Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome Letter For Out Of Town Guest Examples


Belated and old ...

Konrad was in a bad mood in the kitchen, absently sipping his morning coffee. " fucking nightmare " he muttered, as he was awakened from a terrible roar that night. He wanted to cool the forehead, but his freezer was on the other side. He also wanted to fill up his coffee-stock, but also the supermarket was unfortunately over. And these were only two reasons for his bad temper. His head ached, because he for the umpteenth time against the " wall " had run. He sighed and took his coffee and his bad temper to the living room, where he had to sleep the last four nights. The couch did not look very inviting, but still better than the bottom. He was aware that he had smelled, but his clothes over there. He ground his teeth and threw on the TV. Duration news on all channels, all with a single theme: The Wall and its consequences. Since was a tragedy happens again. With increasingly bad mood Konrad looked down at a slow-motion recording of an ICE train, which folded at the almost invisible wall like an accordion and, like a stone hits the water, shock waves raced through the wall. Konrad groaned again. How long would it take before the shock waves were here? The damn wall was running through his house. The waves might tear down so all his stall. The last gulp of coffee spilled in his throat. He grimaced. Stale brew. He had the same filter four times already brewed. He dragged back to his bad temper in the kitchen and saw her again in front of him. The Wall. Shimmering, like the air over cars in the blazing sun. Which also had watery, the thing. And yet it was damn adamant. Every day he had gone with his breakfast routine, however. Hard as steel and concrete but not fixed. But it needs a ICE, to get them off balance. Conrad went to the coffee maker, crack cursing the filter out and dumped all the coffee mud in the garbage that no one would pick up. The wall had it pretty much cut off from everything. From the half of his own house, the city, the highway and of course the damned Supermarket. Also from the accursed telephone network. He stared at the wall. He saw where they disintegrated and a piece of his roof where they had practiced on the same floor. His theory was that the wall was actually a disc that had its center in the Earth's core and divided the world into two halves. Actually, it did not care. He wanted this damn part really only be going on. Was not really his idea, but something like an egg-head from the television, which arrived thanks antenna still with him. He had to explain just sat in front of the telly and nodded and " Yes, tell 'but I " muttered, as people who have no idea, do it gladly. He climbed out the window in his smelly clothes and his bad temper in tow. He would try to slip away by car down the road. He felt like an underexposed Lama when he was on his garage under the monstrous wall that probably stretched to the sky, staring. A big metal things sticking out of the ruins of his car and the car shed around it. " FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF " , he did. A fucking wing was this looked like a Boeing. He saw the Road down. There lay the rest of the aircraft and reminded him of the accordion-ICE. Accordion Boeing. So not a dream. Boeing against wall. Wings in the garage. "-FFFFFFFFFFFFUCK! " ended, Konrad its curse. The plane was smoking even cursed. The situation was somewhat reassuring. If a plane sent out by the collision no fatal shock waves, then it probably is not the ICE. Presumably, the aircraft was too high up. The calming effect, however, faded against the burgeoning sense of Conrad's that up there must be a God who is to mankind in general and small homeowner had waived in particular. Konrad kicked the wing and against his Opel, which looked like a flattened ladybug. He kicked his garage, opposite his house, and against the wall. Then he dragged his bad temper a hundred yards down the street and also entered against Boeing. Then he climbed the aircraft, absolutely determined to miss the accordion-pilots also have a slipped off and went instead but still a little on the melted and cooled asphalt under an airplane. Just at that moment he heard a very familiar sound. He knew her from airports when planes landed. Cold Sweat broke out as he scans the sky and quickly find one. A second Boeing, Boeing tried a second accordion-in-waiting at an emergency landing. But it flew straight at the wall. Konrad could do nothing except cursing loudly zurückzuwetzen with his bad temper to his house. He was only twenty yards, when the Boeing struck with a loud crash and the screeching of metal in the wall and turned into a fireball. The walls shook. There were the shock waves. Konrad threw it out of the shoes when they arrived on the ground and broke the wall shaking the earth like a spoiled child, an unpalatable mush. His house could not withstand the. drowned out by the violence of the crash and the mice anger, it flew apart completely silent and overwhelmed with Konrad wood and small Zementbröckchen. Konrad picked herself up again, staggered over the undulation in the earth and came to meet his TV. He joined the unfaithful telly and was overturned by a recent concussion. The Boeing Roebert in about fifty yards past him and singed his hair. He screamed, rolled together, just wanted to wake up from this nightmare yet. The God of hatred for small home owners laughed and threw dirty Konrad another lump of cement to the head.

When he came to himself, Konrad was believed to have been knocked out for hours. A quick glance at the clock it was clear that there were more minutes. Reluctantly, he looked around. He was in his house. Similarly, the forest was in a kilometer away at his home, he painted himself. Now here were already two accordion-Boeing. His stomach sank him down. All the passengers. " shit ..." , he could only whisper. His legs were wobbly. He had blood in his eye, but he is not wiped away. He has looked at the torn earth, the wound of his home planet, the attacks on so horribly, was from whom. What could now break even? As if on cue itself known to the power pole that had been taken from the right wing and snapped off the last plane with metallic tubes. Konrad threw up noisily on the floor zerpflügten while the mast struck the wall. A cable fell into the shimmering monstrosity and provoked them to revolt again. Again, a shock wave went through the wall.

After Konrad dug himself and his bad temper free had, he stared at the wall. As had done something that he had in the four days not seen before. She had opened a little. There clearly was a hole, the air distorted trappings and particularly the light most curved. He thought now after not more. Everything in his head screamed now " supermarket " and he ran on jelly legs through the hole. Later he would television. An egghead would explain that the wall is sensitive to large currents react and he would nod and say: " Say ' But I . " There he stood beyond the wall. Loved the city. It looked like he had it in mind. Only sharp again. They seemed almost unreal, so used, he had in the four days of the distorted image. But still it was here. There it was suddenly before him. He felt the trailer for Transformers recalls, for about as cluttered and ridiculous over mechanized had the machine that stood between him and his supermarket. Looked like plastic. Conrad died in a bad mood and made fear and curiosity about space. " it you? " he asked with a trembling voice as he pointed to the wall. The engine roared, and then said something: " No, shit damn. No, I was not. Hear now finally on to make me responsible for manure. Where the hell come from? Are you here her gone? "

" The aliens have ' anomaly ' , as they call them, analyzed, and no solution for the problem found. " snarled, the newscaster, " The current sensitivity of wall was used to transport routes to reopen. The ground-and sea transport is still limited extent, but flights are at present no problem. The aliens have also this morning at 9 clock all the people who had evacuated from areas near the wall are transported back to their old homes. You are now in treatment by more than 100,000 psychologists from around the world. The effects of the wall on the climate is not always accurate explored and so are not reliable weather forecasts possible.

The American president has now linked by 15 clock as the third head of state diplomatic relations with the visitors from outer space. Again, however, the Kausianer said very clearly that the exchange of technology is not allowed. " Konrad nodded with a smile on your face. " Have I told you. " he said.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bow And Arrow Balloon Old Game

Celestial Light

I could not just leave well enough alone.

They lead me down the hallway. Mint-green. I know that I am sick, but the walls here make me feel like it too. They take me to a door, one of many, at least 10 in this corridor alone. The tall man with the patient smile and the clean, white clothes unlocks it. He has a whole lot of keys there. I smile at the bright colours but only shortly because the green reminds me of my problems. I wasn't even aware I had problems until this morning.
Behind the door is a white room. I smile again. White, not sickly-green, and such a radiant white, at that. "What a pleasant colour-scheme.", I remark. The tall man smiles at me like I tend to smile at my mother. She is a bit confused. Old age tends to do that to you, I guess. I hope she isn't worrying too much. The tall man also nods and replies: "We renovated the whole wing just three weeks ago. Please don't make us do that all over again." He laughs. I laugh. "Don't worry. I like white.", I say. He gives me a pat on my back and leaves the room. "Dinner at 7. Don't forget it.", he says before closing th door behind him.
I feel welcome here. Smiling I sit down on the white bed and look at the white walls. Such a pure white... I have no window but a neon-lamp provides white light. It's so nice. So nice.

Three days later and I'm worried. The doctor said I seem to be doing ok so far, but we'd have to see how it develops over time. I haven't told him about the white. I prefer the green in the corridors now. But I'm not allowed to sleep in the corridors, so I'm confined to my room at night. I don't dare to switch off the lights, because in the darkness, the void looms. So I sit in my bed and stare at the walls, the obscenely white walls.
I fell prey to one of the oldest fallacies known to man. I saw the white as the opposite of black, the opposite of the void must be good, right? False. Lies. Fallacy.
Your enemy's enemy is, after all just your enemy's enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. And the white burns the remnants of my sanity.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

What Happens When You Go Off Resperidone

Dream of the Void

Short and kinda pointless, but eh.

This is not good. Things have changed since yesterday. My breakfast showed me, oddly enough. Yesterday everything was normal, as far as I can tell. I went to work as usual, had lunch, returned home after work, had dinner, watched a good movie and went to bed. That's when it started, I guess, but frankly I can't be sure. How could I be sure? Makes sense though, in a way.
I had a dream. That's it. A scary one. A nightmare, you could say. I was in this dark void. That sounds weird, I guess. Let me put it this way: Imagine you're standing in the countryside under a starlit sky. Now imagine, there is no grass, no soil, no trees, no horizon at the edge. Imagine, there is no planet earth. Imagine there is no moon and imagine that there are no stars, no galaxies, no astral lights at all. Now what is left with everything visible gone? I'll tell you: What's left is what really counts. The void. The black space between the stars that stares down at us and never really matters to us, because we're distracted by all the lights and the planet under our feet. The void is always there. And... believe it or not, it's bigger than all the distracting stuff combined.
That is what I saw in my dream and it scared me.
Now I'm having breakfast and I know that this dream will not leave me for a while. I sit there, shivering. I looked into my cup. I never drink my coffee with milk or sugar. That kind of stuff messes up the taste for me. I prefer it black or used to at least, because now I'm changing my mind. I looked into the cup and saw the black liquid. The darkness, the void, handy in a coffee mug. For a few seconds I was sure I was looking at the void for aeons. Now I'm shivering. Even though my legs are covered in boiling coffee. And my favourite cup is in pieces.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stomach Flu And Red Rash

[Return] Chapter 04 Rack, dog and man

The master meaning an end to Wolf, he might come along. Without a word he gave Wolf a small matter in hand and lit him on the steep wooden stairs to the balcony where a dog waiting for her.


The mountain dog ran to them, then he stood still on the master. There were two cash points above his eyes. Waiting here with biscuit. The Master said, then he just disappeared.


Wolf burned to the dog. The mountain dog looked very smart and sensitive, even clever.

"What do we look for?"

biscuit yelped softly.

Then he falls something a. The thing in his hand. He opened his teeth and saw a gray figure one lay there. A tooth of a predator, a cat, wahrscheinlich.Wolf has no idea who was its owner.

He set on the ground. Everything is strangely still. Since he was already asleep.

---- woke up a song for him.

Wolf sat up and froze in terror.

It was already dark. There was a mixture of five aircraft and spacecraft taxi drive from his eyes. Three men and their motion block it, and her song was so horrible and funny girlish gei that a zombie would run away from them.

"Who are you? "Wolf asked concern.

"The thing you're missing now." The driver entgegnte seriously. But it could not agree with the others.

"---- What? You do not know, baby? "The man said vernüngend pillory with clothing.

"---- We go to a concert, "the man ergränzte lively with green clothes," We are in fact the most favorite singer! "

"---- But we are prosecuted for this altmodernen taxi drivers and its boring. " The man with purple-colored clothing complained.

"---- then supported aud from an alien planet. "

"---- Where an elegant princess is also tracked and murder is threatened."

"---- If their BH has forgotten, and used on this their minister bra. "

"---- Then we travel together."

"---- silly! Do not run away, go away, but "

"---- fool! That is to flee. "

"---- Exactly. Escape, with a time machine. "

"---- Except me. Only four of you. "Lila said, shrugging color, the other nodded simultaneously.

"---- Exactly. Then we flee eitaltern by many "

"---- And there experience."

"Absurd And did." The driver whispered boldly.

"---- But eventually marry you and the princess. "

" Finally. "

"---- Yes. At the end of our journey. "

"---- And we are even more popular than before. "

"---- and happy life together forever."

They stopped. Anyone who inkluziv driver stared at Wolf, who was quite stunned and did not know what to say. Finally he asked anxiously,

"---- And? "

"---- And we pass by and give you this" Suddenly, the orange man is old and serious. He gave Wolf a chat a little thing.

A chocolate. He saw himself.

"A Astarlavista, Baby!" Three M Software Foundation sang cheerfully. Their strange taxi disappeared to. All was quiet again. Quiet and dark.

What have I seen.
Suddenly a strong wind swept here. The mountain dog howled with him. A large green plain was of Wolf's eyes. Then, at no time to react, he heard the sound. The sound of the horn of the knight through the whole level. As well known as brave and difficult.

It will soon be dark. But stars always flicker. The hope never goes out. No day.

Wolf has heard of this message, first from his teacher, jeztz of this sound.

He filled some liquid Thing fell on his hand, wet the tooth. This is his own tears. Salt water.

"What did you see." The Master asked sanftig.

"My teacher's home country."

Certainly. The teacher has learned what he read and write, a night in a small boat his home has told. After his description there was a country of everything beautiful in summer, when flowers with golden and gorgeous white flowers. Wolf had raved about it wistfully, as he was a little kid. Before he left the coast, the wind and wave of the gray sea saw.

"How do you do that? Where are these men? "He whispered, musing.

The Master did not answer him, he said, "Let's go into the house. Wolf. You got chocolate? Very good. "

Monday, November 16, 2009

Inspection Sticker Expired How Do Police Detect

:: X-mas escape krakow 2009::

antifascist cuddle presents:
:: x-mas escape krakow 2009::

who until now still asks with gray, where he / she will spend the Christmas holidays
- of 24 - 26.12. place in krakow
the first 'x-mas escape' - instead of demanding to meet with anti-Fascist
. all actions intended to achieve the purpose of a relaxing
meeting of Polish and German anti-fascists.

during the 3 days is the possibility of German / English
guided tour through the former Jewish ghetto and the Podgorze
socialist model city of Nowa Huta. On request we can also
an excursion to the nearby Auschwitz / Birkenau take
the lodging takes place in the 'Travellers Inn Hostel' krakow (
the award for the 3 nights including breakfast, internet,
be borrowed bike hostel, VoKü and 'off-track walking tour'
is 25 €.
the journey is individual and can now in a very short time
be overcome, as the highway from krakow now
is continuously connected to the A4 motorway in Germany.
we hope to see ...
interest in reports of you

Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Warsaw. Hundreds march against Nazi anti-fascists and police terror

As announced at about 2 weeks ago de.indymedia, took place on 11
November in Warsaw, a Nazi rally instead. However, anti-fascist
not without strong resistance.
to the notified route to the Nazi anti-fascist rally
have attended about 400 people. This is not a little when one considers that it
was very cold and was raining heavily. The rally was about to
the half distance of the Nazi march on ulica Swietokrzyska so
about 2km from the kick-off rally. But already about 500m from the Nazi meeting place, on the
ulica Senatorska, ca.120-150 militant anti-fascists have blocked the whole road
. The blockade was immediately attacked by police, was
but at least 15 minutes on hold. There were some violent clashes
. The police went to the Antifas
wrong with truncheons and tear gas
. On this block, 8 anti-fascists arrested.
During the conflict is then the information came through that the Nazi
march in another direction had to be diverted. Antifas
from the "ulica
Senatorska blockade" and "ulica Swietokrzyska rally"
tried to reorganize themselves spontaneously and is further coordinated actions to

turn lay the new Nazi-route.
It was not easy, as the police chased across the center
Antifas. In a number of parks, roads and intersections have occurred
clashes between anti-fascists and cops. At various places
2 more people were arrested. Nevertheless, it has succeeded
another short block to the ulica Nowy Swiat, build in front of the front-Nazi
Transpi. This was dissolved by Cos, uniformed cops and some
Nazis together. Here also a
other person was arrested.
Furthermore, it was a huge anti-fascist Transpi on the Nazi route
hang out in one house. Just before the Nazi final rally
the Antifas have reported back again, but were brutally
of bulls, mainly Zivis attacked. 3 other people
were arrested.

attempt a summary

The Nazis marched

400-500 Nazis from several Polish cities.
their announcements in the run, because of national breakthrough and so were pure propaganda
rubbish. Nevertheless, they were quite numerous, loud and
strong, and it is internally managed by Warsaw to march next to the ruins of the Jewish ghettos

Anti-Fascist Resistance

The actions have taken part in anti-fascists from all over Poland, 300-350
have prepared for direct action and blockades and
performed, a further 400 took part in the rally declared. There were two
blockades and several small actions. Additionally
complain that the Nazis were attacked at least 30-40 of them, before and after the parade
Antifas 14 were arrested, 7 of which declared innocent
. The remaining seven are accused of "active attack on
police officers." This
but were released after about 30-40 hours of first release. Polish Antifa
groups a positive balance due to the success
decentralized actions and because the Nazis change their route, but had
also because of good communication and strong solidarity among the
anti-fascists from all the country, the acts so far very rarely together
However, it is the same time stresses that prevent the deployment complete
could have been, if a few hundred people would have more actively participated
But actually already on site all the existing anti-fascist groups
were present, which means to be stepped up to that following the Nazi marches
anti-fascist movement and / or previously
a cross-border cooperation should be strengthened. At the Warsaw
actions also about 10 anti-fascists from Berlin participated.


made great efforts to intimidate and obstruct Antifas
before they were able to come even close to the Nazis. On the
Bull guards have several police officers voiced racist,
some even compared to the
Antifas, mentioned that they had used them in
Nazi organizations active
and still sympathize with them.

anti-repression work

All those arrested are first released. There are, however, follow processes.
The anti-repression work out very aggressively and professionally.
It can happen, however, that international financial support will be needed
. It will mainly go to legal fees.
Stay alert to the anti-fascist messages from Warsaw
and be in solidarity.

Bolek, Tola and Lolek ... remain forever Antifa

anarchist media

commercial media
- Hide quoted text -, 1628229,0,1, anarchisci-swietowali-_-pobili-it-z-w Warszawie Policja, wiadomosc.html,80273,7243559,Ruszyl_pochod_ONR___Precz_z_brukselska_okupacja_.html,1628204,0,,starcie_z_anarchistami_policja_uzyla_gazu,wiadomosc.html,1628212,0,1,warszawa-bombowe-zamieszanie,wiadomosc.html,95190,7243559,Pochod_narodowcow__znow_starcia_z_anarchistami.html,95192,7250239,Antyfaszysci__to_sa_represje.html

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do You Have To Have A Boat Licence For A Canoae

[Return] Chapter 03 ears

When I was six years old, no longer see me," said the champion. I have lost the property without cause. It just paasiert. Then every day I spent at home doing nothing. I was bored to death. My mother told me stories of B ü Chern every night. I have good memories and never forget that story. When my hectic life ELTENS went, did not have time and energy to take care of my history k ü , I told them stories.

Pointless and worthless. Likely, you might

The master beating his head.

children never despair.

One day, began B ü Cher, to talk to me. I found out when I touch the mud of a book, I can hear his story. More specifically, it is singing his own history and even the history of its owner. My mother told that story to be told. If the demand is not erf ü be filled, w ü Earths B ü tell Cher herself.

the time I was just a listener. Many children wanted to play with me, even some big people wanted to talk to me. My father told me that I should decide to teachers. But I do not like it.

A smile danced on his lips.

What are missing the big people are not a teacher to tell all but a few ears.

On this reason I have chosen a different profession.

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[Return] Chapter 02 The Master and the mill

"There ü not at all immortal existence. This is a gift. "The Master of the M ü klopte select the table. Protested r not. Anyway he was not he himself, he was already dead, right? Silence did not cost anything.

The man was holding a candle in his hand. He looked at him in silence, then stuck out his chin and said, "I am the master of the storyteller. You can stay with me and hear everything I need one. You like it? "

" I do, "he heard his answer. His voice sounded strange when she was not even him.

"And what shall I tell you? The story-or anything else? "Asked the master.

"The other also." He said.

The man smiled, then they throw up their hands.

said "Welcome to ü ck ', the master," Wolf Larsen. "

Why "back"?

The Wolf did not, but he did not ask.

How Long For Conviction To Show

[Return] Chapter 01 Death Wolf

It was in the period between the autumn and winter. He was half a body's death on the stand at that time. He was a captain, one of the strongest cooling sea lions with blood. He had Booked a chimney, which had been the most dangerous mind. But then he had already lost everything, aud the sand dominant, not his books, his enemies, his so-called friend or a toy, who had built up.

He had many dreams. Most of them had his operation unit. It looks, he thought, as my life is finally ganes to end. Then I'll probably understand what is immortal.

Or what is inevitable. He thought.

The dark red sky was dark. The sun went down.


happened a month.

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About About

The story I named [return] (- means the road lead to home, a way to return) should be a fanfic of Jack London's Seawolf, or, a fanfic of its German film, The Sea Wolf. That time I intent to write this down, for I did enjoy the first part of the film, and its second part sucks. I did expect a kind of end like it in Wolfsblut. In some part of my twist mind, Wolf Larsen and Wolfsblut  share the same soul.

So I began. And the story itself changed as I wrote. I spent 24 weeks in Germany, last year, and the things made me were packed into this story, too. When I wrote it, I use Der kleine Prinz as the skelet for the chapter 1 and Krabat for  the next chapter,usw. usw. At last it turned to be a original story whose main character named Wolf Larsen, no longer a fanfic. And it is dear to me now, although  my German is poor, for without it, I am less than I was.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Topless Ngland Tropical Fish Stores

return here, about me

First, if you can read Chinese, please go there . For I am not a native writer and Chinese is my mother tongue. And most of my stuff- I want it to be see, or not, is in there. So, if you are a Chinese as me, and, if you have same interest with me, come on in. There will be a surprise. A good one.

Then~~~Let me see, now we are here.
Chinese is my mother language. English is my inner life. Well. Though most of time I am only glooming in others fanfictions. First time I wrote down something, is in the beginning of this year, in China, which seems now a life time ago. And I try very hard not to count the days -- whatever. When I write stuff, most of time, there's no intend to  tell a story ,but to warm myself in bed, to make a kind of Pj like Yeats said, for me , or even, for my friends, and for those more-than-friend. Most stories I' ve already write (or plot, to be a precise word), is about Skygazer and Ranger , and fanfics of HP Snape/Black-- they are locked and private, for I write it only for one of my friend, and  a strange story named Rueckkehr, in German. So if you are interest in them, come and enjoy.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mount % Blade Trainer Version 1003

Help needed for anarchist Rafal Gorski!

Rafal Gorski; writer, anarchist, member of Anarchist Federation, based
in Krakow, Poland has been fighting cancer for years. Now, his life is
in danger again - cancer attacked his backbone. He's in hospital and
awaits his next surgery for which he has to go to the Netherlands. The
biggest cost, which neither he or we can't cover ourselves is his
transport (hes not able to move), the treatment will be nearly fully
refunded. We're attempting to cover the transportation cost of 2,500 euros, that's
our call for solidarity and support for our comrade and a prolific
anarchist writer. Time is Crucial in here and hope to have the money gathered by
next week as he could be transported on the 16th of September
. Contact us at

If you think you can support Raphael please donate his treatment:

PL57 1020 2906 0000 1002 0138 1219
BIC / Swift code: BPKOPLPW
Jakub Rudnicki
Street. Komorowski 8 / 5
30 - 106 Krakow
Pleasie write: "Help for Rafael"

With solidarity, Anarchist Federation
- Krakow branch sind wir zumindest

Monday, August 17, 2009

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Aston Villa in the new season of the Premier League

Aston Villa from the English city of Birmingham was a long time in the 2008/2009 season, the surprise team of the English Premier League. They not only played great attacking football, but also mixed the Top Four on properly, so that their Champions League places long time had to tremble. However, weakened by injuries, barriers and the fatigue made it this English tradition of association at the end after all, still on the 6th Place - a place of this, above all, coach Martin O'Neill not enough.

The aim of the association founded in 1874 is in fact simply the last step to the big four to make, which is why the players did not receive any shares and stayed together the team. In particular, the England international Agbonlohar and Young provide in attack that all Birmingham again dreams of a title, because, with early 20 these players have predicted very good years. This was also the credo of the association under the Doug Ellis Besizter, but the club two years ago was sold to the U.S. American Randy Lerner, who has since invested heavily in the team, and is thus not only to their own youth, but also stars. Moreover, the 43,000-seat Villa Park this week to leave because plans for a new, modern arena to be implemented promptly in order to continue the glorious past can. In this and certain Aston Villa dominated the English football namely. A total of seven times could while the championship and the FA Cup will be retrieved - the title is taken quite possibly in the coming season in attack, although the sports betting provider Aston Villa is not among the favorites in the domestic Berweben.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

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The success of FC Bayern Munich

with since the 2005 season from German club Bayern Munich play their home games in the new stadium Allianz Arena. But even though it still left its popular home winning titles has not suffered. A total of 21 championships and can also still 14 Cup victories at the national level, Bayern Munich now write on the letter head, which they each make to the German record champions and master of it. This also means that the clubs founded in 1900 and now sets out, by far the eternal table Bundesliga . But although Bavaria is now very successful still, the weddings of the team were quite clear in the 70's than you 74-76 times in a row to win the former Landesmeistercup. From this team were born and stars like Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Muller and Sepp Maier. But the next season under the new Dutch Coach Louis van Gaal will be a very special, because you want more this time than the quarter-finals of the Champions League and second in the championship. Therefore, many transfers are made, which produced also the record transfer of Bayern Mario Gomez for 30 million €. Important, however, the makers to Hoeness is always that not only the sporting success is in the foreground but also the human side is not neglected. Therefore, the FC Bayern Munich has also been a private club donations, which invests the money collected in Asia and Africa on projects that the local youth to Good . Come One may be curious about the new season, and above all also for performances of Ribery hope, as the Bavarians have not succumbed to the advertising of Real Madrid in this Personnel.

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Bundesliga opener - the battle for the league

The countdown is on - in a few days back the ball rolling. The preparation games give an insight into the performance of the national league, opening up the speculation for championship and relegation. Is it as exciting as the last season? While the plans seem largely complete, but the transfer market to 31 August open, so that even the odd surprise can be purchased. Seems clear that the 3 climbers - are among the most frequently mentioned relegation candidates - all with Premier League experience.

The club from Nuremberg hopes to coach Michael Oenning not only a brilliant season by Marek Mintal, but has also recalled its European champions Greece Charisteas from Bayer Leverkusen and from the midfielder Thomas Broich first FC Cologne increased its offensive. The Cologne even do this season, thanks to the return of 'Prince Poldi', nothing to do with the descent have. As the Nuremberg have and Mainz and Freiburg Bundesliga newcomers sit on the bench. Jörn Andersen Filip Trojan St. Pauli and Ivanschitz, on loan from Panathinaikos, but new creative for the Mainz midfield, but had on the other side with Feulner, New Town and Demirtas can also draw good players. Freiburg also has landed a coup Makiadi the reigning champions, in addition to increased Du-Ri Cha and Swiss Bastians the offensive midfield. Whether it succeeds Michael Skibbe, the fans of the "capricious diva" from Frankfurt to avoid relegation this season, the fear, and Michael Frontzeck the league with Gladbach without the service providers Baumjohann, who moved to Munich and Marin, who signed a contract at Werder, creates?

Also Hannover and Bochum hope on 8 May 2010 not to belong to the 3 teams that find themselves in places 15 to 18. The various
Betting providers have chosen any case all three clear favorites for relegation to the second division - namely, Bochum, Freiburg Gladbach and climbers. ..

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Farewell of Slav

Based on an article in Wikipedia.

Farewell of Slav - Russian patriotic march composer and conductor Vasily Ivanovic Agapkina. Marsh was written Agapkina influenced the First Balkan War (1912-1913). It was first performed in autumn 1912 in Tambov.

Submit march combines the life-giving hope for the future victory, and awareness of the bitterness of imminent loss of future battles. The title of the march reflected one of the hardest tests, which confer all of the war on women - to accompany their men to war and believe in their return.

Because Kiev record labels "Ekstrafon" the summer of 1915 released a gramophone record of this march, he quickly gained fame and popularity [citation needed] in Russia. Under the music went on the shelf fronts of the First World War. Very quickly, the melody of the march, and received worldwide fame: it began to carry out military bands Bulgaria, Germany, [citation needed], Austria, Norway, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Yugoslavia and other countries.

Marsh "Farewell of Slav" remains popular and after the October Revolution of 1917, especially in the white camp. During the First World War to the music of the march was composed by volunteering song ("auxiliary You nurtured us and ... "), which reached us in its original form and in two alterations of the Civil War: the song of student battalion in the Volunteer Army and "the Siberian March - a march of the Siberian people's army, then the army of Kolchak

The parade, held on Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941, consolidated military band conducted exactly Vasily Agapkin. Sounded a march "Farewell of Slav" during the parade - a moot point. Orchestra musicians are consolidated at the meetings with the cadets of the Military Department of the conductor insisted that the march sounded. Budyonny also claimed in his memoirs that the march was performed. The book Sokolova "Farewell of Slav" (Moscow, Soviet Composer, 1987) the author mentions the march in the parade - "... One thought took the whole thing. It is necessary to bring the sounds of music to a depth of soldier's heart that would support the force of fighters, the hour is a fair retribution. Combined orchestra played "Farewell of Slav." Patriotic Melody the march was in harmony with the thoughts and feelings of soldiers, and each took away from Red Square in memory of her high spiritual order, inspiring rush ... Neat rows were soldiers.. " Next comes a description of the famous stories of primerzshimi feet, which was used in many articles about Vasily Ivanovich. When scoring famous movie about the parade in 1941 march was not used, although it is worth noting that for the installation have been taken many pre-revolutionary marches.

Marsh was not prohibited in the USSR, it is mentioned in the book directional "Service-drill repertoire for orchestras in the Red Army" SA Chernetsky, released in 1945. It is interesting that in describing march collectors composer, Major-General SA Chernetsky criticizes march for primitivism, mean harmony "as a typical pre-revolutionary march." Of the early music collection can be noted in 1953 "Popular Marches for an amateur orchestra (Moscow, Muzgiz, 1953) and transcriptions for the bayan in the collections of vintage popular marches of 1955 and 1959 (Moscow, Muzgiz, 1955 - 1959). These collections can be viewed in the online catalog of the Russian State Library. Late March ubiquitous.

These data are destroying the popular myth about the alleged total ban on the march in the Soviet Union ban on executions in the Great Patriotic War, and finally the myth that the first time in the Soviet Union march sounded in the movie Michael Kalatozov 1957 "The Cranes Are Flying." Many skeptics wrong appeal that during their youth they are the march had never heard of. In an argument he can give an example of at least two very popular earlier marches Leninsky call "and" Tosca to the Motherland "which are now not be heard. The fact is that the ascent to Olympus march "Farewell of Slav" was launched after the war. Even if the prevalence of lyrics to the tune of the march during the Civil War in Russia, it is by no means proves its immense popularity, there is no mention of the use, recording on gramophone records, music publishing this march as a symbol of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union abroad at the time. It is worth noting that in the 20-50's were a very fruitful for military and musical culture. Forced withdrawal from the traditions of pre-revolutionary marches, search for new possibilities of musical expression, the development of national music helped the birth of new marches. At this time included such composers as SA Chernetsky - rightly regarded as the patriarch of military music, NI Ivanov, Radkevich, A. Chait, M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, N. Chernberdzhi, S. Vasilenko, V. Runow, GM Kalinkovich, M. Cussy, D. Peppers, I. Petrov, ML Starokadomskii, BA Diev for military bands have written music such parameters as N. Myaskovsky, Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev and IO Dunaevskij.

Among the earliest records, perhaps Record Orchestra under the direction IV Petrova, 1944, she was released on the American plate, "Cavalry Marches and music performed by orchestras of Moscow» («Colosseum», New York, USA, 1954) and on the record Aprelevka Plant 1944 (AP12334/12335 1944). Perhaps the artist is the orchestra of the Military Political Academy. Lenin led JV Petrov from 1941 to 1944. Presumably there is a record of the author, the date of its creation has not yet been set. Of course it is possible that this is not a record of the Basil Agapkina, but it is different nuances and touches on the work conducted by IV Petrova. On stylistic grounds can be very likely to say what is the record of large Soviet orchestra 30 - 50's. years. If we take into account a large part of the orchestra, it could be an exemplary orchestra MGB which Agapkin headed from 1947 to 1955.

Later, a march was repeatedly recorded by various Soviet orchestras. From "standard" entries of the march we can note some works 60-70's first individual Orchestra of USSR Ministry of Defense under the direction of N. Nazarov, A. Maltsev, N. Sergeeva and work Orchestra Headquarters of Leningrad Military District under the leadership of NF Uschapovskogo 1995. Marsh recorded by other orchestras, such as the Exemplary Orchestra of the Honor Guard, the Admiralty LVMB Orchestra, Orchestra of Staff Transcaucasian BO and many others. Entries foreign orchestras Orchestra presents the PLA of China, American United States Marine Band, Stabsmusikkorps der Grenztruppen GDR Austrian orchestra Militaermusik Kaernten and others.

to the tune of the march, many poets (eg Fedotov, VA Maksimov, V. Lazarev) wrote poetry. "Farewell of Slav" with the text to the words of Roman Shlezaka called «Rozszumiały się wierzby płaczące» (Rasshumelis willows weeping) was in Poland during the Second World War 1939-45 anthem of the main guerrilla flow - the Home Army.

Today, the sounds of the march passenger ships on the Volga are sent to the flight and sent the train company "Russia" from Vladivostok to Moscow, corporate train "Kama" from Perm to Moscow, corporate train "Vyatka" from Kirov to Moscow, corporate train Italmas "in Izhevsk, a corporate train from Belgorod to Moscow. The march accompanies the shipment of international trains at the border station Zabaikalsk Chita region (superior train Beijing-Moscow) superior train Nikolai Konar from Kharkov to Moscow, corporate train "Sura" (Penza-Moscow), superior train Voronezh and Moscow.

Marsh is a hymn Tambov region.

known that the working title of the film "72 meters" was "Farewell of Slav."

in Poland in 1937 to the tune of the march was written song «Rozszumiały się brzozy placzące »(« Rasshumelis weeping birch tree ") in 1942 or 1943 on the basis of these words, in turn, emerged guerrilla song« Rozszumiały się wierzby placzące »(« Rasshumelis weeping willows), won enormous popularity and became the anthem of the Polish Home Army ..