1814, the French, on the melody from the ballet "Der bloede Ritter" (the author Duport), author of the march Persius.
Ataman His Imperial Highness Tsarevich Life Guards Regiment march (Grand Duchess Olga) (aka March 3rd Hussar Regiment Elisavetgrad)
Akhtyrsky Hussars, march
Attack infantry with command signals and shooting (Band 106 th Infantry, Ufa Regiment, cond. Borozdyuk)

Battle of Lyaolyanom, March (W. Efanov)
Baturinsky Infantry Regiment, march (G. Holevo)
Belarusian Hussars, march
Bogdan Khmelnitsky March (NV Lysenko)

In the camps, march
Check the battery for a position, march
Volyn Life Guards Regiment march (F. Haase *)
Forward to Japanese march (IB Polyankin )
Vilensky march (March on Vilna ")
In a campaign (with CD Russian military song. Regimental Band marches and 106 th Infantry Regiment, Ufa, cond. Borozdyuk)

Grodno Life-Guard Hussar Regiment march
Life-Guard Hussar Regiment march (aka March 1 Sumy Hussar and 14 th Hussar Mitavskogo regimental band was playing Sumy Hussar Regiment, cond. A. Marquardt)
Gatchina march (D. Bortniansky)
Guards march
Gvardeyskiy marsh (unknown)
Grenadier, march (Prussian?)
Hero, Go (Russian?)
St. George flag, march (VV Leysek)

Days of Our Lives, Go (II Chernetsky *) - may dorev. Marsh SA Chernetsky
Long live St. Petersburg ", March (F. von Blon)
Dragoon the Life Guards regiment march
Dragoon March (J. Strauss-Son)

Chasseur march (Prussia-Russia-Switzerland-Austria ???*) may times Suvorov)
Chasseur Life Guards Regiment march (1856, he named the Life Guards regiment Gatchina, but in 1871 he returned to the former name)

Izmailovsky Life Guards regimental march

Horse Grenadiers of the Life Guards regiment march (AM_I_024_Alter_Russischer_Marsch)
Kirasirsky His Majesty's Life Guards regiment march
Kirasirsky Her Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna of the Life Guards regiment march - AM I, 105 Hessischer Fahnen-Praesentier-Marsch von Landgraf Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt - written in 1681, the trio later
Kronstadt, march (Fr.) (G. Vettzh)
Cossack His Majesty's Life Guards Regiment march (Mendelssohn-Bartholdy)
Kexholmsky Austrian Emperor of the Life Guards regiment march (AN Titov)
Kexholmsky Emperor of Austria Life Guards regiment march - the other 3 versions
Prince Bagration, march (VV Leysek)
Prince Kutuzov, ceremonial march (VV Leysek)
Column March (VV Leysek)
Equestrian Shelf Life Guards march (Anton Derfeldt-father *)
Cavalry Her Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna of the Life Guards regiment march (F. Bualde * or A. Derfeldt-son)

Flying Horseman,
Litho march forward!, March (AP Fucik)
Pskov Life-Dragoon Regiment march - AM I, 105 Hessischer Fahnen-Praesentier-Marsch von Landgraf Ernst Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt - written in 1681, the trio later
Lithuania Life Guards Regiment march (FB Haase *)
Leipzig march Jäger Regiment in 1813

Moscow Life Guards Regiment march (Anton Derfeldt-father *)
Marsh from St. Petersburg (AM II, 113 Marsch aus Petersburg 1837) (E. Erickson)
Marsh Bariatinskii Prince (Fürst Bariatinsky Marsch), (J. Strauss-Son)
Marsh Siberian shooters (the valleys and hills)
Marsh Suvorov ( B. Furman)
Marsh St. Petersburg Metropolitan Police (G. Friderichsen)

Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment march

the Model Infantry Regiment, a march

Transfiguration of the Life Guards regiment march
Paris march 1815 (march to join Paris)
Hi musicians, march
Pawlowski Life Guards Regiment March
Pazhesky march
Farewell of Slav, march (VI Agapkin)
walking artillery Life Guards march
regimental parade (from CD Russian military song. regimental marches Orchestra of the Life Guards Grenadier Regiment)

joy of victory march (VF Becker)
Reserve Infantry Life Guards Regiment march (AM_I_024_Alter_Russischer_Marsch)
Russian volunteer navy march (AP Sinop alias Tchaikovsky)

Life Guards Sapper Battalion march
St. Petersburg Grenadier, King Friedrich Wilhelm III, the Life Guards regiment (AM I, 1a Praesentiermarsch, author of Friedrich Wilhelm III)
Semenovski Life Guards regiment march
Fast march № 5 (Anton Sokolov)
Fast march № 2
Skobelev, march (Skobelev Marsh or 6 soon (G. Reynbold *)
Old Russian March (Dor?)
Suvorov, march (Gurevich)
old march Chasseur Regiment
Holy War (I. Trushkovsky)
signal (?? Marches and songs of Russia)

Triumph winners
Totleben march, march
Homesickness, march (Trofimov, Trifonov, DM???)

Lancer Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of the Life Guards regiment march
Lancer His Majesty (the collection of A. Derfelda 1820-ies.) Of the Life Guards regiment march
Lancer His Majesty (the collection O.fon Freiman 1900). The Life Guards regiment march
Approved march of Russian Navy in 1857 goda.Nikolaevskogo port)

Finland Life Guards regiment march

ceremonial march (Doctrine 102nd Sumy Hussar Regiment)
Tsarevich Alexander, March 1853 (A. Leongardt, Austria)

Jubilee march Moscow 1812-1912 (N. Shmelev)

Signals, fights, Allure:
Army march signal

step at a gallop, the signal
Guards march signal
General march, the signal
Parcel to dawn, the signal
Parcel before the parade, a signal
agenda, under the banners of
signal, the signal
preliminary signal to attack Russian
sunset (for the USSR - Zarya AD Bortniansky)
signal collection, signal
Hey, signal

Historical records, unknown marches, music:
infantry attacks (With a command signal and shooting) (Band 106 th Infantry Regiment, Ufa, dir.Borozdyuk)
Cavalry signals (paces) (Band of the Life Guard Horse Regiment, дир. А. Ружек (сигналист - Климов, труба)
В поход(Оркестр 106-го Уфимского пехотного полка, дир. Бороздюк)
Походный марш(Оркестр лейб-гвардии Гренадерского полка)
regimental parade Lb. Guard Semenov regiment (some unknown marches)

+ marches from the AMS:
I, 6 Marsch von Anton Doerfeldt • ein Kavalleriemarsch • Marsch der Russischen-Regiments-Garde zu Pferde

I, 14 Marsch des Kexholmski Grenadier Regiments Kaiser von Oesterreich von Alexei Nikolajewitsch Titov

I, 16 Marsch des Leib-Garde Izmailowski Regiments

I, 18 march Arhangelogorodski Infantry Regiment, the regiment was in Militarbezirk Lithuania

I, 22 march of the Russian Life Guards artillery

I, 24 age Russian March by Christoph Willibald von Gluck

I, 30 March of the body- Guard Preobrazhensky regiment of Ferdinand Haase (не Хаазе!)

I 35 march to motives of the opera The Marriage of Figaro (11-го гренадерского Фанагорийского генералиссимуса князя Суворова полка)

I 37 march Wjatski Regiment

I, 38 in Paris river cruise (1814) Walch Johann Heinrich (Германия-Австрия-Россия)

I 41 Slow march Polozki Infantry Regiment (1807)

II, a quick march No. 1 by Anton Doerfeldt

II, 2 quick march No. 2 (March break) from Anton Doerfeldt

II, 3 quick march No. 5 by Anton Doerfeldt

II, 4 Russian march

II, 5 Russian march

II , 7 Russian march

II, 8 Russian march

II, 14 March of the Grenadier Regiment Siberian

II, 19 march of the Russian infantry regiment Kunig of Prussia Anton Doerfeldt

II, 22 quick march by Anton Doerfeldt

II, 23 March of the Grenadier Regiment of the Regt Fanagorijski . stand in Militarbezirk Smolensk

II, 25 march of the Russian infantry regiment Kunig of Prussia from Catterino Cavos

II, 28 Paris river cruise (1815)

II, 32 march of the Russian Reserve Artillery (1815) by Anton Doerfeldt

II, 41 Wiener (Alexander) March (1814) by Louis-Luc Loiseau de Persuis • composed 1812 in the ballet "The Knights blud" • known by the Vienna Congress (Caroussel) 1814/15 as

II, 59 March of the Life Guards regiment of Ferdinand Haase Volynsky

II, 62 March of the Life Guards regiment Semenovsky

II, 64 March of the Life Guards Izmailowski Regiment

II, 68 March from Warsaw by Ferdinand Haase

II, 72 March to motives of the opera The white lady

II, 85 march of the Russian Life Guards Jaeger Regiment

II, 86 march of the Russian Life Guards Sapeur Battalion

II, 93 March from Petersburg

II, 99 March of the Life Guards regiment of Ferdinand Haase Preobrazhensky • Trio in the song Lemberger (трио Гимн Львова "Боже, Царя храни!")

II, 108 march of the Russian infantry regiment Prince Carl of Prussia by job from Drew Live

II, 111 March of Life Guards Pavlovsky Regiment of Henry Sous man

II, 161 Alexander Marsch brought

II, 113 march from Petersburg (1837)

II, 183 march of the regiment of Sebastopol November 1862 by Prince Albert of Prussia (father) from the Caucasus

II, 209 Three Emperors march by Friedrich Wilhelm Voigt • the presence of the Emperor Franz Joseph I, Alexander III. and William I.

AM III, 25 body march of the sultan Mamuth II of Gaetano Donizetti (Марш Гвардейского экипажа)

III, 48 Parade march Grossfuerstin Olga of Russia • brought in 1845 by Prince Carl of Prussia in St. Petersburg

III, 49 quick march of the Russian Jaeger Regiment Fuerst of Warsaw, Graf-Paskevich Eriwanski of Prince Wilhelm of Prussia